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Netta thought, She is so silly. How can he respond? The girl’s dimples and freckles and soft little hands were nothing Netta could have ever described: She had never in her life thought a word like “pretty.” People were beautiful or they were not. Her happiness had always been great enough to allow for despair. She knew that some people thought Jack was happy and she was not.

“And what made you marry your young cousin?” the old man boomed at Netta. Perhaps his background allowed him to ask impertinent questions; he must have been doing so nearly forever. He stroked his cat; he was confident. He was spokesman for a roomful of wondering people.

“Jack was a moody child and I promised his mother I would look after him,” said Netta. In her hopelessly un-English way she believed she had said something funny.

At eleven o’clock the hotel car expected to fetch the Rosses was nowhere. They trudged home by moonlight. For the last hour of the evening Jack had been skewered on virile conversations, first with Iris, then with Sandra, to whom Netta had already given “Chippendale” as a private name. It proved that Iris was right about concentrating on men and their ticking — Jack even thought Sandra rather pretty.

“Prettier than me?” said Netta, without the faintest idea what she meant, but aware she had said something stupid.

“Not so attractive,” said Jack. His slight limp returned straight out of childhood. She had caused his accident.

“But she’s not always clear,” said Netta. “Mitten Todd, for example.”

“Who’re you talking about?”

“Who are you?”

“Iris, of course.”

As if they had suddenly quarreled they fell silent. In silence they entered their room and prepared for bed. Jack poured a whiskey, walked on the clothes he had dropped, carried his drink to the bathroom. Through the half-shut door he called suddenly, “Why did you say that asinine thing about promising to look after me?”

“It seemed so unlikely, I thought they’d laugh.” She had a glimpse of herself in the mirrors picking up his shed clothes.

He said, “Well, is it true?”

She was quiet for such a long time that he came to see if she was still in the room. She said, “No, your mother never said that or anything like it.”

“We shouldn’t have gone to Roquebrune,” said Jack. “I think those bloody people are going to be a nuisance. Iris wants her father to stay here, with the cat, while she goes to England for a month. How do we get out of that?”

“By saying no.”

“I’m rotten at no.”

“I told you not to be too pally with women,” she said, as a joke again, but jokes were her way of having floods of tears.

Before this had a chance to heal, Iris’s father moved in, bringing his cat in a basket. He looked at his room and said, “Medium large.” He looked at his bed and said, “Reasonably long.” He was, in short, daft about measurements. When he took books out of the reading room, he was apt to return them with “This volume contains about 70,000 words” written inside the back cover.

Netta had not wanted Iris’s father, but Jack had said yes to it. She had not wanted the sick cat, but Jack had said yes to that too. The old man, who was lost without Iris, lived for his meals. He would appear at the shut doors of the dining room an hour too early, waiting for the menu to be typed and posted. In a voice that matched Iris’s for carrying power, he read aloud, alone: “Consommé. Good Lord, again? Is there a choice between the fish and the cutlet? I can’t possibly eat all of that. A bit of salad and a boiled egg. That’s all I could possibly want.” That was rubbish, because Mr. Cordier ate the menu and more, and if there were two puddings, or a pudding and ice cream, he ate both and asked for pastry, fruit, and cheese to follow. One day, after Dr. Blackley had attended him for faintness, Netta passed a message on to Iris, who had been back from England for a fortnight now but seemed in no hurry to take her father away.

“Keith Blackley thinks your father should go on a diet.”

“He can’t,” said Iris. “Our other doctor says dieting causes cancer.”

“You can’t have heard that properly,” Netta said.

“It is like those silly people who smoke to keep their figures,” said Iris. “Dieting.”

“Blackley hasn’t said he should smoke, just that he should eat less of everything.”

“My father has never smoked in his life,” Iris cried. “As for his diet, I weighed his food out for years. He’s not here forever. I’ll take him back as soon as he’s had enough of hotels.”

He stayed for a long time, and the cat did too, and a nuisance they both were to the servants. When the cat was too ailing to walk, the old man carried it to a path behind the tennis courts and put it down on the gravel to die. Netta came out with the old man’s tea on a tray (not done for everyone, but having him out of the way was a relief) and she saw the cat lying on its side, eyes wide, as if profoundly thinking. She saw unlicked dirt on its coat and ants exploring its paws. The old man sat in a garden chair, wearing a panama hat, his hands clasped on a stick. He called, “Oh, Netta, take her away. I am too old to watch anything die. I know what she’ll do,” he said, indifferently, his voice falling as she came near. “Oh, I know that. Turn on her back and give a shriek. I’ve heard it often.”

Netta disburdened her tray onto a garden table and pulled the tray cloth under the cat. She was angered at the haste and indecency of the ants. “It would be polite to leave her,” she said. “She doesn’t want to be watched.”

“I always sit here,” said the old man.

Jack, making for the courts with Chippendale, looked as if the sight of the two conversing amused him. Then he understood and scooped up the cat and tray cloth and went away with the cat over his shoulder. He laid it in the shade of a Judas tree, and within an hour it was dead. Iris’s father said, “I’ve got no one to talk to here. That’s my trouble. That shroud was too small for my poor Polly. Ask my daughter to fetch me.”

Jack’s mother said that night, “I’m sure you wish that I had a devoted daughter to take me away too.” Because of the attention given the cat she seemed to feel she had not been nuisance enough. She had taken to saying, “My leg is dying before I am,” and imploring Jack to preserve her leg, should it be amputated, and make certain it was buried with her. She wanted Jack to be close by at nearly any hour now, so that she could lean on him. After sitting for hours at bridge she had trouble climbing two flights of stairs; nothing would induce her to use the lift.

“Nothing ever came of your music,” she would say, leaning on him. “Of course, you have a wife to distract you now. I needed a daughter. Every woman does.” Netta managed to trap her alone, and forced her to sit while she stood over her. Netta said, “Look, Aunt Vera, I forbid you, I absolutely forbid you, do you hear, to make a nurse of Jack, and I shall strangle you with my own hands if you go on saying nothing came of his music. You are not to say it in my hearing or out of it. Is that plain?”

Jack’s mother got up to her room without assistance. About an hour later the gardener found her on a soft bed of wallflowers. “An inch to the left and she’d have landed on a rake,” he said to Netta. She was still alive when Netta knelt down. In her fall she had crushed the plants, the yellow minted giroflées de Nice. Netta thought that she was now, at last, for the first time, inhaling one of the smells of death. Her aunt’s arms and legs were turned and twisted; her skirt was pulled so that her swollen leg showed. It seemed that she had jumped carrying her walking stick — it lay across the path. She often slept in an armchair, afternoons, with one eye slightly open. She opened that eye now and, seeing she had Netta, said, “My son.” Netta was thinking, I have never known her. And if I knew her, then it was Jack or myself I could not understand. Netta was afraid of giving orders, and of telling people not to touch her aunt before Dr. Blackley could be summoned, because she knew that she had always been mistaken. Now Jack was there, propping his mother up, brushing leaves and earth out of her hair. Her head dropped on his shoulder. Netta thought from the sudden heaviness that her aunt had died, but she sighed and opened that one eye again, saying this time, “Doctor?” Netta left everyone doing the wrong things to her dying — no, her murdered — aunt. She said quite calmly into a telephone, “I am afraid that my aunt must have jumped or fallen from the second floor.”