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It had been a difficult task finding a gift for these youngsters. Somehow she couldn't see them getting thrilled over stuffed animals or toys of any kind. The twins weren't just ordinary kids. She finally chose matching gold rings with a small diamond in the center. Adrian was immediately thrilled, but Alexander had to try it on first to see how it looked. Then he walked over to the wall mirror and studied himself, flashing the ring to an imaginary audience. Only after he was pleased with the new touch the ring added to his appearance did he rush back to Penny to give her a big kiss.

As soon as she was confident that the twins were pleased with their gifts, she began to undress. There wasn't any assistance this time, because the children were still admiring the effect the glittering rings had on their appearance. When they did turn their attention back to her, she was slipping into a terrycloth robe, resigned to the fact that they were too engrossed in their new image to help her with a bath.

Alexander rushed over to Penny when he saw her putting on the robe. Before she had a chance to pull the robe over her shoulders to cover her naked body, he reached his ring hand up to fondle a tit, and Penny saw the change that had come over him. Instead of feeling the smooth round orb for the sake of feeling, he fixed his eyes on the effect his glittering ring added to the appearance of his hand during the operation. He was obviously pleased with sparkle and attention the ring added to his little hand, Penny thought. Then Adrian did the same thing to Penny's other melon. But Alexander was more fascinated, which had Penny wondering why they claimed women were so vain. He rushed behind Penny, swept aside her robe, and gazed admiringly at his ring finger resting on a mound of ass-flesh, while his middle finger went about its task of exploring the deep crevice. His face beamed with pride.

"You kids are too much," Penny said with a laugh, just as the door opened and Steve peeked into the room.

"Now for the surprise I told you I had," Penny said closing the robe. "I want you to meet my brother."

"Hi," Steve said with a wave of his hand to the staring children. All he was wearing was a towel wrapped around his waist and he wasn't sure if he should enter in the presence of the kids.

"Aren't they adorable?" Penny chirped. "This is Adrian and this Alexander."

"Are you twins?" Alexander asked Steve.

"No, we're not," Steve answered. "Penny is my older sister."

Alexander walked briskly over to shake hands with Steve, using it as an opportunity to see how the ring would look. He was also pleased with Steve's admiring glance at the diamond. Then Adrian joined her brother's side and gave Steve a kiss.

"Is it okay to come in?" Steve asked, half turning to go back for his robe.

"Sure, come in," Penny said.

"This place is too much," Steve said, bubbling over with excitement. The shock of Adrian's hand running up his leg brought him up short, though. Her fingers unhesitantly slithered up his leg to his hip and around front to feel his dangling meat.

"You'd better get used to it," Penny said with a laugh, watching her brother stand there speechless, dumbfounded and not knowing what to do next.

"I'll be…" Steve choked on the words.

When Alexander realized what his sister was doing, he quickly slipped his own hand under Steve's towel and searched for the back entrance.

"Hey! Cut that out!" Steve said, pushing Alexander's hand away.

"I thought you and Liz would be indisposed," Penny said with a questioning look.

"No such luck. She told me we'd have to be very discreet while we're up here… Paul keeps her pretty strict, she says. But I'll be entertained by the other girls, which Liz says is all right as long as it's just to relieve my sex urge. No kissing though."

"Mmmmmm… sounds interesting," Penny responded.

Steve let out a little gulp and Penny realized his cock was starting to rise higher and higher from the touch of Adrian's gentle fingers.

"I guess I'd better take my shower and start getting ready for cocktails," Penny sighed, adding, "but you can stay and talk to me if you like."

Neither of them were prepared for Adrian's next move. She pulled Steve's towel off and sucked his cock into her small mouth with the casual air of an experienced hooker. Steve watched his stiff meat going into the small mouth, ploughing into the pretty face of the little girl, felt her lips stretch tightly over the mushroom-shaped head and felt the sensation of come burning up through his cock. The first shot of come was such a surprise, as well as a powerful blast, it propelled Adrian back and his cock popped out of her mouth, shooting white cream splashing all over her pretty face. She grinned, grabbed his cock with both fists and gobbled it up. She went after the squirting shaft like it was a stick of candy, licking and sucking at the syrupy juice for all she was worth.

It was over so fast that both Penny and Steve didn't have time to recover from their original shock of watching Adrian whip off the towel and suck the cock into her mouth. For Steve, the experience was almost traumatic. Just the thought of a little girl giving him a blow-job sent pangs of guilt through his head. But now he had actually allowed it to happen, in the presence of witnesses, and he was upset even further by the fact that he hadn't tried to stop her. Uppermost in his mind was what people would think of him for allowing such a thing to happen.

"What's the matter, little brother, cat got your tongue?" Penny teased, watching his initial expression of shock begin to turn to fear.

"Mmmmmmmm, you taste good," Adrian added, still licking her lips.

"I… I… never…" Steve stammered helplessly.

"Didn't I tell you this place was unbelievable?"

"But I never… messed around… with a little kid before," Steve moaned.

"Oh, come on, Steve, don't let it upset you so much," Penny said with compassion, knowing exactly how he must feel. She too had felt that way on the first visit when the twins had sucked her to an orgasm. But now the feeling of shame was gone and she knew what the twins were capable of doing. "You'd better get used to it. Otherwise you might as well go home now, because what you see later will make this appear to be nothing."

Steve was still staring at Adrian, who just grinned back sheepishly, while Alexander giggled at him from Penny's side. There must be something he should do, Steve told himself. Spank her? Kiss her? There must be something – but his mind wasn't functioning at the moment.

"You aren't mad at me, are you?" Adrian asked. She was more serious now and a faint trace of tears seemed to be forming in her eyes as she looked into Steve's furious expression. His stare was so unfriendly that Adrian was frightened. "I love you," she said softly and big tears began to slip from her eyes.

Steve's gulp echoed around the room. He picked Adrian up and kissed the tears from her cheeks. But he still couldn't find the words to say something. Penny was speechless over Adrian's innocent reaction to Steve's vicious look and decided to take her shower before she started to cry too.

Alexander followed Penny into the bathroom and despite Penny's insistence that she wanted to be alone, he refused to leave. His job was to soap her down and he wasn't going to take no for an answer. But when his hands started to slide gently over her breasts, Penny melted into a yielding mass of anxious gooseflesh. She hadn't realized how close she was to the boiling point of desire.