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Already the atmosphere had changed and become relaxed and normal. The women had released the children back to play, although most of them came over to stare at the strangers while the womenfolk returned to their various chores.

Coccán led the way into a building next to his forge which turned out to be used as a tavern.

‘Why the suspicious welcome, Coccán?’ Fidelma was saying as she seated herself.

‘Merchants passed this way yesterday, lady, coming from Durlus, across the river. They spoke of large armies riding out of the west, burning and destroying.’

Gormán glanced at Eadulf. ‘Perhaps they were the same merchants who were in Durlus Éile the other day,’ he muttered.

‘We too have heard such stories,’ Fidelma assured him. ‘But we were informed that these so-called armies are just bandits. They are far to the west of here and not likely to threaten this area.’

‘Perhaps it is a question of each time a merchant tells a story, the numbers multiply and thus increase the wealth of the tale,’ Enda said cynically.

Fidelma had noticed that the smith still looked uncomfortable.

‘You are not telling me the entire truth, Coccán,’ she went on quietly. ‘Is there some other threat that worries you? As you are of the Uí Duach, I can only presume that it is due to the tales we have heard of the enmity of Cronán?’

‘And you would not be wrong, lady.’ The words were spoken by a large woman who came forward with jugs of ale and mugs, and some meats, bread and apples.

‘Cronán of Gleann an Ghuail is not well disposed towards our people, lady,’ shrugged the smith.

The woman who had been serving the ale gave a sniff. ‘Why not tell her?’ she said to the man in a harsh voice.

Fidelma glanced from the woman to the smith. ‘I am not only the sister of your King, but I am a dálaigh. You need have no fear of me.’

The woman placed her large hands on her hips. ‘There you are.’ She addressed her husband. ‘What better protection could you seek than that? Speak, man!’ She turned apologetically to Fidelma. ‘My husband only hesitates because he is fearful for our people here. Our clan has suffered much of late.’

‘So what troubles you, Coccán? Who threatens this place?’

The smith sighed. ‘It is as my wife says. This little settlement of ours could be wiped out in the blink of an eye. We have no one to protect us. That is why I feared to speak.’

‘You have my word that no one will harm you so far as I can speak on behalf of my brother the King.’

‘A township due south-east of here was destroyed only a few days ago. One of the survivors came here to tell us.’

Fidelma’s eyes widened a little. ‘An entire township destroyed? Are you saying that Cronán did this?’

‘His men were responsible,’ Coccán told her. ‘Several people were slaughtered. The rest were carried off to his fortress. One of the survivors was my own cousin. He and half-a-dozen other men escaped and are now seeking shelter at the rath of the chieftain of the Uí Duach, or rather what remains of his rath, which is not far from here. My cousin told us that the township was summoned by a group of strange religious. The leader of these religious told them that the settlement must provide all able-bodied men to join them in a great crusading army. That they must gather with weapons within two days and swear an oath to fight in the name of the True Faith. In addition, the women and children were to gather all their goods and treasures and bring them with them. They had two days only, otherwise retribution would be levelled against them.’

‘So what happened?’

The smith gestured unhappily. ‘The chieftain of the settlement laughed outright. He told them that only Tuaim Snámha, the Prince of Osraige, had the power to summon the clans for a hosting, and only then in time of dire need. He had seen no fiery cross summoning any of the clans of Osraige, so by what right did a religious have to do so and call down retribution on them if they did not obey?’

‘And then?’

‘The religieux, who was cowled the whole time, as were his companions, simply said that the word had been given. If the trumpet was sounded seven times, then they should beware. How the people responded to it was up to them. If they made a wrong choice, then the word of their example would be spread across the land of Osraige, and it would serve the religious just as well to inspire others to join them.’

‘Are you saying that it was these religious who fired the township?’ asked Eadulf.

‘They allowed the people two days, as they warned, but those in the township just thought they were crazy and dismissed the threat. On the third day, the township found itself surrounded. Out of nearly sixty people, ten were killed and the others taken prisoner. That is, except my cousin and some friends who escaped, as I have said, and that was because they had left the settlement to tend to their traps in the wood, thus were spared the fire and sword that their companions suffered. Those young men have now sworn blood vengeance and taken up arms as warriors. It will do them no good. Six against the hundreds that Cronán has to command.’

There was a silence and then Fidelma asked: ‘You said that they were ordered to present themselves with weapons in two days and the women and children were to bring goods and treasures. At which spot were they meant to gather?’ She had a feeling that she knew the answer before he gave it.

‘To the Abbey of Liath Mór.’

Fidelma was not surprised. ‘Liath Mór,’ she said heavily. ‘I have given my word that my brother will free the Uí Duach hostages there. What was the name of the township that was destroyed?’

‘It was called Eirc, and it is due south of this place in Uí Duach country.’

‘And was your cousin able to identify any of these cowled religious who first issued the threat to the township?’

‘Indeed he was. He recognised the leader as Cronán’s nephew Anfudán.’

Fidelma was thoughtful for a moment and then she asked: ‘The words that your cousin used — are you sure he said, “If the trumpet was sounded seven times”? Or did he speak of the “seventh trumpet”? This is important.’

Coccán raised a hand to his forehead as if to massage his brow.

‘It might well have been as you say. I heard this story from my cousin. He might have confused the words but I am sure the figure seven was used in it.’

Eadulf glanced at Fidelma. ‘That is not the first time we have heard about a seventh trumpet.’

‘It was what Brother Ailgesach was raving about in his delirium,’ Enda put in. ‘“Beware the seventh trumpet.”’

‘It is from the holy writings,’ Fidelma explained. Then she sighed deeply. ‘There is something dark and evil in these matters. Something that I …’ She addressed the smith. ‘When did Cronán first start to raid the Uí Duach?’

The man spread his hands helplessly. ‘The best of our warriors have been taken or killed over several years as the fortress of Cronán and his roadways have risen to dominate the Osraige lands to the south.’

Coccán’s wife added: ‘It began many years ago. Cronán started to raid the Uí Duach lands and take prisoners to use as labour to build his fortress. Some of the hot-headed warriors of the Uí Duach marched on Cronán to demand reparation. He defeated them easily and seized them as well. He declared most of them as daer-fuidir to work in his fortress.’

‘It is amazing that no word of this has come to my brother in Cashel,’ Fidelma said.

Coccán shrugged. ‘This is an isolated territory. Just bog land. No one cares about this place or its people. We get few travellers, for the highways pass around our lands and not through them. Anyway, people have become too scared to speak. Those that do speak out disappear.’

‘Tell me more of this Cronán. Does anyone know his purpose?’