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"I'll just put an arm about you in case."

Tai did need help getting to her feet but she tried to do as much as she could without Sagassy's help.

Her ankles and knees were still stiff; her calves felt more like blocks but they weren't painful; the left leg would even bear weight without great discomfort. So that brief excursion went well enough and, leaning against the heavy sink top, Tai managed to wash hands and face. She ate all the breakfast that Sagassy brought and then asked, as she did every time someone came into the room, when she could see Zaranth, F'lessan, and Golanth.

Having been asked that question frequently, Sagassy put her hands on her hips and gave her head a little shake.

"Well, I'm one as says it don't do younor them any good not to. Leave it with me."

Tai wanted to burst out in frustration because everyone responded with-"leave it with me." So far it was left. She was surprised to see T'lion, bronze Gadareth's rider, enter the room, Sagassy behind him, grinning with smug satisfaction.

"Sagassy says I'm strong enough, and long enough," he said. "You look much better."

"How do you know?" And answered herself. "Oh, Gadareth was there that morning, wasn't he?"

"Indeed he was and has been extremely smug and glowing ever since. Now, put an arm around my neck."

"I can walk, I can walk!"

"I doubt it and I came to carry you because seeing all the invalids-not that Zaranth really isanymore-would definitely be too far for you to walk today." He had swooped her up in his arms before she could protest further and carried her out of the room. She'd had so many people moving her places that such intimacy no longer bothered her. "In reverse order of preference, perhaps, because I know you want to reassure yourself that Zaranth is fine, but F'lessan's just in here, so it's on your way to her."

There was a sudden alteration of the cheerfulness in his voice as he angled her into the largest of the sleeping quarters, not the one she and F'lessan had shared so often. She blinked back tears as she saw F'lessan's white face turning restlessly on the pillow, his lips twitching, his brows creasing, ricking the lines that now scored his cheeks. His body looked unusually bulky under the cover-bandages, she thought, snatching back the hand she had unconsciously extended toward him. He shouldn't be allowed to thrash so. Manora had said his wounds were deep. He could do himself more injury with this tossing.

T'lion placed her in the chair by the bed. She saw that F'lessan's dark hair had been cut back on the right side, clearly showing the stitches on his scalp. Holding her hand a scant few centimeters above his face, her fingers trembled as she followed the path of the other facial scars. They didn't look that deep but they were terrible to see on his handsome face.

As if conscious of someone watching him, he moved his head more restlessly from side to side and tried to lift first one hand, and then the other: the left hand slid limply to dangle beside the narrow bed. She picked it up, returning it to his side, and lightly touched his shoulder.

"Easy, F'lessan, lie still." She pushed behind his ear the strand of hair that had fallen across the stitched cheek. "Lie still. Golanth lives!"

"Golly?" The question was more breath than word, his brows creased slightly, halted when he felt the pull of skin. "Golly?"

His eyes opened, blinked, strained to focus on her face. He seemed puzzled by her presence. "Where've you been?" It was almost a complaint.

"They wouldn't let me come."

"She got clawed, too, F'lessan," T'lion said, leaning over the other side of the bed. "But I said I'd bring her and I have."

F'lessan's eyelids seemed too heavy to keep open but the corner of his mouth turned up.

"So you did. Don't go 'way, my very dear green. Don't go 'way."

His endearment caught at her heart and she had to wait a moment before she could speak.

"I'll see Golanth and then I'll be right back. You can rest now."

"Hmmm, yes. I can, can't I?" He turned his head to one side and, exhaling a deep breath, sank into a stillness that scared her until she saw his chest rise again.

"I'll convey you to bronze Golanth," T'lion said, picking her up and carrying her from the room.

"Why, just look at him, bronze rider," Sagassy remarked, pausing to look back at F'lessan. "He's much less restless already."

It was as well Tai had seen F'lessan before Golanth because the sight of the terribly wounded bronze made her weep.

"Now, now, he looks a lot worse than he is," the Monaco rider said, tightening his arms about her.

He is much better, Tai. He is much better,and Zaranth rose from where she was lying on the sunny terrace beyond Golanth's supine bulk.

"Oh, Zaranth! How can you say that?" Tai was sobbing.

Because it's true.

"Hey, now, Tai, don't go to pieces on me," T'lion said in a rallying tone. "He was badly injured, it's true. Flesh gouged out of him, bits gnawed off him, but they got the tail mended. That's what's in the splint affair. And he's not in any pain because we don't let him be."

That was when Tai noticed all the other people on the terrace and valiantly controlled her sobs.

"Ah, Green Rider Tai," and through the tear haze in her eyes, Tai recognized Persellan's familiar face. "I know the extent of Golanth's injuries seems appalling," he went on, "but we keep him comfortable." He gestured to the large gray pots in which numbweed was stored. "Having Zaranth here makes it certain that he is relieved before he can twitch a muscle in pain. She's been as close to him as a pulse."

Golanth's prostrate body made the terrace seem smaller than she knew it was. There was room for people to move around him. Near the main entrance, there were supplies, like numbweed pots and chests of dressings or other medications, chairs where carers could relax, a table for dining, like the ones that had been set out when half of Monaco had been staying here.

Golanth's body was cushioned from the rock of the terrace by many pads: an awning had been rigged above him-a sail, Tai thought, by the look of it. He seemed smaller somehow, diminished by the absence of his characteristic vitality: like rider, like dragon. She pushed that thought away.

There were marks all over the near side of him, where claws had torn and teeth had snagged. The patch over his left eye was most prominent and the casing around the end of his tail, which was positioned by his body. He lay with his head between his front legs but she could see his nostrils flaring slightly with every breath he took.

He is much better, Tai,Zaranth said with the heartiness of someone who has watched recovery. Much better. Touch him. You will feel the strength in him.

Zaranth had not moved from her position behind Golanth but now she cocked her head at her rider.

"I'll take you round," T'lion offered. "There's a place for you to sit and be private with Zaranth. Let me tell you, despite her own injuries, she has been conscientious in helping us tend Golanth."

T'lion deftly maneuvered her behind him and Tai nearly burst into tears again to see the slashes, hidden behind Golanth's body, that marred Zaranth's green hide. T'lion put her on the bench and stepped back, giving Tai's shoulder a firm reassuring grip before he left them. Zaranth took the small step that separated rider and dragon and put her nose down to Tai's knees.

I do not hurt, Tai. They tend me as well as Golanth but only I can hear to help him. He grieves for F'lessan's hurts. And that pain is the worst.Zaranth emphasized that with a little push of her nose.

It would be. And you've needed me!

In deep apology for her absence, Tai put her arms carefully around her dragon's nose, rested her face against Zaranth's cheek, aware of the dragon's warmth and the particular smell of her sun-warmed hide mixed with the astringency of numb-weed. Then, tenderly, lightly, she placed her right hand on the scored chest and felt the beat of the powerful heart, letting herself relax against her beloved. Reassured by the essential strong rhythm, she felt tension draining out of her body, softening her muscles, and giving her back the sense of Tightness that was the bond between dragon and rider. They remained in this silent communion until Tai was restored to serenity. And had renewed the strength in them both.