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"He wants me to." F'lessan's reply was grim and Tai's objections ceased. "They've got it patched over and sewn up and, despite all the numbweed and fellis juice, it upsets him. He wants his eye open."

F'lessan quickly severed the lower strips holding the patch to the eye. He gasped as he tried to pull the bandage free; the effort was too much.

"Give me the knife before you make a mess of what's left of his eye." Her concern for him-and Golanth-made her speak more brutally than she meant. The dragonrider in her knew that he had to know the worst, now, tonight, while he had steeled himself to accept.

Wordless, he passed her the knife, leaning against Golanth's nose and breathing raggedly.

Tai reached up to slice through the final straps and pulled the covering free. And stared at the dull circle where a bright dragon eye should shine.

Both lids are sewn shut,Zaranth said encouragingly from the shadows. Nothing to be seen until the lids are unstitched.

That won't hurt,Golanth said.They always coat the outer lid lightly when they do the night dressing. It's the inner one that itches so.

Belior's light now shone on that blank gray-white, slightly curved circle.

"Give me back the knife," F'lessan said. He shifted, weight on his good leg, took a deep breath and carefully pulling the knot of the nearest stitch from the lid, severed it.

"There're a lot of them," Tai murmured. Here.A second scalpel clattered to the stone at Tai's feet. Ooops!Zaranth said. Small things are actually harder to move than large ones.

Thanks,Tai said, wondering if encouraging her dragon to spontaneous kinesis was wise. The ethics could wait until later. Zaranth had at least known what was needed and where to get it. Tai followed F'lessan's example and, since she was able to work quickly and stretch more easily, the stitches were soon removed from the vertically opening first lid. She felt Golanth twitch. Gently she caressed his neck. F'lessan should not stretch so high. Help him open the lid. I cannot. It has been closed a long time and is dry.

They did, careful to ease it over the stitches that closed the horizontal lid, gently pulling it to the rim of the eye. They removed the stitches from the second lid. Peeling it back was slow and disheartening. The first facets were revealed; the inner circles scarred black by the pointed claws that had irreparably damaged them. But, as Tai worked the upper lid, and F'lessan the lower, they could see that not all the facets were dark. The outer band, to the third facet in, showed a cloudy green; on the upper rank, four octagons were clearer. Along the dragon's nose, six more were brightening. Golanth had lost at least three-quarters of the sight in that eye. He might see directly in front of him in a narrow band and catch motion on the left and perhaps make out objects overhead.

Now, slowly, Golanth turned his head to his rider and Tai, and focused on them what remaining vision he had.

I see you, F'lessan. I see you, Tai. I see!

Dragons do not weep. F'lessan did, burrowing into his dragon's neck, clasping Tai's hand so tightly in his that some of her tears were for pain as well as joy.

Neither Wyzall nor Oldive, nor any of the beastmasters and healers they had consulted had thought that Golanth would have any use of the left eye. Nor did they know if the undamaged eye could compensate! While dragons often got their eyes full of stinging char and occasionally a direct score, the nictitating lids could close so quickly that rarely had more than a few facets been hurt.

I do not see much. But I see with two eyes.

Tai began to hiccup with sobs. F'lessan was gasping and hissing more than sobbing, sagging against his dragon, his injured leg sticking out to one side.

"I had to see, I had to know," he murmured.

Tai tried to support him, but he kept slipping, exhausted by his efforts, tears running down his face in a quiet despair that was far worse to hear than his initial sobs of relief.

Zaranth, put us in his worn.


The bed!

Being moved telekinetically by Zaranth was not at all the same thing as going between.If anything, Tai thought, it was between between.

Not-so-fast!Tai heard Golanth say, like a tiny distant sound deep in her ear, not a phrase said aloud. And the breathless propulsion down the corridor eased somewhere in between the start and the finish, and by its finish, they were slowly falling onto a bed. The larger bed they had shared-a logical enough destination for Zaranth, who would have recognized from Tai's mind that this bed was preferable to the narrow one that F'lessan had left. Tai was able to ease F'lessan's descent to the mattress.

As she hastily checked for any blood seeping from his bandages, F'lessan lay there, supine, limp arms over his head, gasping for breath, his face pale even in the darkened room, his left leg jutting straight out over the end of the bed.

"A bit sudden, isn't it, Tai," he said, opening his eyes.

"I'm thirsty." That was plaintive. The next was definitive.

"And I do notwant any fellis juice. I want water, lots of it. Cold."

Limping a little because she'd strained her bad leg, Tai paused at the door to listen for any activity in the hall, and then slipped as quickly as she could back to F'lessan's sickroom. She took the pitcher and the glass from the table and returned with them. Maybe she should have found some wine, or something sweet, for the shock. Now that she had had a few moments to get accustomed to the uncovered eye, it could have been worse: Golly had some sight. It must have been much worse for F'lessan, not able to check but very able to lie in that bed, numbed with the weed and fellis, thinking, thinking, and thinking. There would be considerable relief in knowing just how bad it was.

She got back with no one the wiser in the sleeping weyr-hold. She poured water for F'lessan, who dragged himself to a sitting position on one elbow. He drained the glass. She arranged pillows and pushed him back against them before she took a long swig from the pitcher to quench her own thirst.

"More, please." He held up the empty glass. When she refilled it, he sipped in mouthfuls this time. She drank again from the pitcher. The water was nearly gone. Should she get some fruit juice from the kitchen? Sagassy could be relied on to have a beaker cooling there. It wasn't just the sea that had made her mouth dry.

When she made a move to leave, he caught her hand. "Don't go, Tai. Don't leave me, my very dear green."

"Golanth's patch, I should replace it."

He grabbed at her hand, his fingers unexpectedly fierce. "No, he can use the lids if he needs to shield… what's left to see with. He hated that patch. I promised I'd get it off."

"If you'd only told us!"

Eyes closed with exhaustion, he gave a weak smile. "Would you, Tai? Would you have flouted Wyzall, Ballora, all of them?"


His smile broadened, tinged with doubt, as he turned his head on the pillow toward her, his hand patting hers.

"Yes, I would have," she said firmly.

Then he scowled. "And what were you doing away from Honshu in the middle of the night, dear rider?"

She grinned. "We went swimming."

"Swimming in the middle of the night?" he cried, astonished.

"Belior's up and it did me a lot of good."

"Alone?" He tried to scold her.

"Not with nearly a full pod of dolphins about." Then, before he could continue, she added, "And all the good of that swim might be undone coping with your jaunt tonight."

He sighed, giving a weary shake to his head. "I think, my very dear green, my very dear Tai, we're all the better for tonight." Wearily he closed his eyes but his lips curved in a slight smile.

He is, Golanth is, I am, you are,Zaranth said.