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Then he focused on a photo, obviously taken from a location above the work scene with a telescopic lens. It showed three big ugly animals walking along a hillside. Oryx, and one with a great curving, trophy-sized horn. Some of old man Tuttle’s exotic game. The other photo looked directly down on the trucks, the men working around the excavation—and into the excavation. He picked up the magnifying glass again. Looked through it at the print, held his breath for a long moment, and then exhaled and produced an angry expletive.

He picked up his telephone, punched his houseman’s number. While he waited he studied the photo of Bernie again. Why had she taken that photograph? Because she’d been sent there specifically to take it? Because something she’d seen had made her suspicious?

George’s voice said: “Yes, sir.”

“Get Budge,” Winsor said. “Tell him to call me. Tell him it’s urgent. Tell him to get the plane set for El Paso and then into Mexico. Then get me packed for four or five days. With walking shoes.”

“Yes, sir,” the houseman said.

Winsor sat back in his chair, shook his head, and muttered: “One damned thing after another.” He picked up his “congress” file, opened it, and reread the fax Haret had sent him. The congressman from Oregon causing trouble as usual, their bought-and-paid-for Midwestern congressman forgetting why Winsor had financed his campaign and saying nothing helpful, and the marijuana bill undefeated, merely tabled for further consideration. A bad time to be leaving Washington.

A flash of reflected sunlight caught his attention. It came from the glass eye of the Bengal tiger head in the trophy room. He shut the folder, picked up the photographs from New Mexico, and looked at the little procession of oryx Officer Manuelito had photographed. Scimitar-horned oryx, he remembered, and the horns they carried justified the name. He’d take a rifle along. If he had time to shoot that big one, he’d use it to replace the head of the lion he’d shot in Kenya. It wasn’t a very impressive lion and the trip hadn’t been one that produced any happy memories.

He didn’t expect any happiness out of this one, either. But he had to make it, to quit counting on others to get a job done. He’d handle it himself, with Budge there to lend a hand if needed. No way to guess what he’d find at the Tuttle Ranch. But if things were going bad there, or at the Mexican end of that project, he’d have to fix them. Otherwise it wouldn’t matter much what happened in that congressional committee. Or at the bank.


Even before responding to Bernie’s “welcome home,” even while putting her overnight bag in the entry closet, Eleanda Garza was giving Bernie curious looks. Then she followed Bernie into the kitchen.

“Hey,” she said. “I heard you made a bust of illegals. All by yourself. And I heard you sort of bent the rules some by taking risks. Is that right?”

Bernie was not in the mood this morning for any sort of criticism. “Risks?” she said. “A mother, two kids, and an old man. And a brother-in-law. A citizen who came out to get them after the coyote dumped them.”

Eleanda raised a hand, laughed. “OK. OK. You did just what I would have done. I kept doing it until one day I got shot at. After that I’d call a backup even if it was an old lady in a wheelchair carrying a baby.”

“All right then,” Bernie said. “Sorry I sounded so grouchy. You think Mr. Henry will get on me about this?”

“You betcha. But if this is the first time he got on you about something it’ll just be about a five-minute lecture. Little bit of finger shaking, and a couple of ‘Goddammits,’ and a ‘Don’t let it happen again.’ Will this be the first time on the carpet?”

“Well,” Bernie said. “I guess so. But he called me in about getting onto the Tuttle Ranch. I didn’t know we had that special deal with them.”

Eleanda’s eyebrows rose. “I didn’t either. What deal?”

“Mr. Henry said they do our work for us on the ranch. You know, tipping us off if illegals show up. Sort of unofficially holding them until we come to the gate and take custody. And in return we don’t go in their hunting preserve, or get nosey if they have their rich Mexican business friends in there on hunting trips.”

Eleanda had taken orange juice out of the refrigerator and was pouring herself a glass. “Nobody told me about that,” she said. “But maybe because it’s sort of, shall we say, semi-illegal. Or an exception not provided for by the statutes.” She laughed. “One of those arrangements that takes days of writing reports if the wrong people hear about it.”

“Eleanda,” Bernie said, “why would Mr. Henry want to take a picture of me?”

Eleanda looked surprised. “I can’t imagine. When did that happen?”

“I took some photos out at the Tuttle place. Oryx, and the Mexican truck I followed in there, things like that. And Mr. Henry told me to turn them over to him. And then he said he had to have a photo of me. And he took one.”

Eleanda shook her head. “Maybe because he likes your looks. You’re a good-looking woman. But, really, I don’t know. Didn’t he say.”

“Just that he needed it.”

Eleanda was studying Bernie over her glass of orange juice. “You’re worried about this?”

Bernie debated what to tell Eleanda, noticed the woman’s concern, decided to tell her everything.

“This man who was picking up the illegals. Delos Vasquez. The dispatcher said someone of that name might have worked for the dopers at Agua Prieta. He said he recognized me. That they had a picture of me at Agua Prieta.”

“Who had it?”

“He said people in the drug trade. Said he’d driven for them a while and then quit because he was afraid of them.”

Eleanda was thinking, frowning. She nodded. “He was trying to make a hit on you, Bernie. You’re a good-looking woman. Most likely, he just made it up. Or it could have been a picture of someone else.”

“He said he thought he recognized me right away, and then he knew it was me because of that little silver pin of mine. Big Thunder. I had it on my shirt collar. And I was wearing it when Henry took the picture.”

“On your uniform shirt?”

Bernie nodded.

“I’ll bet he didn’t like that.”

“Henry told me it was against the rules to wear jewelry on duty.”

“But you had it on yesterday.”

“It’s for good luck,” Bernie said.

Eleanda finished the orange juice. Looked pensive. “Why would they hand your photo around among the coyotes at Agua Prieta. Did this Vasquez explain that?”

Bernie looked embarrassed. “He said they were supposed to be on the lookout for me. Be afraid of me.”

Eleanda considered this, abruptly reached a decision.

“Have you talked to Sergeant Chee about this? If you haven’t you should.”


“Because he’s a cop with a lot better connection than us. See if he can find out what’s going on.”

Bernie didn’t respond to that.

“Have you told Henry about it?”

Bernie shook her head.

“I wouldn’t. He’s the one who took the picture, and I sometimes think ... Well, I’m not sure about him. Call your sergeant. See what he thinks.”

“He’ll think I’m silly.”

“He won’t,” Eleanda said. “And if you don’t call him, I will.”

Bernie stared at her, bit her lip.

“Honey, time to get smart. That man hurt your feelings. But he really likes you.”