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"Mmmmmm…" he sighed. "You're too beautiful, Penny."

"You're just prejudiced," she said, licking his come from her lips.


"Hello," Penny mumbled into the phone, still not fully awake.

"Penny?" Steve asked, hot sure the voice was sister's.

"Who'd you expect?" Penny answered through a yawn. "What time is it anyway?"

"Ten-thirty," Steve said apologetically. "I'm sorry I woke you, but I couldn't wait to tell you the good news."

"I bet I know what it is; it's Sunday morning and you've got a hard-on," she offered, sitting up in bed to shake the grogginess from her head.

"There's nothing new about that," Steve laughed, then continued in an excited voice. "Liz invited me to spend the weekend up at Paul's island."

"That's nice," Penny answered dryly, fully awake now.

"Thanks. You sound thrilled to death," Steve said with disappointment in his voice over Penny's attitude. "You are going, aren't you?"

"I haven't been invited," Penny answered sarcastically.

"You're kidding… Paul's been calling you for weeks. Liz even told me he was going out of his mind because you hadn't returned his calls… but that was over a week ago. I figured you must have spoken to him since then."

"I haven't gotten any calls…" Penny started to object, thinking Steve was just making an excuse for Paul.

"Well, shit!" Steve interrupted. "Have you called home to see if there were any messages?"

"Well… no…"

"Sonofabitch! That explains it. Paul only has this number and Mrs. Kahn probably just told him you weren't home."

"Great," Penny sighed. "Now what?"

"Call him," Steve snapped back. "Tell him you just got the messages."

"Liz says he going out of his mind, eh?"

"Don't start that playing-hard-to-get shit," Steve said, trying to sound angry, but still to excited over his own good news. "Call him, Penny. And then call me back, okay?"

"Okay," she sighed with an air of reluctance. But inside she was jumping with excitement herself.

She had to have a cup of coffee before making the call to Paul. Had to get her thoughts straight too, she decided. And for some reason there were suddenly butterflies fluttering in her stomach, which she couldn't explain – or didn't want to. But she finally made the call; waited patiently for the girl who answered the phone to get Paul. It seemed like a long, nerve-wracking pause. Then Paul's voice came through the receiver.

"Hello, Penny?" he asked anxiously.

"Yes. I just got your messages."

"It's good to hear your voice," Paul said, making it unnecessary to even continue the explanation. His happiness came through the sound of his voice. "When you didn't call… and were never home… well, I thought you just didn't want to see me again."

"I've been staying in the city and never thought of calling the house. I took it for granted someone would pass on my apartment number to anyone who was trying to reach me."

"That's not important now. When can I see you?"


"You've got to say you'll come up to the island next week," Paul said in an almost pleading voice. "Your brother is even going to be there… we'll have a great time together."

"I guess I'll have to go then," Penny answered, trying to sound casual, but secretly holding her breath from the excitement churning inside her. Everything seemed to be going so perfectly, that she was afraid of saying the wrong thing. But she didn't. She found herself agreeing to have dinner with Paul Monday night, and there was a show Wednesday he had tickets for, which he insisted would go to waste if she didn't go with him.

For the first time in years, Penny found herself bubbling over with enthusiasm. Like a school girl going to her first prom, she realized, when the butterflies in her stomach didn't just disappear. What a great feeling it was, she thought to herself, having something to look forward to doing, having someone exciting to see, and having time slip by so quickly it was breathtaking.

The dates were enjoyable – as all her meetings with Paul had been. However, she had led herself to believe that their relationship would be different now. Paul was obviously – admittedly – infatuated with her. She therefore reasoned that his approach would change; that he had wrapped himself, willingly, around her little finger, and now her wish should certainly be his command. But it wasn't! Paul was more attentive, more charming, and far more open about his feelings toward her. Still, at the end of the evening he saw her home, kissed her passionately at the door to her apartment and left. Left her standing there dizzy with anxiety and desire. He refused her invitations to even come in for a drink. He must have known that she wanted him, she told herself. Desperately wanted him, in fact. Because all she thought about was his big cock and how it would feel in that longing cove, and she didn't hide her feelings during the time they were together.

Penny also discovered that she was spending more and more time thinking about the island. Her thoughts about the place had mellowed, she found, and she was actually intrigued by the prospect of returning. The events of her last visit were no longer unpleasant. There was a growing desire to once again be in the midst of all that raw sex. To be able to glance around and see naked girls fucking in every manner and fashion, and watching the enjoyment they were experiencing by the changing expressions of their faces. She wondered if there would be another death-defying act in the swimming pool, or another ritual in the game-room.

As the time drew closer, Penny found herself becoming obsessed with thoughts about the twins. How she missed those little angels now, she kept telling herself. The feel of their anxious hands, devilish mouths and loving tongues tantalized her thoughts now. She no longer felt the pangs of shock that she had experienced when the children were doing their best to please her. Now she'd know what to expect, she realized, and, more important, how to react.

From the moment Steve picked her up at the apartment, for the drive out to the harbor, Penny felt a difference in the atmosphere. It was as though she had arrived at the start of a big party. Steve's enthusiasm and excitement was contagious. It made a world of difference in the flight up to the island too; there were no doubts, regrets or misplaced jealousies this time. Even Liz appeared excited over the trip she had made so many times before. She and Steve carried on like two love-sick kids.

Penny soon discovered a whole new form of entertainment in just watching her brother's face, as his excitement reflected in disbelieving, wide eyes when they entered the house. All the sophistication he had learned as a result of being a spoiled rich kid, his cosmopolitan air, all disappeared and he looked like a little boy finding himself alone in a big candy store. He didn't know where to look first. His eyes danced wildly over the pretty girls in togas, almost drooling at the mouth when they started flashing bare asses in his direction. It seemed as though the girls were just as thrilled with Steve's presence. It took a nudge from Liz to bring him back to earth.

After a brief chat in the entrance hall, Penny and Steve were led to their rooms. This time Liz took them to Steve's room and just advised Penny that she had the same room as the last time, which was next to Steve's, with an adjoining door. Taking the cue, Penny left the pair and went to her room – into the arms of the twins.

"We missed you," they greeted her, kissing and hugging Penny as though it was Christmas.

"I missed you too," Penny sang back at them. "And I've got a present for you… and a surprise."

"Where, where…" they shouted excitedly, Alexander's hand already slipping up Penny's leg when she straightened up to walk over to get the presents from her valise. The familiar feeling of his little hand running up her leg, under the skirt and sneaking into her panties, caused Penny to stop long enough to give him an extra little squeeze. This little encouragement sent his hand plunging under her panties and up her ass, feeling the globes with sweeping, circular motions, before settling down to the chore of finding his favorite hole hidden in the crack. He was helped along when Penny bent over to open her suitcase on a nearby chair. She felt his cold finger worm its way into her body, giving her a chill which quickly turned to hot flashes as the finger twisted and snaked up the little opening.