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Rush leaned on the stall partition and spoke in a voice of disgust. “Fawn, that fellow is way too old for you. He’s older than Papa, and Papa’s older than rocks. And he’s all so banged up. If you were married, you’d have to look at that stump he hides, I bet. Or touch it, ew.”

“I’ve seen it,” she said shortly, brushing bay hairs into the air in a cloud.

“I help him with his arm harness, now his other arm’s broke.” And a great deal of other assistance that she was not inclined to bring to the twins’ attention.

“You should see his poor gnarly feet if you want to see banged up.”

Reed sat on a barrel of oats across the aisle with his knees drawn up and his arms wrapped around them, rocking uneasily. He said in a thin tone, “He’s a Lakewalker. He’s evil.”

This brought Fawn’s irritated and vigorous brushing to an abrupt halt; Grace twitched her ears in protest. Fawn turned to stare. “No, he’s not. What are you going on about?”

“They say Lakewalkers eat their own dead to make their sorcery. What if he makes you have to eat corpses? Or worse? What does he really want you for?”

“His wife, Reed,” said Fawn with grim patience. “Is that so very hard to believe?”

Reed’s voice hushed. “What if it’s to make magic?”

He already does that would likely not be a useful answer. “What, are you afraid I’ll be made a human sacrifice? How sweet of you, Reed. Sort of.”

Reed unfolded indignantly. “Don’t you laugh. It’s true. I saw a Lakewalker once who’d stopped to eat in the alehouse in West Blue. Sunny Sawman dared me to peek in her saddlebags. She had bones in them—human bones!”

“Tell me, was she wearing her hair in a knot at the nape of her neck?”

Reed stared. “How’d you know?”

“You’re lucky you weren’t caught.”

“I was. She took me and shook me and told me I’d be cursed if I ever touched anything of a Lakewalker’s again. She scowled so—she told me she’d catch and eat me!”

Fawn’s brows drew down. “How old were you, again?”


“Reed, for pity’s sake!” said Fawn in utter exasperation. “What would you tell a little boy you caught rifling your bags so as to scare him enough never to do it again? You’re just lucky you didn’t run into Dag’s aunt Mari—I bet she could have come up with a tall tale that would have made you pee yourself into the next week.” She was suddenly glad the sharing knife was stored with her own things, and wondered it she ought to warn Dag to watch his saddlebags.

Reed looked a bit taken aback, as if this point had never before occurred to him, but he went on anyhow. “Fawn, those bones were real. They were fresh.”

Fawn had no doubt of it. She also had no desire to start down some slippery slope of explanation with the twins, who would only ask her how she knew and badger her endlessly when her answers didn’t fit their notions. She finished brushing Grace’s flanks and turned her attention to her mane and forelock.

Rush was still mired in the age difference. “It’s sickening to think of a fellow that old pawing you. What if he got you pregnant?”

She was definitely not ready for that again so soon, but it was hardly a prospect that filled her with horror. Perhaps her and Dag’s future children, if any, wouldn’t be saddled with being so blasted short—now, there was a heartening thought. She smiled softly to herself as Grace nudged her velvety nose into her hand and whuffled.

Rush went on, “He as much as said it was his plan to keep you till you were and then send you back to batten on us.”

“Only if he dies, Rush!”

“Yeah, well, how much longer can that be?”

“And what does it matter to you anyhow? You and Reed are going to go west and break land. You won’t even be here.” She let herself out of the stall and latched the door.

“On Fletch and Clover, then.”

“You two are so, so, so”—she groped for a sufficient word—“howling stupid.”

“Oh, yeah?” Rush shot back. “He claimed he wanted to marry you because you were smart, and how dumb do you have to be to believe that? You know it’s just so’s he can get his old hands on your young… self.”

“Hand,” she corrected coldly. And how she missed its touch on her young…

everything. Escape from West Blue, with or without a wedding, could not happen soon enough.

Rush imitated upchucking, with realistic noises. Fawn supposed stabbing him with the pitchfork was out, but maybe she could at least whack him over the head with it… ? He added, “And how d’you think we’ll feel in front of our friends, stuck with that fellow in the family?”

“Considering your friends, I can’t say as I’m real moved by that plea.”

“I can’t see as you’ve much considered anybody but yourself, lately!”

Reed said, more urgently and with a peculiar fearful tinge in his voice, “I see what it is. He’s magicked you up some way already, hasn’t he?”

“I don’t want to hear another word out of you two.”

“Or what?” said Rush. “You’ll never speak to us again?”

“I’m working on that one,” snarled Fawn, and stalked out of the barn.

Not all of the encounters were so aggravating. Fawn found an unexpected ally in Clover, with whom she’d never before much gotten along, and Clover brought Fletch right into line. The two girls were now in great charity with each other, feeling they could have been best friends forever and mistaken in all their prior judgments; Fletch was a bit dizzied. Dag made undaunted use of the news about his age to put himself rather above it all, and he mainly talked privately with Mama and Papa or Nattie. Whit continued to fire off barbs in blithe disregard for their aim, with the result that everybody grew furious with him except for Dag, who continued patient and determined.

“I’ve dealt with dissolving patrols down to and including breaking up knife fights,” he assured Fawn at one especially distraught moment. “No one here’s tried to stab each other yet.”

“It’s been a near thing,” Fawn growled. By supper of the second night after Dag’s proposal, Fawn’s parents had gone so far as to forbid discussion of the topic at the table, somewhat to Dag’s relief.

It did render the meal uncharacteristically quiet. Dag thought his plan to extract Fawn gracefully from the clutches of her kin was not going as well as he’d hoped. Whether it took two days or twenty or two hundred, he was determined to persevere, but it was plain Fawn was close to melting in this family crucible, and her strain communicated itself to him, open to her ground as he could not help being.

They’d taken too long on this journey already. Much more tarrying in West Blue, and he’d risk not beating Mari’s patrol back to Hickory Lake, and they would panic and think him missing again. And this time, he wouldn’t be dragging back in with another malice kill in his bag to buy forgiveness.

Bluefields were falling to him, slowly. Fletch and Clover were openly agreeable, Nattie quietly agreeable, and Tril mainly just quiet. Whit didn’t greatly care, and Papa Bluefield still sat on the fence.

Sorrel and Tril Bluefield reminded Dag a bit of patrol leaders, their heads stuffed with too many duties and details, too many people’s conflicting desires and needs. An unsolvable dilemma had a good chance of being invited to go away; he thought they might break simply because they could not afford to spend all their time and energy on one problem when so many more crowded upon them. Dag felt almost cruelly ruthless, but he steeled himself to keep up the blandishments and subtle pressure. Fawn took care of the unsubtle pressure.