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Suddenly, Nicholas was blinking in soft candlelight as the cloth was pulled from his head. He and the doctor were in a large room smelling of herbs and camphor. He looked around for Jahanara. All he could see were three serving women holding up a length of silk to screen something. It must be her sickbed.

‘The doctor may approach Her Highness to examine her wounds,’ announced the khawajasara, ‘but the interpreter must remain on this side of the screen.’ Nicholas watched as the doctor pulled his leather satchel from his shoulder and took out a pair of thick-lensed spectacles which he stuck on the end of his nose. Then, as one attendant raised the silk a little, he ducked beneath it. Nicholas paced up and down anxiously. After what seemed an age, but was probably no more than fifteen or twenty minutes, the doctor re-emerged.

‘Well? Can you help her?’ Nicholas asked.

‘Her burns are serious and weeping — I have applied the salve and will leave two jars of it here for her attendants to use — but the injuries are not quite as bad as I feared. My guess is that she will live. Her pulse is regular and her breathing good, but her recovery will still take time and much dedicated care.’

‘The emperor has promised you everything you need, any reward you desire.’

‘I know. These great men think their wealth can buy them anything or anyone, but in this case the princess’s youth and strength will be her greatest help, not me.’

Jahanara re-read the verse before laying the ivory-bound book down on the coverlet. She had been curious to read poems written by Dara himself. How wonderful to open her eyes one day and find her brother by her bedside. When she had smiled, tears had pricked his eyes — whether tears of happiness that she was alive or of sorrow for her disfigurement she wasn’t sure. Reaching for the small mirror she kept by her bed, she examined her face. The skin of her left cheek was scarred by a smooth, shiny red mark that broadened as it spread down her neck. What her back and left leg looked like she’d no idea — she was still too weak and stiff to twist to see — but she could guess.

At least the pain was gradually growing less and her mind was clearing, though that brought problems of its own. The memory of Shah Jahan’s behaviour on the night of the fire was as fresh and sharp as if it had only been three days ago instead of six weeks … her horror and revulsion as her father had grabbed her breast … the strength of his grip … the passionate look in his eyes. Her only thought had been of flight … she recalled lashing out with some object and running from him but after that all was shadow and searing pain. As she had returned to longer periods of full consciousness, she had vague recollections of her father sitting by her bed and of hearing him and the hakims discussing her progress. At first, weak as she was, she hadn’t realised what had happened to her, but from their conversation she had gradually pieced together that she had been badly burned because her muslin skirt had caught alight.

Once her recovery was beyond doubt, she had noticed that her father had ceased coming to her room alone. Someone — usually Dara, Murad or Roshanara — accompanied him. When sleep evaded her and she lay in the darkness, her mind returned again and again to that terrible night, seeking an explanation that she could reconcile with the love that, despite everything, she still felt for her father. How could he have been so lost to everything as to treat her, his daughter, like that?

Of course she’d spoken to no one about what had happened — not Satti al-Nisa, old and trusted confidante though she was, not her brothers, not Roshanara … Even her sister might not believe her, and, if she did, might not understand.

‘How are you today, Jahanara? You look better!’

She hadn’t heard Aurangzeb enter. He was carrying something concealed beneath a yellow cloth. She suppressed a smile — probably yet another gift. Her brothers seemed to be competing to keep her amused as if they thought her a sick child needing to be distracted by baubles. Yesterday, Shah Shuja had presented her with a necklace of coral and pearls from Bengal.

‘Every day I feel an improvement.’

‘Good. Look what I have for you.’ Aurangzeb lifted the cloth to reveal a gold birdcage. Sitting on a perch of carved ivory was a dove with feathers of palest mauve and a collar set with amethysts.

‘It’s beautiful. Thank you.’

‘What’s this?’ Aurangzeb picked up the book she’d been reading and flicking it open began to scan its pages.

‘Some poems Dara’s written. On his way to Surat he met a Sufi mystic whose teachings inspired him to write these verses. He’s invited the Sufi to Agra so that they can talk further.’

‘Why’s Dara so interested? And just look what he’s written here: “I rejoice that it is for every man to find God in his own way.”’

Aurangzeb’s contemptuous tone surprised her. ‘Isn’t Dara right? Surely each of us has a duty to strive for spiritual knowledge … spiritual peace … in whatever way we can.’

‘What about the holy mullahs and their writings? They are our conduits to God. Ignoring them and their judgements to pursue our own path is not only presumptuous and misguided — it’s heretical.’

‘Is it? Dara thinks some mullahs are obstacles on the road to enlightenment — they insist on interposing themselves between the people and God merely to preserve their own power. I agree with him.’

‘That’s dangerous nonsense.’ Aurangzeb snapped the ivory covers of the book shut and tossed it back on to her bed. ‘When your body and your mind are stronger you’ll realise that.’

‘Perhaps. Or maybe because I’ve been nearer to death than you, you’ll accept that I may be nearer to understanding the true nature of existence. Don’t be angry with Dara and me just because our beliefs aren’t your own …’

‘I could never be angry with you. But since I’ve been back at court I’ve seen how arrogant Dara’s become and how he disregards the views of others. He was bad enough as a child, always thinking he knew best and telling the rest of us what to do. He doesn’t realise the bad example he’s setting. Since I’ve been in the south, I’ve had time to observe the Muslim kingdoms like Golconda, Bijapur and Ahmednagar. To suppress and bind them into our empire we must show our power — not only our military strength but our religious strength as followers and promoters of the true faith. One of the excuses for their rebellions against our father is that he is three-quarters Hindu and married a Shia Muslim …’

‘Our father is the emperor. It’s not for them to question his birth. As for our mother, Sunni or Shia, she was a devout Muslim, kind and good to all …’ Jahanara’s voice shook with anger. ‘If we allow ourselves to be influenced by such narrow, bigoted talk not only do we defile her memory but we’ll alienate the majority of our subjects.’

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to agitate you … let’s talk about something else.’ Aurangzeb knelt by her bed. ‘You told me when I first returned that a foreign doctor aided your recovery with a “miracle” ointment. Who was he?’

‘A friend of Nicholas Ballantyne — he recommended him. He has remarkable powers — for an infidel,’ she couldn’t resist adding. A flash in Aurangzeb’s dark eyes showed her little barb had found its mark. Good. Aurangzeb meant well but even if he was right that Dara could sometimes seem patronising he himself was growing narrow-minded and intolerant.

Two hours after Aurangzeb had left her, when her attendants were lighting the oil lamps in the niches around her room, Jahanara heard cries of ‘The emperor approaches’ and a few moments later Shah Jahan entered. He was alone. ‘Leave us,’ he told the elderly hakim sitting in the corner to keep watch over Jahanara. As the double doors closed behind the doctor, she felt suddenly nervous as the memory of what her father had tried to do returned in all its vividness. She wished someone else was in the room with them.