Hyphenated prefixes
ek - denotes that something is done only one time or rather suddenly (from Hindi "ek" one): tuki
to knock — ek-tuki to give a knock, krai to cry — ek-krai to cry out. en - denotes the beginning of action: en-somni to fall asleep, en-stan to stand up. fa - conveys the meaning "to get, to become": gran big — fa-gran to increase, hao good — fa-
hao to improve, become better. fuy - the prefix of disgust, repugnance: fuy-jen a nasty person.
ko - joint action or being: ko-exista co-existence; ko-senti to feel with; ko-jen companion, helpmate.
mah - causative prefix meaning "to make, to bring into a condition": hao good — mah-hao to
improve, make better; jal to burn, be burning — mah-jal to burn (smth). swa - self- (directed at oneself): swa-luba self-love, swa-kontrola self-control. shma - disparaging prefix: shma-kaval nag, shma-dom shack. stif - "step": stif-mata stepmother, stif-patra stepfather.
bu - negation: gran big — bugran not big, not great, komparibile comparable — bukomparibile incomparable.
de(s) - opposite action ("des" if before a vowel): desharji discharge, desorganisi disorganize. dus - "bad, mal-, ill-": fauha smell - dusfauha fetor, stench; trati to treat - dustrati to maltreat;
dusfama-ney ill-famed; dustaim bad times. kontra - counter-: kontratoxin antidote.
mis - incorrectly, wrongly: misyusi to misuse, miskalkuli to miscalculate. no - makes antonyms: juste just — nojuste unjust; pinchan ordinary — nopinchan extraordinary.
pre - precedence, pre-, fore-: previdi to foresee; pre-existi to preexist; prenam forename; preyeri the day before yesterday; pregoer predecessor, prejudaprejudice.
ras - separation, division, or dispersion: muvi to move — rasmuvi to move apart; dai to give - rasdai to distribute, give to several people; sendi to send - rassendi to send out/round; lwo to fall - raslwo to fall to pieces. ri - again, anew: riapari to reappear, rizwo to redo.
yun - with names of animals means animal's young: doga dog — yundogapup; kota cat — yunkota kitten.
bile - "-able, -ible": samaji - samajibile understandable, vidi - vidibile visible; chi to eat - chibile eatable.
dan - denotes container: chaydan teapot; nayudan butterdish, milkadan milk-can.
ful - "possessing (esp. in great quantity), full of": joisaful joyful; jivaful lively, sprightly,
vivacious; lumaful spotlit, luminous, alight; misteriaful mysterious; danjaful dangerous. guan - "institution, establishment": fanguan dining room; frisiguan hairdresser's; kitabaguan
library; printiguan printing-house. ifi - "to get, to become": iri be angry — irifi get angry; klare clear — klarifi become clear(er). ike - (unstressed) derives adjectives of relation: osean ocean — oseanike oceanic; harmonia
harmony — harmonike harmonious; historia history — historike historical. If added to a noun ending in -a or -ia, these endings are dropped. Nouns ending in -ika produce adjectives ending in -ike: publika — publike, gramatika — gramatike. inka - denotes one small part of smth: ramla sand - ramlinka grain of sand, snega snow -
sneginka snowflake, pluva rain - pluvinka drop of rain. ish - means "to some extent, somewhat, moderately": blan white - blanish whitish, interes-ney
interesting — interes-nish more or less interesting; hao good — haoishpassable. Adding this suffix, the end -e of adjectives or -a of nouns are dropped; -ney => -nish. itaa - makes abstract nouns from adjectives: probable probable - probablitaa probability. isi - "to make, to bring into a condition": detal detail — detalisi detalize; iri be angry — irisi anger, enrage; klare clear — klarisi clarify. If added to a noun ending in -ia, "ia" is dropped: mifologia mythology — mifologisi mythologise. lik - "characteristic of, similar in appearance or character": matalik maternal, motherly; amigalik
friendly; manlik manly; ginalik womanly; domlik homely, cozy; suryalik sun-like. lok - "place": habitilok living place, habitation; twolilok threshing-floor; koylok — somewhere;
enilok — anywhere. nesa - makes abstract nouns from adjectives: dule tender - dulenesa tenderness. nik - denotes person as bearer of some characteristic feature or adherent of smth: batalnik scrapper; fobnik coward; shwonik chatterer; pyannik drunkard, safarnik confirmed traveller. When it is added the word's last vowel may be dropped. shil - "having inclination or tendency to": gun to work — gunshil industrious; kusi to bite —
kusishil tending to bite; fobi to fear — fobishil timid, timorous. val - "worth": admirival admirable; sey filma es goval this film is worth going to see; sey geim es pleival this game is worth playing.
a — to (aim, direction); to (dative case) afte — after; in (temporal)
al — when (doing smth.), at, under (simultaneity, circumstances) along — along
aus — out (of) (outward movement)
ausen — outside (at what place?), beyond the limits of
baken — behind (at what place?)
bay — by, with, by means of (a means or tool); by (doer or author)
bifoo — before (in space or time)
bli — near, nearby, beside, close by