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“That wacko is now your client, so keep that opinion to yourself.”

She sat up straighter. “Oh, right. Sorry.”

“And you said you did some research for Ted on the case?”

She swallowed a bite of sandwich and wiped a smudge of mayo off her mouth. “Right. Pretty mundane things. Jurisdictional issues. Competency grounds. That sort of thing.”

“Any defense theories?”

“I’m not sure Mr. Bergin had any yet. But he seemed anxious to go to trial.”

“How do you know that?”

“From things he said. He really seemed to want to move forward with it.”

“Which again begs the question of how he ended up being Roy’s lawyer. If the guy was incompetent he couldn’t have hired Ted. And I can find nothing in the record that shows the two had a preexisting professional relationship.”

“Well, does he have any family that could have hired Mr. Bergin?”

“That was my next question. But the billing records aren’t in the file.”

“I think Hilary keeps those separate,” said Megan.

“But there’s no correspondence going out to a client. And that should be in these files.”

“I thought I got everything, but I might have overlooked something.”

Sean’s phone rang. Ironically it was Hilary.

“I just got back from Mr. Bergin’s house, Sean. There’s no one there.”

“No one there now. Could you tell if people had been there before you?”

“The place is pretty isolated, but there is a house you have to pass to get to Mr. Bergin’s. I know the woman who lives there. I asked her if the police or anyone had been by and she said no. And she’d been home all day.”

“Okay, Hilary, I really appreciate you doing that. Look, I’m here with Megan. Right, we had her fly up tonight. She brought the files, but there’s nothing in here about who Ted’s client was. It couldn’t have been Roy. At least I don’t think it was. And the correspondence file isn’t in here. Who do you send the legal bills to?”

“There aren’t any bills.”

“What do you mean? He was doing this pro bono?”

“I’m not sure. I guess he might have. Or else he’d set up a different payment system.”

“But he still had to be engaged by someone. He had to contact them. There has to be a legal representation engagement letter somewhere by a person authorized to act on behalf of Edgar Roy.”

“Well, I don’t know who that is.”

“Was this typical for Ted?”

“What do you mean?”

“To hide the identity of his client from you?”

She didn’t say anything for a few seconds. “This was the only time he did.”

“Okay, thanks, Hilary. I’ll be in touch.” He put the phone down and gazed at Megan. “Looks like we have a mystery on both ends.”

The door opened.

Agent Murdock stood there with his men right behind.

“Megan Riley?”

The young lawyer spilled her tea as she stood on trembling legs. “Yes?”

“FBI. You’ll need to come with us.” He looked over at Sean. “And be thankful your ass isn’t being charged with obstruction.”

“How would that be possible?”

“You know the lady is pertinent to our investigation.”

“Pertinent but not a material witness. And I’m entitled to conduct my own investigation.” Murdock started to say something but before he could get the words out, Sean added, “The way I see it I did you a favor. I brought her up to Maine. I’ll be sure to send along a request for reimbursement of her plane ticket to the Bureau.”

“Don’t hold your breath,” growled Murdock. “Let’s go, Ms. Riley.”

Megan looked imploringly at Sean, who said, “Call me when they’re done. I’ll come and pick you up.”

“No you won’t,” snapped Murdock.

“You holding her against her will?”


“Then I will pick her up when she calls.”

“You better watch yourself.”

“I suggest you do the same, Agent Murdock.”


PETER BUNTING NERVOUSLY ADJUSTED his tie and nodded at the staffer who had come to escort him to his meeting. He’d been here on numerous occasions, but this time was different. This time he was prepared to have his ass handed to him.

He suddenly stopped and stared blankly at the man who was just now leaving the office he was about to enter.

Mason Quantrell was fifteen years older than Bunting and not quite as tall, with a bulldog chest and a jowly face. His hair was still thick and wavy, though the brown strands had turned mostly gray. His mind was far sharper than his features, his eyes roaming and intense. He was the CEO of the Mercury Group, one of the biggest players in the national security field. Revenue-wise, Mercury was well over twice the size of Bunting’s company, but the E-Program platform gave Bunting greater clout in the intelligence community. Quantrell was from the old school. Spread the intelligence around. Let the worker bees do their thing and feed the government paper mill, spewing out reports no one had time to read. He was the dinosaur making billions off Uncle Sam. Quantrell had hired Bunting to work for him right out of college. And then Bunting had left to build his own empire. Two decades ago Quantrell had been the wonder boy of the private-sector clandestine world before Bunting had replaced him.

They were not friends. In some ways they were even more than competitors. And in Washington there were really no winners or losers, only survivors. And Bunting knew that Quantrell would do everything in his power to knock him off his lofty perch.

“What a coincidence seeing you here,” said Quantrell.

I bet, thought Bunting.

“How’s business?” asked Quantrell.

“Never better.”

“Is that right? I heard otherwise.”

“I don’t really care what you heard, Mason.”

Quantrell laughed. “Well, don’t keep the lady waiting, Pete. I’m sure she has lots to tell you.”

He strode down the hall, and Bunting watched him every step of the way until the aide touched his shoulder, which made him jump.

“Secretary Foster will see you now, Mr. Bunting.”

He was ushered into the large corner office where the polycarbonate glass allowed in ample sunlight, but never a bullet. He sat across from the woman. She was dressed in pale blue – her favorite color, Bunting had observed. Ellen Foster was forty-five, divorced, childless, as ambitious as he was, and brilliant. That was just the way it was. The filter became incredibly picky at this level. She was also blond, slender, and attractive, and she could gallop the range from iron maiden to feminine flirt with ease. That didn’t hurt, either, in this city where honey and vinegar were often used as aphrodisiacs.

Foster, the secretary of Homeland Security – a recent innovation prompted by 9/11 – nodded at Bunting with an unreadable expression. She was an excellent tactician, he knew. She sat atop the largest security agency in the country. It had swallowed turf and budget dollars like a giant vacuum cleaner. This had caused a lot of envy from other agencies that resented the new kid on the block’s heft and reach. But it was the new world, and Foster was the newest member of the Cabinet. She had the president’s ear and confidence. When the person in the White House had your back, you were platinum. Foster knew this, of course. She could afford to appear cooperative and magnanimous to her competitors. For in the end, she knew she would come out on top.

Foster rose to greet him. “Peter, good to see you. Family well?”