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"Like the lights?" Second asked, gesturing toward the nearest one. "Very useful. Much more convenient than messing with glowbaskets."

"Glowbaskets are traditional," the woman said, and her petulant tone carried into the shadows beyond the table. "Glows were put here for us to cultivate and protect."

"Glows are natural, and have lighted our holds and halls for centuries," said a deep, censorious voice. Startled, the woman gasped and put her hand protectively to her throat.

Certainly First and Second, who had thought they were having a private discussion, were annoyed by the intrusion until the big man stepped out of the shadows. As he slowly walked to the table, the others watched his deliberate advance, noting the size of him. He sat down by Third, bringing the number seated there to five. He wore a strangely shaped leathern cap that hid most of his forehead but did not cover the scar on the side of his nose and cheek. He was also missing the top joint of the first finger on his left hand. Something about his scarred face and his purposeful manner compelled the others to silence.

"Pern has lost much lately and gained little." His un-maimed hand lifted to point to the light. "And all because a voice-" He paused contemptuously. "-said to do so."

"Got rid of the Red Star," Second said, shifting uneasily.

Fifth turned his head toward Second, regarding him so unblinkingly that his scorn was nearly palpable.

"Thread still falls," Fifth said in that deep, disturbing voice that seemed to use no inflection.

"Well, yes, but that was explained," Second said.

"Perhaps to your satisfaction, but not to mine."

Two men seated at a table opposite the group looked over with interest, and gestured at First to let them join in. First nodded his head at the two, and Sixth and Seventh hastily climbed into vacant spaces among the others.

"The voice is gone," First said, when the two newcomers were settled and he was guaranteed the group's full attention once again. "Terminated itself."

"As it should have been terminated before it was allowed to pollute and corrupt the minds of so many," Fifth went on.

"And it has left so much behind," the woman said in a despairing tone, "so much that can be misused."

"You mean the equipment and new methods for manufacturing all kinds of things, like the electricity that brightens dark places?" Third could not resist teasing such somber and humorless people.

"There was no good reason for that… thing to turn itself off like that, just when it was beginning to be useful," First said resentfully.

"But it leftplans!" And Fourth sounded as if that was suspicious.

"Too many plans," Fifth agreed, deepening his voice to a lugubrious and ominous level.

"What?" Third prompted him. Fourth's eyes rounded with fear and anxiety.

"Surgery!" In that expressive deep voice the three syllables were dramatically drawn out as if he spoke of something immoral.

"Surgery?" Sixth frowned. "What's that?"

"Ways of mucking inside a body," First replied, lowering his own voice to match Fifth's.

Sixth shuddered. "Mind you, sometimes we gotta cut a foal out of its dam or it strangles." When the others regarded him suspiciously, he added, "Only a very well-bred foal we can't afford to lose. And I saw the healer once remove a pendix. Woman would've died, he said. She didn't feel a thing."

" 'She didn't feel a thing,' " Fifth repeated, investing that statement with sinister import.

"The healer could have done anything else he liked," Fourth said in a shocked whisper.

Second dismissed that with a grunt. "Didn't do her any harm and she's still alive and a good worker."

"I mean," First went on, "there's a lot of stuff being tried in the Crafthalls, not just the Healers-and when they make mistakes, it can cost a man's life. I don't want them fooling around with me, inside or out."

"Your choice," Second said.

"But is it always 'your' choice?" Fourth wanted to know, leaning forward across the table and tapping her finger to stress her point.

Third also leaned forward. "And what choices are we being given-to decide what we want and need-out of all those files Aivas is supposed to have left us? How do we know we want all this technology and advanced gadgets? How do we know it'll do what they say it will?Lot of people saying we got to have that; ought to have this. They're making the decisions. Not us. I don't like it." He nodded his head to emphasize his distrust.

"For that matter, how do we know that all that hard work-and I had to work my arse off some days down at Landing-will work?" Seventh asked with some rancor. "I mean, they can tellus that it's going to work, but none of us will be alive to see if it does, will we?"

"Neither will they," Third said with black humor. "Then, too," he went on quickly before Fifth could start in again, "not all of the Masters and Lords and Holders are keen to just latch on to all this new junk. Why I heard Master Menolly herself…" Even Fifth regarded him with interest. "She said that we ought to wait and go carefully. We didn't need a lot of the things that that Aivas machine talked about."

"What we dohave," Fifth said, raising his deeper, oddly inflectionless voice above Third's light tenor, "has worked well enough for hundreds of Turns."

Third held up a cautionary finger. "We gotta be careful what new junk gets made just because it's new and seems to make things easier."

"But you have electricity?" Sixth said enviously.

"It's done naturally-we use sun panels, and they've been around forever."

"Ancients made 'em," First said.

"Well, as I said," Third went on, "somethings will be useful, but we've got to be very careful or we'll fall into the same trap the Ancients did. Too much technology. It's even in the Charter."

"It is?" Second asked, surprised.

"It is," Third said. "And we can do something to keep us traditional and unsullied by stuff we aren't even sure we need."

"What?" First asked.

"I'm going to think about it," Fourth said. "I don't hold with someone hurting people, but devices-things we neither want nor need-can be broken or spilled or got rid of." She looked to Fifth to see his reaction.

Third guffawed. "Some folks tried that. Got their ears deafened…"

"The machine's dead," First reminded him.

Third snarled at being interrupted. "Got exiled for hurting the Masterharper-"

"I did hear that the Masterharper died in its chamber. Perhaps the Masterharper had realized how insidious that Abomination was. Could he have terminated it?" asked Fifth.

The woman gasped.

"That's a very interesting idea," Third said softly, leaning forward. "Is there anyproof?"

"How could there be?" First responded in a horrified voice. "The Healers said Master Robinton's heart gave out. From being bounced around during his abduction."

"He was never the same after," agreed Second, who had grieved as sincerely as the rest of the planet for his death. "Heard tell there was a line printed on the screen. Stayed there for a long time and then disappeared."

" 'And a time for every purpose under heaven,' " murmured Sixth.

"Couldn't have been Master Robinton that put up that message. Had to have been Aivas," Seventh said, scowling at Sixth.

"Something to think about, though, isn't it?" Third said.

"Indeed it is," Fourth said, eyes blazing.