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Carmela’s mother was given notice that the hotel where she worked was to close. She sent a message to Carmela telling her to stay where she was for as long as the Unwins could keep her, for at home they would be sorely in need of money now. Carmela’s brother was perhaps earning something with the boat traffic of Jews, but how long could it last? And what was the little boy’s share?

Carmela heard from someone in the local market that all foreigners were to be interned — even Miss Barnes. She gave a hint about it, because her own situation depended on the Unwins’ now. Mrs. Unwin scolded Carmela for spreading rumors. That very day, the Unwins’ mimeograph machine was seized and carried away, though whether for debts or politics Carmela could not be sure. Along with the machine the provincial police confiscated a pile of tracts that had been ordered by the British Legion and had to do with a garden party on the twenty-fourth of May, the birthday of Queen Victoria. The deepest official suspicion now surrounded this celebration, although in the past the Italian military commander of the region had always attended with his wife and daughters. Then the printing shop was suddenly padlocked and sealed. Mr. Unwin was obliged to go to the police station and explain that he had paid his taxes and had not printed anything that was illegal or opposed to Mussolini. While he was away, a carload of civil guards arrived and pounded on the door.

“They don’t even speak good Italian,” said Mrs. Unwin. “Here, Carmela — find out what they want.” But they were Calabrians and quite foreign to Carmela, in spite of her Sicilian grandmother. She told Mrs. Unwin she did not know what they were saying, either. At the same time, she decided to ask for her wages. She had not been paid after the first three months.

Mr. Unwin returned from the police station, but nothing was said in front of Carmela. The frontier was now closed to everyone. Carmela would never go shopping on the French side again. When she mentioned her wages Mrs. Unwin said, “But Carmela, you seemed so fond of the children!”

Early one afternoon, Mrs. Unwin burst into the kitchen. Her hair was wild, as if she had been pulling at it. She said, “It has happened, Carmela. Can you understand? Can you understand the horror of our situation? We can’t get any money from England, and we can’t draw anything out of the bank here. You must go home now, back to your family. We are leaving for England, on a coal boat. I am leaving with the children. Mr. Unwin will try to come later. You must go home now, today. Why are you crying?” she said, and now she really did tug her hair. “We’ll pay you in full and with interest when it is all over.”

Carmela had her head down on the kitchen table. Pains like wings pressed on her shoulders until her sobs tore them apart.

“Why are you crying?” said Mrs. Unwin again. “Nothing can happen to you. You’ll be thankful to have the money after Mussolini has lost his war.” She patted the child between her fragile shoulders. “And yet, how can he lose, eh? Even I don’t see how. Perhaps we’ll all laugh — oh, I don’t know what I’m saying. Carmela, please. Don’t alarm the children.”

For the last time in her life, Carmela went into the room she had shared with a ghost and a demon. She knew that her mother would never believe her story and that she would beat her. “Good-bye, little girls,” she said, though they were out of earshot. In this way she took leave without alarming them. She packed and went back to the kitchen, for want of knowing where to go. All this had happened while Carmela was clearing away after lunch. The larder was still unlocked. She took a loaf of bread and cut it in three pieces and hid the pieces in her case. Many years later, it came to her that in lieu of wages she should have taken a stone from the leather box. Only fear would have kept her from doing it, if she had thought of it. For the last time, she looked out over the Marchesa’s shuttered villa. It had already been looted twice. Each time, the police had come and walked around and gone away again. The deep pit of the unfinished bomb shelter was used by all the neighborhood as a dump for unwanted litters of kittens. The chauffeur had prowled for a bit, himself something of a cat, and then he vanished, too.

When Mrs. Unwin searched Carmela’s case — Carmela expected that; everyone did it with servants — she found the bread, looked at it without understanding, and closed the lid. Carmela waited to be told more. Mrs. Unwin kissed her forehead and said, “Best of luck. We are all going to need it. The children will miss you.”

Now that the worst was over, Mr. Unwin appeared on the scene; he would drive Carmela as far as the Nervia Valley bus stop. He could not take her all the way home, because he had only so much petrol, and because of everything else he had to do before evening. This was without any doubt the worst day of the Unwins’ lives.

“Is it wise of you to drive about so openly?” said his wife.

“You don’t expect to hide and cringe? As long as I am free I shall use my freedom.”

“So you said to me years ago,” said his wife. This time Carmela did not consider the meaning of her smile. It had lost its importance.

Mr. Unwin carried Carmela’s case to the car and stowed it in the luggage compartment. She sat up front in Mrs. Unwin’s usual place. Mr. Unwin explained again that he would drive as far as the Nervia Valley road, where she could then continue by bus. He did not ask if there was any connection to Castel Vittorio or, should there be one, its frequency. They drove down the hill where Carmela had walked to the local market that first day. Most of the beautiful villas were abandoned now, which made them look incomplete. The Marchesa’s word came back to her: “Hideous.” They passed Dr. Chaffee’s clinic and turned off on the sea road. Here was the stop where Carmela had waited for a bus to the frontier every Friday — every Friday of her life, it seemed. There was the café with the pale blue awning. Only one person, a man, sat underneath it today.

Hallo,” said Mr. Unwin. He braked suddenly and got out of the car. “Fond of ices, Padre?” he said.

“I’ve spent two nights talking to the police,” said the clergyman. “I very much want to be seen.”

“You too, eh?” Mr. Unwin said. He seemed to forget how much he still had to do before evening, and that he and the Padre had ever disagreed about tolerance or Hitler or dipping the flag. “Come along, Carmela,” he called over his shoulder. “These young things are always hungry,” he said lightly, as though Carmela had been eating him out of house and home.

“My party,” said the Padre. Mr. Unwin did not contradict. There they were, police or not, war or not. It was one of the astonishing things that Carmela remembered later on. When an ice was brought and set before her she was afraid to eat it. First, it was too beautiful — pistachio, vanilla, tangerine, three colors in a long-stemmed silver dish that sat in turn upon a lace napkin and a glass plate. Carmela was further given cold water in a tall frosted glass, a long-handled delicate spoon with a flat bowl, and yet another plate containing three overlapping wafer biscuits. Her tears had weakened her; it was almost with sadness that she touched the spoon.

“I won’t have it said that I ran away,” said the clergyman. “One almost would like to run. I wasn’t prepared for anonymous letters.” The soft complexion that was like a girl’s flushed. Carmela noticed that he had not shaved; she could not have imagined him bearded.