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"The dragons and riders are all recovering?" Larad said, stepping down and holding out both hands to F'lar and Lessa. Taking his hands, she realized that he was genuinely concerned.

"Indeed, although truly," and Lessa projected her voice to be sure that everyone listening for news would hear, "if Master Oldive had not been provided with so much invaluable medical information from Aivas's records, we would have lost them both."

"Saved by Aivas?" Larad asked, likewise raising his voice and implying gratitude. "What I don't understand is how did the felines get into Honshu?"

"The creatures were not in the weyrhold." F'lar gave the simplified version. "F'lessan and Tai had taken their dragons down to the river to bathe. That's where the felines attacked them. The area around Honshu hasn't been much bothered by the felines but the new holds nearby have been rounding up and domesticating more and more wild stock. Naturally the predators were attracted." F'lar shrugged as if dismissing the circumstances. "A concatenation of circumstances. Right place, wrong time. They'll heal."

"Oh, splendid! We are relieved to hear that," Lady Dulsay said and then her expression altered to concern. "And you have to attend a Council Meeting when you must yearn to be at Honshu with your son."

Lessa was momentarily surprised; few people referred to F'lessan as "your son." He was the one child she had been able to bear F'lar and she had once-briefly and keenly-regretted her inability to have more. But that was long ago. The Weyr was more important. Today it was vital for the Weyrwoman to be present at this meeting.

"As to that, F'lessan is very well attended and, being weyr-bred, he would not expect me to absent myself."

Lady Dulsay recoiled slightly. "My pardon, I do forget."

"This is one of those times," Lessa said as kindly as she could, for Lady Dulsay meant well, "when the customs of hold and weyr conflict."

Larad suddenly whipped binoculars to his eyes. Was everyone growing those things about their necks, Lessa wondered. "Here come N'ton with Margatta and the blue at his right wing is Boll's watch dragon, conveying Lady Janissian." He lowered the instrument and smiled self-deprecatingly. "I've only had them a sevenday," he apologized.

"At least you find them useful," Lessa said drolly.

"And hope to use them more," Larad said with a pleased grin.

Lessa swallowed. Could news of the Weyrleaders' meetingat Cove Hold have leaked? No, Larad was merely showing off his new acquisition.

"There are more dragons, that much I can see with my own eyes," Lady Dulsay remarked, pointing to the skies. "Are any of them likely to be bringing contenders to Southern Boll's Holdership?" She turned to Lessa. "It was so sad when most of that Bloodline, and all four of Lord Sangel's sons, succumbed to the plague. Such promising young men, so my father said."

"Now, of course, with all the vaccines available to the Healer Hall, we won't have such tragic losses again," Lessa replied. She saw another pair of dragons enter from between."I suspect this is G'bear and Neldama, Lady Dulsay. Have you had a chance to meet them?"

"Oh, yes. They arrived the very next day," and Lessa was surprised to see Lady Dulsay blush. "Most respectful to let us know how the Weyrleadership had been decided."

"Good of them to be prompt to introduce themselves," Lessa said, suppressing a desire to grin. Why was it that holders were invariably embarrassed by mating flights? It wasn't as if Dulsay and Larad hadn't been very much attached to each other when they had formally wed. "Are many of the Council here?"

Before anyone could answer, another triple-tone bugling-in Heth's unmistakably tenor voice-heralded the arrival of the Southern Weyrleaders. They, too, were gleaming, Lessa noted before she took the shallow stairs up to the main entrance.

"Would you like to change out of your flying gear now?" Dulsay asked.

"Since you've already met G'bear and Neldama, I think I'll take the opportunity, thank you, Dulsay," and, inside the imposing Hall, Lessa slipped to the left before she could be intercepted. It was a matter of moments to strip and put on the skirt and the more formal tunic she had brought, fold and leave her riding gear on the shelves provided. Menolly came up to her as soon as she emerged.

"They continue to improve?" Menolly asked anxiously,

Sebell close behind her. Sebell was rather spectacular in dark Harper blue, wearing the sapphire pendant of his rank. His eyes were tired and he was as eager to be reassured as Menolly.

"Yes, yes. It was sheer luck that both Oldive and Crivellan have been studying the Aivas files on perforated intestines-such accidents occur often enough to warrant study," Lessa said. "Once again we can be grateful to reacquire the skills that save lives."

Menolly pursed her lips. "Those wretched, narrow-minded, deceitful misfits. They really are abominable!"

"Are they making life miserable for harpers, too, Menolly?" Lessa saw the tension in Sebell's manner. Music might be Menolly's life but she no more liked Sebell distressed than she had Master Robinton.

Just then, trying to look completely at ease and not quite managing, G'bear came in with Neldama and smiled with great relief to be met by friendly faces and congratulations. Once again Lessa gave reassurances about the invalids' progress and then had it all to do again when K'van and Adrea walked in. G'dened and Cosira arrived, N'ton and Margatta, too, escorting Lady Janissian who halted, looking about her. Menolly went right up to the girl, putting an arm around her.

"You came!"

"I couldn't not come, could I?" Janissian replied, and then caught Lessa's eyes, relaxing when the Weyrwoman gave her an encouraging smile.

"No, you have to be here," N'ton said, grinning, "to get there," and he pointed to the closed door of the room where the Council would be held. "I'll get you some wine. Lessa, what would you prefer? You've had a rough few days."

"I'd prefer the klah. I suspect we must all keep our wits about us in this Council," she replied.

"Yes, I expect we will," N'ton agreed, his smile now for Janissian as he gestured for one of the servers to approach with the tray of drinks.

To Lessa's surprised gratification, fifteen minutes later the entire Council was in their spaces around the U-shaped table in Telgar's vaulted Hall. Toric was, as usual, the last to arrive. There were seventeen Lord Holders, sixteen Master-craftsmen and -women (since Joetta had replaced old Zurg as Masterweaver and Ballora was the new Beastmaster), and eight Weyrleaders and six Weyrwomen. Nadira and Talina rarely attended. The heavy sky-broom doors shut behind Toric with a resounding thunk.

Lips pursed, scowling, the Southern Lord Holder strode past Sebell, directly to K'van and planted his hands on the table, leaning aggressively toward the Weyrleader.

"Why wasn't I informed that dragons had been badly injured by felines?" he demanded.

"Because it doesn't affect Southern Weyr nor your interests," K'van said, blandly, not intimidated.

"Well?" and Toric swung round toward Lessa and F'lar.

Lessa gave him a bland look. Toric must have enjoyed hearing that F'lessan had been injured but it was in his usual bad taste to try to make it appear an omission on K'van's part.