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“Do you understand,” stormed Caroz, “that there is a possibility of a treaty of friendship between England and France?”

“These are matters for the King and his ministers,” said Katharine.

“But our country…”

“Is no longer my country. I count myself an Englishwoman now, and I put myself on the side of the English.”

Caroz was shocked. He bowed and took his leave.

As he went from the Queen’s apartments he saw Fray Diego who smiled at him insolently.

His recall to Spain shall be immediate, Caroz decided. It is he who has poisoned the Queen’s mind against her father.

* * *

THE PRINCESS MARY came hurrying into Katharine’s apartments, her lovely eyes wild, her hair in disorder.

“Oh Katharine,” she cried, “you have heard this news?”

Katharine nodded.

“I!” cried Mary. “To marry with that old man! He is fifty-two and they say he looks seventy. He is old, ugly and mean.”

“I wish I could help you,” said Katharine, “but I know of nothing I can do.”

Mary stood clenching her hands. She was of a deeply passionate nature and had been greatly indulged by her brother. Her youth and beauty aroused his tenderness; and the fact that he was her guardian had always made him feel sentimental towards her, so that she had had her own way in all other matters and was furious that in this, the most important of all, she could not.

“I will not be used in this way. I will not!” she cried.

“Oh Mary,” Katharine tried to soothe her, “it happens to us all, you know. We are obliged to marry the person who is chosen for us. We have no choice in the matter. We must needs obey.”

“I’ll not marry that old lecher,” cried Mary.

“You’ll be Queen of France.”

“Who cares to be Queen of France! Not I…if I have to take the King with the crown.”

“He will be kind to you. He has heard of your beauty and is very eager for the match.”

“Lecher! Lecher! Lecher!” shouted Mary, and Katharine thought how like her brother she was in that moment.

“He will be gentle, perhaps kinder, more gentle than a younger man.”

“Do I want gentleness! Do I want an old man drooling over my body!”

“Mary, I pray you be calm. It is the fate of us all.”

“Did you have to marry a rheumaticky old man?”

“No, but I came to a strange land to marry a boy whom I had never seen.”

“Arthur was handsome; he was young. And then you had Henry. Oh you fortunate Katharine!”

“You may be fortunate too. I am sure he will be kind to you, and kindness means so much. You were prepared to marry Charles, yet you did not know him.”

“At least he is young.” Mary’s eyes blazed afresh. “Oh, it is cruel…cruel. Why should I, because I am a Princess, not be allowed to marry the man of my choice?”

Katharine knew that she was thinking of Charles Brandon. The whole Court knew of her feelings for that handsome adventurer; none more than Brandon himself who would dearly have liked to match her passion with his own. And now that it seemed he was not going to get Margaret of Savoy, he would doubtless be very happy to take the Princess of England.

Mary’s defiance crumbled suddenly; she threw herself onto Katharine’s bed and began sobbing wildly.

* * *

WOLSEY WAS DIRECTING the King’s thoughts towards the French alliance. He could see great advantages there. He believed the King was willing enough; Henry had counted on the help of Ferdinand and Maximilian to enable him to win territories in France; he had memories of Dorset’s disastrous campaign, and he had begun to see the dangers of tackling the conquest of France alone.

Wolsey was forever at his ear, explaining without appearing to do so; carefully, skilfully planting those thoughts in the King’s mind which he wished him to have.

Contemplating an expedition to France gave Wolsey nightmares. What if they should fail to maintain supplies? What if there should be disaster for the English? There had to be a scapegoat, and that might well be the almoner who had won such praise for his conduct of the previous campaign. No, Wolsey was determined that there should not be an expedition to France this year.

There was something else which made him long for the French alliance.

He had received information from the Vatican to the effect that the Holy Father would be pleased to see an alliance between France and England and trusted his newly created Cardinal would work to that end. It was very necessary to please the Pope. It was important that the Holy Father and his Cardinals in the Vatican should feel they had a good friend in Cardinal Wolsey. It would be remembered when the time for the next conclave arrived.

So each day Henry began to see more clearly the advantages of the suggested alliance; and one of the most important clauses would be the marriage treaty between the Princess Mary and Louis XII.

In vain did Mary storm; Henry was sorry, but England must come before his sister’s whims.

He was truly sorry for her and his eyes were glazed with tenderness when she flung her arms about his neck and sought to cajole him.

“I would do what you ask, sister, if I could,” he cried, “but it does not rest with me.”

“It does. It does,” she cried vehemently. “You could refuse this day, and that would be an end to the matter.”

“Then there would be no alliance with the French.”

“Who cares for alliance with the French?”

“We all must, sweet sister. It is a matter of policy. We have to stand against those two scoundrels. You cannot see how important this is because you are yet a girl, but it is a matter of state. Were it not, willingly would I give you what you ask.”

“Henry, think of me—married to that old man!”

“I do, sweetheart, I do. But it must be. It is the duty of us all to marry for the good of our country.”

“He is old…old…”

“He is no worse than Charles. Charles looked to me like an idiot. By God, were I a maiden I’d as lief take Louis as Charles.”

“Charles is at least young. Louis is…ancient.”

“So much the better. You’ll be able to twirl him round your pretty fingers. Ah, you’ll get your way with the King of France, my sister, as you do with the King of England.”

“But do I? When he will not grant me this one little thing?”

“’Tis the one thing I cannot grant my dear sister. Be good, sweeting. Marry the man. He’ll not live long.”

Mary drew away from him and looked long into his face. He saw the new hope spring up in her eyes.

“Henry,” she said slowly, “if I make this marriage, will you grant me one request?”

“That’s my good sister,” he said. “Have done with your tantrums—for if news of these reached Louis’ ears he would not be pleased—and I’ll grant whatsoever you request.”

Mary took her brother’s face between her hands.

“Swear this,” she said.

“I swear,” he answered.

Then she went on, speaking very slowly and distinctly: “I will marry old Louis; but when he dies, I have Your Grace’s promise that I shall marry wheresoever I like for me to do.”

Henry laughed.

“You have my promise.”

Then she threw her arms about his neck and kissed him heartily on the lips.

Henry was delighted; she could always charm him, for his pride in this pretty sister—all Tudor, as he was fond of saying—was great.

Now the Court noticed that the Princess Mary had become resigned to the French marriage. There were no more displays of temper, no more tears of rage.

She allowed herself to be drawn into the preparations, and her manner was quiet and calculating yet a little aloof, as though she were looking far ahead, well into the future.