Keeping the best for last, they were beating the High Larches. The
keeper needed every man and woman he could get into the line to bring in
the pheasant from the huge piece of ground on top of the hills and to
push them off the brow, out over the valley where the guns waited at
their pegs far below.
It seemed to Royan a supreme piece of illogical behaviour to rear and
nurture the pheasants from chicks I and then, when they were mature, go
to such lengths to make them as difficult to shoot as the keeper could
However, Georgina had explained to her that the higher and harder to hit
the birds passed over the guns, the more pleased the Sportsmen were, and
the more they were willing to pay for the privilege of firing at them.
"You cannot believe what they will pay for a day's shooting,, Georgina
had told her. "Today will bring in almost 14,000 to the estate. They
will shoot twenty days this season. Work that out and you will see that
the shoot is a major part of the estate's income. Quite apart from the
fun of working the dogs and beating, it gives a lot of us local people a
very useful bit of extra money."
At this stage of the day, Royan was not too certain just how much fun
there was to he had from the job of beating. The walking was difficult
in the thick brambles, and Royan had slipped more than once. There was
mud on her knees and elbows. The ditch ahead of her was half filled with
water and there was a thin skin of ice across the surface. She
approached it gingerly, using her walking-stick to balance herself. She
was tired, for there had already been five drives, all as onerous as
this one. She glanced across at her mother and marvelled at how she
seemed to be enjoying this torture. Georgina strode along happily,
controlling Magic with her whistle and hand signals.
She grinned at Royan now, "Last lap, over." love. early Royan was
humiliated that her distress had-been so obvious, and she used her stick
to help her vault the muddy ditch. However, she miscalculated the width
and fell short of the far bank. She landed knee-deep in the frozen water
and it poured in over the top of her Wellington boots.
Georgina laughed at her and offered her the end of her Own stick to pull
her out of the glutinous mud. Royan could not hold up the line by
stopping to empty her flooded boots, so she went on, squelching loudly
with each pace.
"Steady on the left! the order from the head keeper was relayed over the
walkie-talkie radio, and the line halted obediently.
The art and skill of the keeper was to flush the birds from the tangled
undergrowth, not in one massed covey, but in a steady trickle that would
pass over the waiting guns in singles and pairs, giving them the chance,
after they had fired two barrels, to take their second gun from the
loader and be ready for the next bird to appear in the sky high above
them. The size of the keeper's tip and his reputation depended on the
way he "showed' the birds to the waiting guns.
During this respite Royan was able to regain her breath, and to look
around her. Through a break in the branches that gave the drive its
name, she could see down into the valley.
There was an open meadow at the foot of the hills, the expanse of smooth
green grass broken up by patches of dirty grey snow from the previous
week's fall. Down this meadow the keeper had set a line of numbered
pegs. At the beginning of the day's sport the guns had drawn lots to
decide the peg number from which each of them would shoot.
Now each man stood "at his allotted peg, with his loader holding his
second gun ready behind him, ready to pass it over when the first gun
was empty. They were all looking up expectantly to the high ground from
which the pheasant would appear.
"Which is Sir Nicholas?" Royan called to her mother, and Georgina
pointed to the far end of the line of guns.
"The tall one," she said, and at that moment the keeper's voice on the
radio ordered, "Gently on the left.
Start tapping again." Obediently the beaters tapped their sticks. There
was no shouting or hallooing in this delicate and strictly controlled
"Forward slowly. Halt to the flush of birds."
A step at a time the line moved ahead, and in the brambles and bracken
in front of her Royan could hear the stealthy scuffle of a number of
pheasants moving forward, reluctant to take to the air until they were
forced to do so.
There was another ditch in their path, this one choked with an almost
impenetrable, thicket of brambles. Some of the larger dogs, like the
Labradors, balked at entering such a thorny barrier. Georgina whistled
sharply and Magic's ears went up. He was soaked and his coat was a
matted mess of mud and buffs and thorns. His pink tongue lolled from the
corner of his grinning mouth and the sodden stump of his tail was
wagging merrily. At that moment he was the happiest dog in England. He
was doing the work that he had been bred for.
"Come on, Magic," Georgina ordered. "Get in there.
Get them out."
Magic dived into the thickest and thorniest patch, and disappeared
completely from view. There was a minute of snuffling and rooting around
in the depths of the ditch, and then a fierce cackle and flurry of
A pair of birds exploded out of the bushes. The hen led the way. She was
a drab, nondescript creature the size of a domestic fowl, but the cock
bird that followed her closely was magnificent. His head was capped with
iridescent green and his cheeks and wattles were scarlet. His tail,
barred in cinnamon and black, was almost as long again as his body and
the rest of his plumage was a riot of gorgeous colour.
As he climbed he sparkled against the lowering grey sky like a priceless
jewel thrown from an emperor's hand.
Royan gasped with the beauty of the sight.
"Just look at them go!'Georgina's voice was thick with excitement. "What
a pair of crackerjacks. The best pair today. My bet is that not one of
the guns will touch a feather on either of them."
Up, and then on up, the two birds climbed, the hen drawing the cock
after her, until suddenly the wind boiling over the hills like
overheated milk caught them both and flung them away, out over the
The line of beaters enjoyed the moment. They had worked hard for it.
Their voices were tiny and faint on the wind as they urged the birds on.
They loved to see a pheasant so high and fast that it could beat the
"Forward!" they exulted. "over! and this time the line came
involuntarily to a halt as they followed the flight of the pair that
were twisting away on the wind.
In the valley bottom the faces of the guns were turned upwards, pale
specks against the green background. Their trepidation was almost
palpable as they watched the pheasant reach their maximum speed, so that
they could no longer beat their wings, but locked them into a back-swept
profile as they began to drop down into the valley.
This was the most difficult shot that any gun would face. A high pair of
pheasant with a half gale quartering from behind, dropping into the shot
at their terminal rate of flight, set to pass over the line at the
extreme effective range of a twelve-bore shotgun. For the men below it
was a calculation of speed "and lead in all three dimensions of space.
The best of shots might hope to take one of them, but who would dare to
think of both?
"A pound on it!" Georgina called. "A pound that they both get through."
But none of the beaters who heard her accepted the wager.