smile played on Taita's lips. The painting had been varnished, so that
it was perfectly preserved, as if it had been painted the day before.
Taita's lips seemed moist and his eyes gleamed softly with life.
"His complexion is fair and his eyes are blue!" Royan exclaimed.
"Although that red hair is almost certainly dyed with henna."
"It is weird to think that, although he lived so long ago, he almost
succeeded in killing us,'Nicholas said softly.
"In what land was he born? He never tells us that in the scrolls. Was it
Greeceor Italy? Was he from one of the Germanic tribes, or was he of
Viking stock? We will never know, for he himself probably did not know
his own origins."
"There he, is again in the next panel." Nicholas pointed down the arcade
to where the unmistakable face of the eunuch appeared in the throng that
knelt in homage before the throne on which sat Pharaoh and his queen.
"Like Hitchcock, he seems to like to appear in his own creations."
They went on past the treasure stalls in which were stored plates and
goblets and bowls of alabaster and bronze chased with silver and gold,
polished bronze mirrors and rolls of precious silk and linen and woollen
cloth that had long ago rotted to shaggy black amorphous heaps. On the
walls that divided these from the next set of stalls they saw reenacted
the battle with the Hyksos in which Pharaoh had been struck down, the
arrow shot by the Hyksos king lodged in his breast. Then in the next
panel Taita, the surgeon, bent Over him with the surgical instruments in
his ed barb from deep in his hands, removing the blood-smear flesh.
Now they came to alcoves in which were stacked hundreds of cedarwood
chests. The boxes were painted with the royal cartouche of Mamose, and
with scenes of the king at his toilet: lining his eyes with kohl,
painting his face with white antimony and scarlet rouge, being shaved by
his barbers and dressed by his valets.
"Some of those chests will contain the royal cosmetics," Royan murmured,
'and some of them will be Pharaoh's wardrobes of clothing. There will be
costumes in them for ack every occasion in his after-life. I long to be
able to unp and examine them."
all panels showed the mart iage of the The next set of king to the
young virgin, Taita's mistress. The face of Queen LostTis was tendered
with loving detail. The artist gloated on her beauty and exaggerated it,
his brush strokes caressing her naked breasts and lingering on all her
virtues until they epitomized feminine perfection.
"How much Taita loved her," Royan murmured, and there was envy in her
voice. "You can see it in every line he drew."
Nicholas smiled softly and put his arms around her shoulders.
There were hundreds more wooden chests stacked in the next alcoves.
Painted on the lids were miniatures of the king decked in all his
jewellery: his fingers and toes were thick with rings and his chest was
covered with pectoral medallions, while bangles of gold adorned his arms
and bracelets his wrists. In one portrait he wore the double crown of
the two kingdoms of Egypt united, the red crown and the white with the
heads of the vulture and the cobra on his brow. In another he wore the
blue war crown, and on a third the Nemes crown with gold and lapis wings
that covered his ears.
"If each of those chests contains the treasures depicted on its lid-'
Nicholas broke off, unable to continue the thought. The possibility of
such riches was daunting, and the imagination balked at the magnitude of
"Do you remember what Taita wrote in the scrolls? "I cannot believe that
such a treasure was ever before accumulated in one place at one times'T
Royan asked him. "It seeffLs that it is all still here, every single gem
and grain of gold. The treasure of Mamose is intact."
Beyond the treasury there was another alcove lined with shelves on which
stood the ushabti figures: dolls made of green glazed porcelain or
carved from cedarwood. They were an army of tiny figures, men and women
from all the trades and professions. There were priests and scribes and
lawyers and physicians, gardeners and farmers, bakers and brewers,
handmaidens and dancing girls, seamstresses and laundrymaids, soldiers
and barbers, and common labourers.
Each of them carried the tools and accoutrements of his or her trade.
They would accompany the king to the after world and there would work
for Pharaoh, and would go forward in his place if he were ever called
upon to perform a service for the other gods.
At last Nicholas and Royan came to the end of this fabulous arcade, and
found their way closed off by a series of tall, free-standing screens,
tabernacles that had been once fine white linen mesh but were now
decayed and rotted into ribbons and streamers, dirty and shabby as old
cobwebs, And yet the stars and rosettes of shining gold Now, still
hanging in the that decorated these curtains were mesh like fish in a
fisherman's net. Through this ethereal web of silken wisps and golden
stars they could make out the shape of another gateway beyond.
actual tomb," Royan
"That must be the entrance to the thin veil between us and the
whispered. "There is only a king now.
tated at the threshold, gripped by a strange They hesi the final step
reluctance, to take an old warrior, Mek Nimmur had seen and treated most
of the injuries that a man might sus in on the battlefield. His little
guerrilla group did not have a doctor, or even a medical orderly.
Mek himself treated most of his casualties, and he always had a medical
kit close at hand.
He had the men carry Tessay to one of the huts near the quarry, where,
screened by the grass walls, he stripped her of her tattered clothing
and treated her injuries. He abrasions with disinfectant, and cleaned
her burns and clean field dressings- Then covered the worst of them with
he rolled her gently on to her stomach and snapped the which glass phial
off the needle'of the disposable syringe wh was preloaded with a
broad'spectrum antibiotic. -and he said, "I She winced at the sting of
the needle, am not a very good doctor."
other. Oh, Mek! I thought I would would have no ared never see you
again. I did not fear death as much as I fe that."
He helped her dress in the spare clothing from his pack, a sweatshirt
and fatigues that were many sizes too large for her. He rolled up the
cuffs for her, and his touch soldier.
was gentle. His hands were those of a lover, not a she whispered through
her must look so ugly," swollen, black-scabbed lips.
"You are beautiful he denied it- "To me you will always be beautiful."
He touched her cheek carefully, so as not to harm the raw burns that
covered it.
At that moment they heard the gunfire. It was still faint with distance,
borne down from the north on the rain winds.
Mek stood up immediately. "It has begun. Nogo is attacking at last it's
all my fault. I told him-'
"No," he told her firmly. "It is not your fault. You did what you had to
do. If you had not, they would have hurt you even worse than this. They
would have attacked us, even if you had told them nothing."
He picked up his webbing belt and strapped it around his waist. From far
off they heard the crumping detonation of exploding mortar shells.
"I have to go now," he told her.
"I know. Do not worry about me."
"I will always worry about you. These men will carry you down to the
monastery. That is the assembly point.
Wait for me there. I cannot hope to hold Nogo for long.
He is too strong. I will come to you soon."