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Ten minutes later – fifteen at the most – Paul was back on the concrete sidewalk. He had spent a dollar a minute for the lesson, it struck him, but it was worth every cent. An enlightened young man walked to the subway with a whole new concept of life. Plus a healthy respect for the opposite sex – which until now he had considered merely something that got in a man's way as he struggled to get rich.

For the next few months Paul concentrated all his energies on girls. He spent as much time as he could with the girls' in the office, the girls in his neighborhood, and any female anywhere, who would talk to him, learning as much as possible about these creatures that possessed a secret that drove men to destruction. Or in his case – fame. And every cent he could manage was spent on lessons with prostitutes, from whom, he quickly discovered, there was much to learn.

Men can be led around by the cock, like a dog on a leash, he concluded.

Slippery, wet lips kissed sparks into his powerful rod. Something new he discovered as the young girl breathed hot, tantalizing air on the head of his swollen cock. His eyes grew wide with amazement as her pouty-red lips and suck-hollowed cheeks closed in on the dripping eye of his prick. Then her elastic lips stretched over the puffing head, giving him mind-shattering sensations. The warm, wet insides of her mouth felt delicious and mouth-watering on his pulsing pole of flesh. But her tongue was more than he could bear, milking as it was on the sensitive shaft, sucking at it, drawing the come from his balls into the depths of her throat. And he didn't overlook the effect of watching her face, with its longing glances and delighted expressions, sucking the syrup with great pleasure. For a while he thought this was all a man needed in the way of sex – a girl sucking his cock should satisfy him completely.

But there was always something new to explore; someplace else to ram that sensitive stick. And if the struggle was difficult, it made the experience more exciting, as he discovered when he tried to force the blunt, mushroom head of his prick into the little opening of a girl's ass. Too tight, she tried to tell him, but he had to find out for himself. He had her kneel on all fours, then spread the balls of her ass apart with the palms of his hands and poked his knob at the unwilling spot.

"It hurts," the girl yelled, as he forced the spear in. "Ohhh, it hurts."

Her pain was even pleasant to hear, he discovered. The drive up her squeezing, resisting tunnel was a slow process, but watching her squirm and cry for help made him determined to get it all in, pushing his hard cock with more force, spreading her ass farther apart, until his meat was finally buried in the tight-fitting sleeve. And finally enjoying her throaty sobs as he squirted come into her, pressing the soft flesh of her ass tight against his groin.

Once his education was underway, putting it to use came naturally. At the office he had already gotten the reputation of being a "cuntman", from his constant association with all the girls there. The bosses were already taking notice and the guys his own age were beginning to treat him with respect. They sensed that Paul had a secret way with women and wanted to share it with him. But the real test came when he decided to try for a position that seemed to be sewed up by one of the college boys. He invited the manager to lunch, after a few drinks, asked for the job and gave a signal to one of the prostitutes he had hired to make her entrance. The manager didn't have a chance to answer; they suddenly had a pretty blonde at the table and before he knew what happened, the three of them were in a hotel room and the blonde was draining the sap from his cock.

Paul got the job! And shortly after that the company grew too small for him. He was mixing with top executives in a variety of companies and was sought after for every stag gathering in town. Money, prestige, and even power began to chase him. Every business he entered turned into a gold mine. Suddenly the girls were chasing him, giving their bodies freely now – just to be a part of his expensive life. The island became a necessary retreat, where his now prominent clients could sneak off to satisfy their fantasies in guaranteed privacy.

A phone rang, bringing Paul out of his daydreaming trance. Someone answered it and a girl's voice announced that it was for Liz. Paul found himself frowning. There seemed to be growing excitement in the hall outside his study. Then Liz knocked softly on the door to the study, opening the door on a crack and peeking in.

"It's Penny's brother," she said in a velvet-soft whisper. "He wants to take me out."

Paul just stared at her with a puzzled look on his face, as if he hadn't heard her right.

"Is it all right?" she asked bashfully.

"If that's what you want," Paul sighed.

"I could use the change," Liz offered weakly.

"Then go ahead," Paul said, adding a faint smile to show that he wasn't angry.

Liz rushed back to the phone, no longer concealing her excitement. But it left Paul with a feeling of emptiness. Liz had been the pride of his harem, he thought to himself. Perhaps the one he would someday marry. He had certainly given her more personal attention than any other girl in the stable. Now he was turning her loose – to be gobbled up by another – but all he could feel was emptiness. Not sorrow.

Slowly Paul moved from the study, strolled aimlessly through the halls, looking for something to do. Something to hold his interest, he decided, opening doors and glancing into the various rooms. He stopped along the aimless walk to chat with his "students", grasping for something that would take his mind off the emptiness he felt in the pit of his stomach.

A pretty black girl came bustling down the hall. Obviously she was thrilled about something that was going on, he thought as he watched her rushing toward him. But when she caught sight of Paul she jolted to a more graceful, gliding stride.

"How's it going?" Paul asked the twenty-year-old girl, smiling warmly at her.

"Just fine, Mr. Lagarde," she answered in a sexy voice. "Elizabeth is so thrilled about her date that she's got all of us excited with her."

"So I see," Paul said with a grin. "How're your lessons going?"

"Great," the girl said, smiling as Paul stepped closer.

"Then let's have a little check," he said, slipping his hand under the hem of her brief white dress.

Paul's experienced fingers went directly to the spot between her legs, through the curly curls of hair, and covered her unsuspecting cunt. A good test, he thought to himself, taking the girl by complete surprise like this. One minute she's rushing excitedly through the hall, thinking of some childish game, and the next minute she has to perform.

The palm of his hand slid over the warm cove between her legs, feeling for the telltale sign. The spot was dry and the hair all fluffy. Just as he hoped it would be. But then a hint of moisture, as the girl's juices began to flow from the walls of her sex. In a few short seconds she had flushed with passion-juice, scoring a high mark on the test.

"Not bad, Roni," Paul commented casually. "But I don't want to interrupt what you were doing."

"Oh, I wasn't doing anything important, Mr. Lagarde," Roni purred back at him. "Just sitting around with the girls talking about the guy Liz is going to date."

Paul slid his hand around to the firm balls of her ass, appreciating the smooth, firmness that met his fingers. A slow exploration of the crevice seemed appropriate. The girl wiggled coyly, but said nothing, seemingly grateful for the attention.