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"I have dreamed of being granted such a moment, Ship Who Sings," she said, her voice vibrant with exultation.

"Please be seated in the lounge on your right," Helva said.

The Helvana took a second look at the raised bridge area that had been Niall's favorite place and turned to the lounge area. With considerable grace, the heavy folds of her cassock flowing around her feet and her heavy boots grating on the metal part of the deck, she reached the first of the sectional couches. With another bow, she seated herself facing Helva's panel.

"I must tell you, Ship Who Sings, that the pitiful colony of the religious you rescued from Ravel's nova learned from that basic mistake."

"I am pleased to hear that," Helva began, "but you must…" The graceful hand raised from the deep-cuffed sleeve. "There was much to be learned if the Inner Marian Circle would survive the science of your civilization."

"Really?" Helva decided that this was a time to listen. "The satellite will have sent its preprogrammed message even as I am certain you sent messages?" Her voice ended on an upward querying note.

"Several, with such details of the invading force as I was able to glean. But, really, Helvana, they're going…"

The hand raised and Helva subsided. She did have four days in hand.

"My grandmother…" Well, that was unexpected.

"… Was one of those whom you yourself rescued. A wise but older Christian sisterhood succored her and the other younger members of that community until a new planet could be found for our Order. And they acquired much wisdom during their waiting." "Not, however, how to combat bloodthir…" The hand went up and Helva subsided again. "We had been children on Chloe, ignorant and kept in ignorance when knowledge would have saved us, and the Blessed Jennan. My grandmother studied much, as did her intimate circle. With prayer and research, we found that this planet was available. A stable primary was our first consideration, of course," she said with a graceful wave of her hand. "Surveys of Ravel proved it would be adequate for our needs and our preferred style of life once we overcame its… nature. The planet has inherent dangers. Indeed we were required to devise a means whereby we could safely land the first colony expedition." Her expression became distant with memories, but she pulled herself back to the present with a little shake of her head. "We were averse to the use of technology, but that, in the end, was what we required and what we still employ. We have maintained the landing site out of respect for the achievement of technology over rampant nature. The touch of a switch will deter any unwelcome… visitors."

She was talking a great deal more rationally than that rabid idiot Mother Superior at Chloe had. But defending the broad open plains of this Ravel would be the task of an army. A much-better-equipped one than these people could possibly mount.

"We have cultivated not only the land, but the resources of the vegetation and wildlife. There are predators on Ravel…"

"Not anything that could overcome a battle-armed Kolnari…"

The Helvana smiled.

"How many are in this Kolnari battle armor?"

Well, that was the first sensible question.

"I'd estimate five, maybe six regiments."

Her well-shaped eyebrows arched in surprise. "How many are in a regiment?"

Helva told her.

"That many?"

"Yes, that many, and impregnable in that battle armor, too. Unless you happen to have armor-piercing missiles hidden in your fields."

"Nothing to pierce armor," the Helvana said blithely, with a light emphasis on "pierce." "But we will defend ourselves well."

"Don't even consider hand-to-hand combat, Helvana," Helva said.

"Oh"-and there was a lovely rippling contralto laugh-"we wouldn't consider attacking anyone."

"Then HOW do you plan to deal with the Kolnari?"

"May I surprise you?"

"If it doesn't lead immediately to your death and the slaughter of all those innocents out there."

"It won't."

"Which reminds me, Helvana, I saw young children out there, and teenage girls as well as matrons your age and older."

Helva had been reviewing her tapes, because something had puzzled her about the composition of those calm observers.

"Ah, yes," the Helvana said, smiling graciously. "My grandmother also decided that our community must propagate…"


"Oh, no, that would have been against our precepts. We brought with us sufficient fertilized female ova, removed from our Faithful, to supply us with the necessary diverse genetic balance to ensure that our community will last for centuries."

"Clever," Helva said.

"Not the least of our… cleverness, Ship Who Sings."

Just then Helva's outside sensors picked up a little cough and she became aware that a covey of girls was standing just outside the hatch.

"I think they wish to speak to you, Helvana," the ship said. "Come on in, girls."

Their faces either red with embarrassment or white with exultation, the young women entered, bowing with varying degrees of grace as the Helvana had done, towards Helva's panel. Did the whole damned planet know where she lived?

"The birds have flown, Helvana. And some nearby have responded."

Helvana nodded, pleased. "Enter the responses and report back when all have answered."

The girls left in a flurry, but not before a second obeisance to Helva.

"You've trained avians as messengers?"

"It seemed wise since there are such distances between our communities and decisions must be circulated when necessary."

"Does every community have a… Helvana?"

"No, I am the one so honored by my peers."

"How long will you serve, if that is the correct phrase?"

"It is you I serve," the Helvana said with great dignity. "When I know myself too old to continue intelligent administration, my successor will be installed, chosen from among those who are diligent in learning the canon and tradition of our Circle."

"Well, yes, but let's get to the point. DO you have some safe refuge where you can't be found until the Fleet arrives?"

"Ravel supplies our defense," Helvana said, again with the confident smile.

"Enlighten me, then, because I have every reason to fear for your safety."

"You must look more closely at Ravel."

"Don't tell me you've trained the predators to defend you?"

"No, the planet itself will."

"Well, if your defense is classified, I assure you I won't disclose your methods but the Kolnari are the most effective and ruthless fighting force of all humanoids. They…"

"Against other humans, quite likely…"

"They have weaponry"-and Helva was getting a bit tired of this woman's self-confident denial of any threat-"that could turn this settlement into a cinder…"

"From the air?" And there was just a touch of fear in this Helvana's voice.

"You're lucky," Helva said dryly, "the Kolnari strategy is based more on overwhelming their target with ground forces. Of course, your satellite warning system'll be blasted out of space as soon as they spot it, but the bunch that's headed here don't have any assault ships, unless they've modified some of the bigger yachts. And all of them seem so full of bodies that I doubt they are armed with space-to-surface missiles, too. Though," Helva added thoughtfully, "they could be. However, they think they have total surprise as an advantage to a quick rout."

The Helvana crossed her arms and said, not quite smugly, "Then we shall not be harmed."

"Look, their ships are crammed with bodies, bodies which intend to take over this planet for their purposes which, I assure you, you won't like. You have no armament…"