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I wasn’t sure how to respond. I looked to Zoe, wanting to ask her how accurate these visions really were, but doubted she knew herself. If there was any truth to it …

“How long before he attacks?” I asked.

“An exact time frame is difficult to pinpoint,” she said, “but soon. We were unsuccessful in intercepting the weapons; he has them, or most of them.”

“Do you have any leads as to where they went?”

“We’re looking for them as hard as your agency is. We haven’t located them yet.”

“If Fawkes is operating out of the city, then give me something to go on,” I said. “I can’t just take your word for it.”

Penny reached across the table and handed me a data spike.

“We recorded that less than six hours ago,” Ai said.

I opened a connection to the spike and accessed the recording that was stored on it. It was a text message, repeated in a loop. The message used a revivor’s transponder code.

Nico. This is Sean. I’m here. Help me.

“Several of our people have gone missing,” Ai said, “and we recently tracked them to several locations. One is a facility called Rescue Mission. It is a nonprofit medical center for the homeless, which is run by the group known as Second Chance. Have you heard of them?”

“I’ve heard of them.”

“I believe they’ve taken your friend, Agent.”

Nico. This is Sean. I’m here— I stopped the loop.

“Sean told me this started with the Concrete Falls bombing,” I said. “Do you know what he meant by that?” She shook her head.

“If Mr. Pu made that determination, he never got a chance to report it to me.”

She looked over at Zoe then. She spoke again, but when she did her tone had changed, becoming softer.

“Someone has to stop it,” she said. “You will be part of this too.”

“How many of you are there?” Zoe asked. The nervousness was gone. She looked excited.

“Us,” Penny said.

“How many of us are there?”

“More than you think,” Ai said. “You are not alone.”

The whole thing happened in the blink of an eye. Zoe opened her mouth to answer her when a wineglass on the table popped and something hissed loudly from directly in front of Ai’s face. The air rippled, and there was a loud crack that made everyone in the dining area turn. Outside the restaurant, a low boom echoed down the street.

A small object spun in the air in front of Ai, then dropped onto the tablecloth, trailing smoke. It was a piece of smooth, black metal, in the shape of a bullet.

“What the hell?” Zoe squawked.

She’s wearing an inertial dampening field. It was the only thing that could stop a round cold like that. The slug looked like it came from a gauss rifle.

I turned to follow the trajectory. A thin trail of smoke led to a window out front where four inches of bullet-proof glass had a neat hole bored straight through. A waiter walked through the smoke trail, disrupting it without even noticing.

Back at the table, Penny recovered quickly. She used a cloth napkin to grab the bullet, then stowed it in her purse. As I stood, I saw her hand off the purse to a passing woman. The woman disappeared into the crowd with it.

This is Agent Wachalowski. We have an unknown weapon fired from the street at Suehiro 9, possibly a magnetic rail gun.

Roger that.

I stood up and as I turned, I saw Ai sag in her seat, just a little. She stared at the air in front of her, looking very tired.

“Go,” Penny said.

I left the table and headed for the front entrance. When I got closer, I could just make out something through the window, a ripple in the air just past the glass. A gust of wind sprayed rain against the passersby, and for just a second there was a gap in the mist.

“Stop!” I yelled, drawing my weapon. The crowd was in the way. I struggled through them, but the gap in the rain was gone.


I shoved past the hostess and through the front entrance, onto the sidewalk. People were moving in every direction. I couldn’t pinpoint him.

Damn it.

There was an alley alongside the restaurant and I ducked down it. Even if the shooter couldn’t be seen, he’d need to get off the street and away from the crowd. People parted in front of me as they saw the gun; one man backed into a woman, who slipped off the curb and landed in the street. A car stopped short, and I heard the crunch of metal behind me as he got rear-ended.

Horns started blaring, people shouting, as I passed the valet. He followed me with his camera as I turned into the alley. Immediately, someone grabbed me.

Two hands gripped my lapels and spun me, shoving me back against the brick wall. I brought the gun around, but something I couldn’t see blocked it.

“Wait!” a voice said from in front of me. “Nico, wait!”

The air in front of me rippled and Faye’s face appeared, staring up at me from under the hood of an LW cloak. Her eyes glowed dimly in the darkness.

“It’s me,” she said. The rain drizzled off the cloak, and for a second a gust of wind whipped it around her. Her hair was gone, and her skin was the color of ash, but it was her.

I tried to move the gun, but she still had my arm. I let go of the grip, the weapon sliding free of my hand until it hung from my finger by the trigger guard. The pressure eased up on my wrist.

“Did you do this?” I asked her. She shook her head. Her face was a few inches from mine, but I couldn’t see her breath in the cold. No warmth came off of her.

“No,” she said.

“Then why—”

“He sent me. I was following you.”

She stood up on her toes and put her arms around my neck. She hugged me gently, the way she used to sometimes. Her cheek was cool against my neck as rain trickled down my collar.

“I’m glad you’re alive,” she said.

I could feel the low vibration in her chest through my coat. I meant to push her away, but I didn’t.

Who sent you? I asked.

Fawkes. I stiffened, and she squeezed tighter, just a little, before stepping back. It was true. He was still out there. He was still out there, and she’d joined with him.

I’ve come to offer you a deal, she said. Her eyes glowed softly in the dark. I stood there, one hand on her waist, getting soaked by the rain.

What does he want? I asked.

He wants you to kill the woman Ai, and her main operatives.

Someone just took a shot at her with a rail gun and she walked away. What makes him think I’ll be able to do it?

He knows you’re immune to their influence. He knows she is bringing you in close. Someone like you could manage it.

I shook my head.

Whatever else she is, she’s a private citizen who hasn’t, as far as I know, broken any laws. I don’t even have grounds to arrest her. I’m not going to assassinate her. Not for Fawkes, or you or anyone else. Understand?

She was telling the truth. Fawkes is building his forces, she said. This is your only chance to stop it.

No one would be able to smuggle hundreds of revivors into the country, especially after what happened. Fawkes’s trick where he took control of the National Guard units wasn’t going to work a second time either. The only other option was to manufacture them locally, but the procedure wasn’t simple. In the current climate, gathering the hardware it would take for a large-scale operation like that would raise too many flags.

Where is he hiding them?

Just listen. The assault will begin soon.

Is that what his offer is? Kill Ai and he’ll call off the attack?