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Kagiyama, Aikawa — Midshipman, Royal Manticoran Navy, assigned HMS Hexapuma .

Kalokainos, Volkhart — Senior vice-president, Kalokainos Shipping. Son of Heinrich Kalokainos, CEO and Board Chairman.

Kanjer, Mavro — Kornatian Secretary of Justice.

Karlberg, Emil—Commodore, Nuncio Space Force. CO, NSF.

Kaplan, Naomi — Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Tactical Officer, HMS Hexapuma .

Kelso, Angelique—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Marines. CO, 1st Platoon, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma .

Khumalo, Augustus — Rear Admiral, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, Talbott Station.

Kienholtz, Gunda—Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Tactical Officer, HMS Vigilant .

Kobe, Jefferson — Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. Assistant Communications Officer, HMS Hexapuma .

Krietzmann, Henri—President, Talbott Constitutional Convention.

Krizanic, Cuiejeta — Chairwoman, Kornatian parliamentary Standing Committee on Constitutional Law.

Kubota, Joshua — Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Rondeau .

Kulinac, Amelia — Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Javelin .

Lababibi, Samiha — President of the Spindle System and its senior delegate to the Talbott Constitutional Convention.

Langtry, Sir Anthony — Foreign Secretary, Star Kingdom of Manticore.

Lewis, Ginger — Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Chief Engineer, HMS Hexapuma .

Levakonic, Izrok — Technodyne Industries of Yildun's representative to the Republic of Monica.

Lignos, Herawati — Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Aegis .

MacIntyre, Freda — Lieutenant (junior grade), Royal Manticoran Navy. Engineering department, HMS Hexapuma .

Maguire, Alberta — Platoon Sergeant, Royal Manticoran Marines. Senior NCO, 2nd Platoon, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma .

Majoli, Goran — Kornatian Secretary of Commerce.

Maksimovac, Slavko — Sergeant, Kornatian National Police Force.

Mann, Bill — Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Marines. CO, 3rd Platoon, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma .

Matsuko, Dame Estelle — Baroness Medusa, Provisional Governor of the Talbott Cluster for the Star Kingdom of Manticore.

Mavundia, Benjamin — Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Audacious .

McCollum, Wendell — Lance Corporal, Royal Manticoran Marines. Squad leader, 3rd Platoon, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma .

McDermott, Dame Beatrice — Baroness Alb, Vice Admiral Royal Manticoran Navy, CO Saganami Island Naval Academy.

McDermott, Stephen — Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Resolute .

McGraw, Hansen — Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. Communications Department, HMS Hexapuma .

Medusa, Baroness — see Dame Estelle Matsuko, above.

Melville, Janet—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Janissary .

Mestrovic, Alenka — Kornatian Secretary of Education.

Mrsic, Eldijana — Member Kornatian parliamentary Standing Committee on Constitutional Law.

Nagchaudhuri, Amal — Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Communications Officer, HMS Hexapuma .

Naysmith, Maitland — Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Janissary .

Nemesanyi, Istvan — Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Aegis .

Nimitz — Honor Harrington's treecat companion.

Nordbrandt, Agnes — Leader of the Kornati National Redemption Party; organizer and leader of the Freedom Alliance of Kornati.

Olivetti, Frances — Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. Assistant Engineer, HMS Hexapuma .

O'Malley, Quentin — Vice Admiral, Royal Manticoran Navy.

Orban, Lajos — Surgeon Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Ship's doctor, HMS Hexapuma .

O'Shaughnessy, Gregor — Baroness Medusa's civilian senior intelligence analyst.

Ottweiler, Valery — Diplomatic representative, Mesa System.

Palacios, Luis — Stephen Westman's ranch foreman and second-in-command, Montana Independence Movement.

Pavletic, Ragnhild — Midshipwoman, Royal Manticoran Navy, assigned HMS Hexapuma .

Rajkovic, Vuk — Planetary Vice President of Kornati, leader of Kornatian Reconciliation Party.

Ranjina, Tamara — Senior Reconciliation Party member, Kornatian Special Committee on Annexation.

Rossi, Bianca — Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Aria .

Saunders, Victoria — Captain, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO HMS Hercules . Rear Admiral Augustus Khumalo's flag captain.

Sedgwick, Lewis — Captain, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Ericsson .

Sheets, Jensen — Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. Assistant Astrogator, HMS Hexapuma .

Shirafkin, Azadeh — Purser, Jessyk Combine freighter Marianne .

Shoupe, Loretta — Captain, Royal Manticoran Navy. Chief of staff for Rear Admiral Augustus Khumalo.

Stiles, Jasper — Treasury Secretary, Montana System.

Stottmeister, Leopold—Midshipman, Royal Manticoran Navy, assigned HMS Hexapuma .

Suka, Vlacic — General, CO, Kornatian Defense Forces.

Suttles, Warren — System President of Montana.

Terekhov, Aivars Aleksovitch — Captain, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Hexapuma .

Terekhov, Sinead Patricia O'Daley — wife of Captain Aivars -Terekhov.

Tinkhof, Jacomina — System President, Rembrandt System.

Toboc, Adrian—Major, Kornatian Defense Forces.

Tonkovic, Aleksandra — Planetary President of Kornati, Split System. Split System's senior delegate to the Talbott Constitutional Convention. Leader of the Liberal Constitutional Party in the Convention.

Tyler, Roberto — President, Union of Monica.

Urizar, Hermelinda — Sergeant Major, Royal Manticoran Marines. Company sergeant major, HMS Hexapuma .

Vaandrager, Ineka — Chairwoman, Rembrandt Trade Union.

Van Der Wildt, Bernadette — Admiral and commander-in-chief, Rembrandt System Navy.

Van Dort, Bernardus — Founder and ex-chairman of the Rembrandt Trade Union.

Verrochio, Lorcan — Commissioner, Office of Frontier Security, Solarian League. OFS administrator for the Madras Sector, which borders on the Talbott Cluster.

Wanderman, Aubrey — Senior Chief Petty Officer, Royal Manticoran Navy. Engineering department, HMS Hexapuma .

Westman, Stephen — organizer and leader of the Montana Independence Movement.

Wexler, Alberto — Personal assistant to Planetary President George Adolfsson.

White Haven, Earl of — see Hamish Alexander, above.

Wright, Tobias — Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Astrogator, HMS Hexapuma .

Yucel, Francisca — Brigadier General, Solarian Gendarmerie. Senior Gendarmerie officer, Madras Sector.

Yvernau, Andrieaux — Chairman, New Tuscany delegation, Talbott Constitutional Convention.

Zilwicki, Helen — Midshipwoman, Royal Manticoran Navy, assigned HMS Hexapuma .

Zovan, Tomaz — Kornatian parliamentary deputy.