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P.M.: What about Poland? We went to war in her cause.

DR BURCKHARDT: Poland is unsolved problem for time being. The Red Cross is proposing that German withdrawal be in two phases. In the first, the occupied countries of Western Europe will be relieved. In the second, the occupied territories of Middle and Eastern Europe, including Poland, will be up for discussion. We are proposing a second round of negotiations after the first phase has been concluded successfully.

P.M.: H.M. Gov’t has nothing we wish to offer in negotiation for that or any other cause.

DR BURCKHARDT: Our preliminary contacts suggest that German Gov’t see this differently. They want a free hand in the East above all other priorities.

P.M.: We are not interested in helping Germany have what they want.

FOR. SEC. : Vital British interests at stake. Empire at risk in Far East. India under threat if Japan enters war. Suez Canal in jeopardy. Still only a remote possibility of involvement by U.S. Gov’t in European war. There are serious and growing concerns about persecution of minorities in Germany and occupied territories. Continuation of war is inevitable.

P.M.: We have intelligence reports concerning Hitler’s intentions in Eastern Europe. This is to our total advantage. No further action is necessary. The meeting may stand down. Thanks to all present for time and attention to a matter of such importance.

P.M. again indicates the meeting has ended.

FOR. SEC: [Requests permission to seek information. PM. concurs.]

[Continues]: Could we first hear summary of German peace proposals?

P.M.: Summary only. I do not have time for details to be minuted.

DR BURCKHARDT: [Summarizes conditions under which negotiations took place. Describes members of negotiating teams of both sides. Describes role played by Mr Sawyer.]

[Continues]: It is necessary to address the most important detailed proposal first. A sensitive matter, but declared non-negotiable by the German Gov’t. Present speaker has the unwelcome duty of presenting this matter frankly. They propose that the present Prime Minister of UK stand down.

P.M.: [Summarizes his negative reaction at some length and in candid language.]

[Continues]: What is the second most important proposal?

DR BURCKHARDT: The abdication of the present king in favour of the restoration of Edward VIII.

P.M. proposes adjournment to the meeting. All parties retire and convene in separate adjacent rooms. P.M. requests Privy Councillors to accompany him.

Meeting resumes at 11.57 a.m.

P.M.: [Declares he has consulted attending members of Privy Council.]

[Continues]: A loyal subject of the present king. Summarizes great bravery of present king and queen in face of the Blitz. Pays tribute to their morale-raising activities during bombing. Describes immense and abiding affection held by Br. people for present king and queen. Parliament is sovereign and the present constitutional arrangement cannot be altered by P.M. Abdication of present king in favour of restoration to be non-negotiable. Constitutional hazards await. That is the end of it.

FOR. SEC: Could we hear the remaining proposals from German Gov’t?

DR BURCKHARDT: Immediate cessation of hostilities by both sides, including naval and air actions. Return of prisoners. Exchange of diplomats. Treaty of Versailles to be set aside. No reparations to be paid by either side. Release of currency and gold reserves. Art treasures to be restored to pre-war holders.

Phased German withdrawal from Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Channel Islands, Yugoslavia and Greece. Withdrawal to commence immediately. All to be completed by end of August 1941.

UK to assume responsibility for the Jewish question (to be funded by uncontested UK access to oilfields of Middle East, including but not confined to Iraq, and Persia).

Germany to be given free hand in Eastern Europe. State of benevolent neutrality to exist between both countries thereafter.

[Lays documents before the meeting.]

P.M.: I studied your proposals in advance of today’s meeting. Your deal presupposes Bolshevism to be a greater threat to Europe than Nazism and that Hitler is our best guarantor against it. UK Gov’t might accept that. US Gov’t would certainly accept that. Stalin would not accept it at all.

Furthermore, what responsibility for the Jews are we supposed to assume? I’m not prepared to move them all to Palestine.

DR BURCKHARDT: The Madagascar Plan is already in place.

[Outlines plan]: UK Gov’t to move all European Jewry to Madagascar. Germany to assist but not to participate in or benefit by removal. No time limit to the process, but five years expected to see the process complete. UK to supervise the transfer of present Madagascan territory to independent nationhood under British Mandate, with first devolved administration before end of 1948, full independence before end of 1950.

P.M.: What arrangements are proposed for the present Malagasy inhabitants?

DR BURCKHARDT: The island is under-populated at present. Poverty, lack of modern facilities. We propose a referendum on their wishes after 1950.

P.M.: The Malagasy are another people who will have none of it.

FOR. SEC: When and where is your next meeting to take place?

DR BURCKHARDT: Next scheduled meeting three days from now. Suggested locations include Stavanger, Geneva, Lisbon, Stockholm and Scotland. We prefer Lisbon or Stockholm because difficulties exist for the other sites. Scotland ruled out as it is on combatant territory.

FOR. SEC: Who suggested Scotland?

DR BURCKHARDT: German Gov’t.

P.M.: Did Hitler want to fly to Scotland?

DR BURCKHARDT: It was proposed by his deputy, Herr Hess.

P.M.: I have no intention of going to Scotland, Norway or Sweden. Or anywhere else.

DR BURCKHARDT: [Offers sincere compliments and courtesies to P.M.]

[Continues]: The Prime Minister of UK is not invited to the talks.

P.M.: [Makes forthright response at length, then requests his response not be minuted.]

[Continues]: We must adjourn for consultations. Meeting adjourns. Parties reconvene elsewhere. Privy Councillors with P.M. Meeting resumes at 12.43 p.m.

P.M.: An emergency meeting of the War Cabinet will be called this afternoon. If it is the wish of the War Cabinet that these exploratory talks be pursued then I shall issue my authority for the Red Cross to negotiate in good faith. The vital interests of the UK shall be represented by His Excellency the British Ambassador to Spain (Sir Samuel Hoare), accompanied by officials from the Foreign Office. Everything ultimately dependent on the approval of Parliament.

DR BURCKHARDT: Correction: they are not exploratory-talks. Those were concluded last month. The next talks are intended to draw up and sign the first-phase armistice documents.