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Dearly Beloved Sister Lydia Karlsson,

Hope you are well is our wish to you, you must be waiting for a letter from Your Brother, I am slow in writing.

We are well in our family up to date and all is well with us. Our children have grown a lot and are well, Johan is our Hired Hand and Marta our Maid. All the boys are full of life and activity but that is their age. Christmas has come again, I bought a Sewingmachine for Kristina, she was glad for the Christmas Present. She didn’t like it here so well the first years but now it is over. She planted a new flowerbed in front of our house with many Swedish blooms, Reginas, Pionees, Yellow Striped Lilies, Brushblooms and poppies. Kristina astrakhan tree has not yet had any fruit on it on account of because the blooms have frozen two springs in turn. But the tree will undoubtedly give us Fruit in the Future.

You asked in your last letter if I ever regretted my emigration — I cannot say that I have. I won’t boast but my situation here is on a level with the best farmers at home. Last fall I harvested 125 Bushel Corn, 73 Bushel Wheat and 51 Bushel rye, all heaped measure. I have also bought a horse.

I am master on my claim and do not bow to anyone. But no lazy fool will have success in North America. It takes a man’s whole life and daily toil.

All the Land here in our settlement around the big Lake is now taken. This Indian water is in daily talk called Swede Lake. One race leaves this world, another comes along.

I have this year served on the jury in our Swedish district. I have long been a member of our Parish Council. You may well tell people at home that your Brother in North America has become both Churchwarden and Sheriff.

Last November 6 I voted for the first time for Government of our new Country. I voted for Abe Lincoln for President of the United States. He was also chosen. Abe was born in a log house exactly like the one I built the first year I was here.

The Slavestates want another president and there are rumors of war to free the Slaves. We hope to be spared the destruction and devastation of the Country, I am sure Father Abe will find some way to escape war.

How is Our old Mother? Greet her from her Son who lives in a distant Land in the far West.

Anno 1860 is nearing its end and we have also come one year closer to Eternity. To my Dear Sister and all who still remember me in my old Village I send you Christmas Greetings and wish you Peace.

Written down by your devoted Brother

Karl Oskar Nilsson