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"Oooohhhhh," Roni cried again in pain. Then her voice tapered off to more relaxed sound. "Mmmmmmm… oh, yeah."

Paul let his cock feel the warm, mushy walls of her insides: the yielding, sucking chamber that accepted his full length and width with a longing for more. Roni was already reaching a climax when Paul's first shot of come splashed up the walls of her flaming cunt. She rode the stick harder, faster and more frantic now, spurred on by each blast from the spitting head.

"Ohhhhhh… Oooowwww… Mmmmmmmm," she moaned.

"Ahhhh… mmmmm," Paul uttered his first sound of pleasure. "Mmmmmm… mmmmm."

Roni watched over her shoulder as Paul withdrew his mighty muscle. She watched his face for a sign of approval, wanting desperately to have pleased him. He smiled – and it was as good as an orgasm to her.


Penny didn't think about Paul and his island for the next two weeks. She was absorbed in her job, shopping and rearranging her Manhattan apartment. Her brother was completely absorbed in his romance with Liz and she didn't see or hear from him at all since the night she returned from the trip. But she did get news about Steve everytime she called home; the word from her mother was that Steve was "serious" about some new girl. And Penny didn't offer any information to clarify the identity of the new attraction.

Sex had taken on an entirely new image for her now. It was no longer necessary to search for a stud who could impress her with a unique experience. No more bouncing from one stud to another, hoping to find that new thrill that would satisfy her craving. No more searching for… whatever it was she was searching for, she admitted… a golden cock or something. She had discovered that Paul was right about prolonging the desire for sex and she was determined to hold off satisfying her cravings until the itch was unbearable. Then exploded with mind-shattering gratification when she finally did open her legs. There was little chance of disappointment with this system, she noted, because the cock would be everything – the man attached to it was of little consequence.

Meanwhile, two weeks passed without having that empty feeling between her legs, and when she did find herself thinking about filling the gap, the memory of Steve's last plunge seemed to satisfy her. But going into the third week, her attention began to settle on the effect her new personality was having on others. She was getting the greatest pleasure out of the frustration she was imposing on her male acquaintances. A big tease, she finally labeled herself one night, as she was leading a good-looking young man at a cocktail party to believe he had it made. Then she rejected him at her front door.

"Cock teaser!" he snarled, when she informed him of the bad news.

I guess you could say that, she laughed to herself as he stood at the door, not knowing what to do about it. The leg of his pants bulged with the straining muscle that flexed to be free of its cramped quarters. They stared at one another; she refusing to open the door to her apartment and he refusing to leave.

"Since when does a girl have to put out on the first date?" she asked.

"Since she spent the whole night teasing his cock. That's since when," he answered.

She couldn't help feeling sorry for him, but she was determined to stick to her new system. And he to his. But Penny just stared at him, wondering whatever attracted her to him in the first place. He was something-or-other in an advertising agency, she remembered, which explained his long hair and the clashing colors of his clothes. Handsome, she thought, but barely taller than she was.

Suddenly the twinkle in his eyes suggested she take a closer look and she was totally unprepared for the sight that met her eyes as she lowered them. There he stood in her hall, his big cock in his hand, milking it furiously!

"Sonofabitchofabastard!" she growled at him.

The shiny head of the smooth stick was already huffing and puffing. His fist working at a tempo that suggested the end was near and Penny couldn't do anything but stare. She was speechless and frozen to the spot. The first squirt of white cream just missed her skirt, landing in a splash on the wall next to her. Before the stick fired again, she jumped to the side to get away from his corrected aim. The throbbing meat spat up another wad of come and then another, all in her direction but not hitting their target. When the piston was empty, the young man grabbed her by the arm and wiped the sticky head clean on her skirt, pushed her aside and stormed toward the elevator.

The incident burnt the image of his pulsing, spitting phallus on her mind and began to stimulate the craving for another satisfying seduction of her love-nest. She was back to thinking about that satisfied feeling a cock gave her when it was stuffing her insides to capacity. It was going to be a test of her willpower, she decided, to hold out when her mind was so intent on capturing a male snake in her pit, but she would try.

Temptations began to chase her arid she almost didn't make it through the following morning. Her boss sent her to pick up a manuscript from a writer who was staying at a hotel across town. A rugged-looking character, who met her in his bathrobe, fresh from the shower and horny as hell, she quickly discovered, when he practically tried to rape her. Only the urgency to meet a deadline with the manuscript saved her from cooperating with the rape.

When her boss gave her the afternoon off, she was even tempted to go back to the hotel to resume the assault that promised to be exciting. She was confident that brute would be victorious over her unyielding defense. But, instead she returned to her apartment to have a leak in the bathroom fixed.

The superintendent sent one of his assistants up to make the repair. A young Irishman, right off the boat, with unwieldy chestnut-colored hair, blue eyes, and a devilish grin. But oh, so clumsy, she thought, as she watched him go about the task of opening the pipes under the sink.

From the moment she opened the door, his eyes popped and his voice seemed to have abandoned ship. She was wearing a tight white sweater and too tight jeans – just some old things she'd thrown on for the occasion – but it was obviously more than his hungry eyes could bear. His green uniform hugged the muscular build with little room to spare, and a sudden surge of excitement had his right leg struggling with his cock for possession of the pants leg. It was amusing to Penny to see him struggle with the problem, practically walking sideways and with a slight limp as he tried to hide it from her.

Cock-teaser, she kept reminding herself, but remained in the bathroom doorway, watching him work and knowing her presence was driving him insane. She leaned against the door frame, with her arms stretched back, causing her breasts to swell up even bigger in the tight sweater.

"Please, Miss…" he gulped when she began getting in his way.

"Am I bothering you?" she asked with big innocent eyes.

"Oh, no," he sighed, changing his mind again.

"Is there any problem?" she continued to act innocent.

"Not at all… not at all." Perspiration stained his shirt under the arms and down the backbone now.

When he got up from under the sink to get a wrench, Penny was standing in his way.

"Got a problem?" she cooed, running her index finger gently over the bulge in his pants.

"Ya might say that," he groaned bashfully.

"Let's have a look," Penny offered, opening his belt and then the front of his pants, while he stood before her helplessly. "Looks like you have a leaky pipe, too," she said, wiping a droplet from the eye.

She had the strangest feeling this big hunk of man was going to faint. He just stood there staring into space with a glazed look on his eyes and breathing in short uneven gasps. The soft stroke of her hand down his puffing cock brought more cream oozing from the eye. A gentle squeeze made the fat meat tremble with urgency. But he never made a move toward her or away from her. He just remained frozen to the spot. Without moving his head from its straight-ahead position, however, he lowered his eyes downward, not believing what he saw. Her sensuous lips were getting closer and closer to the pulsing, heart-shaped head of his throbbing cock. She could hear him gulp when her warm lips touched the tip and sipped away the oozing cream.