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excitatory 5, 79, 89, 125

firing 4, 5, 125, 216

inhibitory 5, 89

interneurons 4

mirror neurons 45–7, 66, 151, 215

motor neurons 4, 8

sensory neurons 4

Von Economo neurons (VENs) 67

neurotransmitters 74, 79, 105

9/11 121, 161, 162, 163–4, 174

Nisbett, Richard 155, 158

nucleus accumbens 29, 132

object attachment 128–31, 132–3

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) 103–4, 105, 130

olfactory bulb 170

orbital cortex 29, 74–5, 76

ostracism 33, 138–40, 143, 210

P300 signals 129

paedophilia 86

Panksepp, Jaak 32

paraylsis 95

Parfit, Derek 81

Pariser, Eli 198, 199

Parkinson’s disease 33, 105

Parks, Ken 87

Pavlov, Ivan 203

peek-a-boo 43

peer pressure 69, 143, 190

Penfield, Wilder 7–8

Penk, Steve 136

Perry, Bruce 76–7

personality traits 173–4

Piaget, Jean 56, 58

Pickering, Jo 207–8

piggy in the middle 138

Pinker, Steven 18, 115

polarization 136, 193, 199, 200

political extremism 136

Pollard, David 205–8, 208

positive illusions 174–5

post-natal depression 152

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 162, 163

power stance 108

pre-industrial societies 22

prefrontal cortex (PFC) 69, 79, 86, 104

prejudice 107, 141, 152, 160

Premack, David 61

priming 111, 153–4, 159, 176

probabilities 119, 120

procrastination 123

propanolol 162

prosopagnosia 27

Provine, Robert 31

psychopaths 74–5, 76

public speaking 135

Pulp Fiction (film) 130

quantum indeterminacy 90

quantum physics 90–1

quarks 90

Quinn, Karl 193

racial stereotypes 154

Raging Bull (film) 47

randomness 90, 91

rats 14, 16, 32, 43, 203

Rayport, Mark 170–1

reaction formation 116

readiness potential (RP) 93

Reeves, Keanu 2

reflected self 216–17

reflexes 13, 95

regimentation 153

reincarnation 166

relativity 124–6, 127, 156

remembered selves 126–7

reward system 203–4

riots 137, 184

risk analysis 120–1, 124

risk taking 69, 102, 179, 190–1, 208

Ritalin 79

ritualistic behaviours 104, 105, 122

see also obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Rizzolatti, Giacomo 45–6

Rochat, Philippe 60–1, 138

role-playing 101, 145–6, 178, 179–81, 205–10

Romanian orphans 40–1

rouge test 53, 54, 61

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 38

routines, changing 108–9

Rutter, Sir Michael 40

Ryder, Winona vii

Ryle, Gilbert 95

Sacks, Oliver 48, 49, 66, 168–9

Saleh, Kassem 209

schizophrenia 32

Schwartz, Barry 123

search engines 198

Second Life 205–8, 210

second-guessing others 64

self-concepts 133

self-consciousness 50, 61, 68, 137

self-control 32, 77–80, 106–7, 108, 109, 110, 181

see also inhibitory control

self-esteem 142, 192

self-identity 50, 128, 130, 141, 168

self-justification 116–17

self-narratives xi, xiii, 171–3, 174, 176

self-recognition 52, 53–4, 61

Seligman, Martin 122

serotonin 74, 105

sex chromosomes 70, 73, 74

sexting 209

sexual arousal 8, 86, 127–8

sexual role-playing 179–81, 208–10

Shannon, Claude 4

shopping 128, 129, 132

Simons, Dan 59

Singer, Isaac Bashevis 85

Skinner, B. F. 203

smiling 29–30, 46, 47, 75

social anxiety disorder 135–6

social coercion 99–100

social cognition 33, 139, 144

social cognitive neuroscience 22

social identity theory 142–3

social loafing 136, 156

social networking 184, 186, 188, 189, 191–3, 194, 199–201, 202–3, 208

see also group cohesion; group membership

social reinforcement 30

social rejection 138–40, 210

socially inappropriate behaviour 33, 49

sour grapes 115–16

Spears, Britney vii

Speck, Richard 73

Spiner, Brent 192

Spinoza, Baruch 89, 94

split-brain patients 96–7, 169–70

stampeding 183, 184

Stand By Me (film) 48

Stanford Prison Experiment 145–6

Star Trek 192, 197–8

statistical modelling 119–20

Steele, Claude 154

Steinberg, Lawrence 191

stereotypes 141, 154

and behaviour distortion 154

cultural 133, 154–9, 175–6

gender 70, 71–2, 73–4, 154

racial 154

sticky fixation 10

Stocker, David 69

Strawson, Galen ix

subliminal marketing 113

substance abuse x, 53, 86, 106, 110

suicide baiting 136–7

Sundén, Janny 188

supermale myth 73–4

supersitious behaviours 101–3

supplementary motor area 45

Sybil (film) 178

synaesthesia 47, 215

synchrony in social interaction 34, 47, 151, 152–3

tactile stimulation 32, 42–3

Tajfel, Henri 141

Tarzan 28, 39

tattoos 72

Taylor, Amy 205–8

teen brain hypothesis 190

teenage delinquency 190

Terms of Endearment (film) 106

testosterone 72, 108

texting 195

Thaler, Richard 131

Theophrastus 173

theory of mind 61–4, 65, 68, 168

Three Faces of Eve (film) 178

3-D printers 165

tickling 31, 32

Total Recall (film) 60

totalitarian ego 171

Tourette’s syndrome 49–50, 104, 181

trolls 194

Tuk, Mirjam 109

Turk, Dave 129

Turkle, Sherry 205

turn-taking 152, 153

Twelve Angry Men (film) 143, 144

Twenty Statements Test 133

twins xii–xii, 66, 79, 104

Twitter 188, 191–3, 199–200

uniqueness of individuals 165, 167, 173

utilization 97

Victor (feral boy) 38–9, 40

violence 76–7, 85

see also aggression

virtual worlds 205–11

vomiting 48

Waldroup, Bradley 74

Wang, Qi 175

Ward, Jamie 47

warrior gene 74, 75

Watson, J. B. 203

Wearing, Clive 55, 56

the Web 186–211

Wegner, Dan 97, 98, 99, 111

Weiner, Anthony 208

Werker, Janet 19

Whitman, Charles 85–6

Wiesel, Torsten 16

Wikipedia 196–7

Williams, Kip 138, 139

windows of opportunity 16–20, 41

Witterick, Kathy 69

Wolpert, Daniel 187

Woods, Tiger vii

Yamanashi, Masaaki 19

yawning 47–8

Zimbardo, Phil 145, 146, 148, 149

Zoolander, Derek 51, 52