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She doesn't understand! Penny screamed to herself. Or does she?

The fire was raging inside her now. It was useless to think of anything else. All she could do was keep rubbing her cunt on the smooth skin between her legs, she decided, until the feeling passed. Pretend the sucking mouth was a child's. Pretend the exploring finger down the crack of her ass wasn't there at all. Pretend the leg that was pressing at the door to her burning treasure cove – that firm, smooth, cylinder between her legs – was Paul's cock!

Penny lost all control at the thought of having a giant cock between her legs and hugged Liz tighter, while riding out an orgasm on the girl's leg. The release it gave her was just enough to relax the tensions of her body and mind. She finally opened her legs to free the leg and relaxed her grip on the girl's head. But Liz wasn't finished. In one move she threw off the covers and dove head first between Penny's legs.

"Ohhhhh…" Penny groaned when she felt the warm mouth swoop down on her cunt. "Stop… stop," she cried as the heat of the wet mouth covered her flaming vaginal lips.

Liz didn't hear her, she thought, when the mouth pressed harder. She opened her eyes to see Liz carefully moving her leg to the other side of her – to straddle her while she sucked at her cunt. Penny found herself staring into the hairy bush that covered the girl's cunt. There was no use trying to stop the gobbling mouth now, Penny decided. She wanted it!

There was no indication from Liz that she was going to lower herself on Penny's mouth. Penny just stared up at the smooth ass and the triangle of fluffy hair. But the odor of sex juice was stinging her nostrils. Liz had slipped her hands under Penny's buttocks, digging her fingers into the balls of flesh – one finger burning into her anus – while she kissed and sucked with passion. And Penny could feel herself building up to a bigger, better, orgasm than before.

As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, Penny began to make out the details in the shadows between the girl's spread legs; the small opening between those perfectly matched globes of flesh, the pink lips of her vagina – pulsing slightly and getting damp. Penny found herself reaching up to feel the firm ass, running her finger down the crack and poking it into the tight tunnel. Liz must have liked that, she thought, because the girl was sucking harder and faster now. And Penny watched her own finger slither into the opening and disappear in the squeezing sleeve. She eased it out and reached up with both hands to bring the girl down to her mouth.

Now she sucked and squeezed ass-flesh and dug a burning finger into a sucking asshole. It didn't bother her at all, she realized. It wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. And when Liz snaked out her tongue, Penny countered with her own tongue. Both girls felt the excitement increase. Penny circled the gasping cunt with the tip of her tongue. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. Liz went wild. Then Liz repeated the sensation at the door to Penny's passionate cove. That was all she needed – her orgasm began to erupt. They both drove their tongues into the velvet soft sleeves and let the rest take care of itself, as they squeezed out furious relief on snaking tongues.

"Oh, Penny," Liz sighed, turning herself around so they were face to face again, "You don't know how much I needed that."

"Mmmmmm, me too," Penny sighed back at her.


It was a little after nine in the morning when Penny awoke, finding Liz still nestled in her arms. The twins hadn't returned and she wondered if they were all right. She allowed herself a few moments to look at the girl in her arms before stirring to get up. The naked girl was warm and soft against her own naked body, and she found herself admiring the firm, well-turned form again. Then those big brown eyes opened and the girls smiled at each other.

"Mmmmmmmm… I feel wonderful," Liz cooed.

"Do you think it's a good idea to let anyone see you in here?" Penny asked with concern.

"No!" Liz answered, springing to a sitting position, fully awakened by the thought. "I'd better go… see you later." She rushed off, barely pulling her toga in place as she opened the door.

In the shower Penny tried to straighten out her thoughts on all that had happened to her over the weekend. Last night she was positive the affair with Liz would bother her conscience. Give her guilt feelings the next morning. But for some reason she didn't seem to have any feeling at all about it. Other than it was an enjoyable release. And satisfied that she brought Liz to a climax too.

It was over and she didn't regret it at all. Which surprised her.

When she joined Paul for breakfast she discovered they were leaving the island before noon and that most of the guests had already gone. She hadn't discussed the plans with Paul, but assumed weekend trips would last through Sunday evening.

"Never overextend a good thing," Paul explained. "By tomorrow everyone will be thinking of the good time they had and begin building an appetite for another trip. If everyone stayed an extra day it would become too much of a chore finding new experiences and they would get bored."

"All right," Penny said with a smile of acceptance. "But I'd like to ask you a personal question… about your weekend."

"I can guess what it is," Paul said with a grin.

"Well? What's the answer? What did you do to entertain yourself?"

"I spent the weekend with a very beautiful, charming girl," he said softly. "But other than our expression of wild passion on Friday night – had no sexual experiences."

"You mean to say…?"

"It may be hard to believe, but the host doesn't necessarily have to play the games he helps his guests to enjoy."

That thought plagued Penny throughout the flight back to the Long Island Sound. Several times she was tempted to press the issue, but always managed to talk herself out of it. Paul Lagarde was a very unusual man, she admitted. Maybe a bullshit artist, but perhaps a challenge worth exploring. A little mystery adds spice to your life, she reflected.

But there wasn't any mystery about what was making Liz so anxious. The minute the two of them were alone, Liz quickly whispered, "Don't forget about your brother. Be sure to have him call me."

It wasn't until Penny was in her own room that the effects of the weekend began to settle heavy on her mind. The room reminded her that just a week ago she was stretched out on the lounge in this very room, coaxing a flame into her own empty cove. Then Steve filled it for her, satisfying her momentarily with his thick meat buried in her yielding cunt, filling her body with its throbbing presence. And down the hall, in the bathroom, she had experienced the most satisfying seduction of all. The forbidden dream come to life – her father's cock in her cunt.

Just as she was slipping out of her dress, the door opened and Steve poked his head into the room.

"Got a second, Pen?" he asked before entering.

"Sure," she answered, suddenly aware that she was glad to see her brother.

"How was your weekend?" he asked politely, but she could tell he had something else on his mind.

"Oh… not bad, I guess," she replied.

It was Steve's wide eyes that brought her to the realization that she was standing in just her bra and panties. He swallowed hard and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't tell me you've got your Sunday hots again," she teased.

"Not 'til now," he moaned, as if in pain. "But you sure as hell have a way of bringing it on."

"I'll put on a robe if it bothers you," she offered.

"I just wanted to know if you saw Elizabeth," he went on, ignoring her suggestion.

"As a matter of fact I did. And I also arranged for her to at least give you a chance. Sorta on a trial basis. She's willing to go out with you once… anyway."