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Shen: eternal; eternity

Sheut: one of the five parts of the souclass="underline" the shadow; can also mean statue

Sistrum: bronze noisemaker

Tjesu heru: a snake with two heads—one on its tail—and dragon legs

Tyet: the symbol of Isis

Was: power; staff


Anubis: the god of funerals and death

Apophis: the god of Chaos

Babi: the baboon god

Bast: the cat goddess

Bes: the dwarf god

Disturber: a god of judgment who works for Osiris

Geb: the earth god

Gengen-Wer: the goose god

Hapi: the god of the Nile

Heket: the frog goddess

Horus: the war god, son of Isis and Osiris

Isis: the goddess of magic, wife of her brother Osiris and mother of Horus

Khepri: the scarab god, Ra’s aspect in the morning

Khonsu: the moon god

Mekhit: minor lion goddess, married to Onuris

Neith: the hunting goddess

Nekhbet: the vulture goddess

Nut: the sky goddess

Osiris: the god of the Underworld, husband of Isis and father of Horus

Ra: the sun god, the god of order. Also known as Amun-Ra.

Sekhmet: the lion goddess

Serqet: the scorpion goddess

Set: the god of evil

Shu: the air god, great-grandfather of Anubis

Sobek: the crocodile god

Tawaret: the hippo goddess

Thoth: the god of knowledge