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Jake said, “The mirror. You could have . . .”

“And spread the pestilence to some other age? Not even for her.”

They were silent. Outside, a church bell began to clang for Mass, somewhere far across the city.

Rebecca shifted the weight in her arms; the baby made a small contented noise.

Jake took a step back. He said, “Okay. Look. Whatever happened. Whatever you did, doesn’t matter. We have to go. Now.”

“The baby comes. He has no one else.”

They stared at him; Rebecca said, “Can we . . . ?”

“Two bracelets. Together. We can try.”

Jake breathed out, hard. Then he nodded. “Right. All right. Let’s go.”

Ten minutes later they raced down the stairs. David had replaced his doctor’s mask, Jake wore an old apprentice robe. Rebecca had a cloak swathed around her and the baby was tied in it. “You’ll have to carry him,” David had breathed, fastening the swaddling. “It will look more natural.”

“Will it?”

She had felt ridiculous, but as if he knew, he said, “You would have been married here for years, Becky. You’d almost be old.”

It scared her now. Running down the dark stairs, she wanted to flee, suddenly afraid that the life she had always thought was in front of her was over. The thought of that other girl, who had gone from beauty to corruption in a day, terrified her.

At the street door, David peered out. Then he said, “Walk behind me. Close. Don’t speak. Put your arm around her, Jake, as if she’s sick. Everyone will stay clear.”

The streets were deserted. They hurried, but the heat was like a great hand on their chests, a film of sweat on their faces.

Above them the narrow tawny buildings rose, castellated houses and towers, each with a barred wooden door at the base, the windows fixed tight against contagion. The city stank of its own dying, as if it was already a silent graveyard. With a sudden shock Jake recognized it—these were the scribbled towers on the manuscript Sarah had brought—turning a corner he came face-to-face with a statue of a man on horseback.

“Dee,” he whispered

Rebecca was desperately trying to remember all she could about the disease that had wiped out a third of the population of Europe. Had it been spread by fleas? She held the baby tight and slipped between the pools of ordure and tried not even to breathe.

Like a knife-edge of darkness, the shade ended. They came to a small piazza, shimmering in the heat. Opposite it was a gray stone building with a narrow tower. It looked ominous and heavy. Two guards leaned wearily at its single door.

David glanced out, then drew back.

“That’s it. The Bargello. Town prison. Take a look up there.”

Jake looked. Two masses of bone and clothing that might once have been bodies hung from a window on the second floor. They turned, slowly, in the rancid air.

“God,” he muttered.

“Il signore’s holed up here while the plague is running.” David wiped sweat from his face. He managed a weak grin. “Visited it in 1986 on holiday once. Had an ice cream in a café just about here.” For a moment bewilderment seemed to flicker through him as if he no longer knew where he was. Then he turned back, and stepped out.

They climbed the steps slowly. The guards straightened. “Dottore . . . ?”

“New patient.” He waved at them. “Stand back, well back.”

They couldn’t do it fast enough.

Jake, his arms around Becky and the baby, hurried past. He had hoped it would be cooler inside, but the stone chamber led to an open courtyard, with a stair running up the side. David puffed up. “First floor. Hurry.”

They pattered around an open loggia stacked with stores and chests, as if the signore had had all his riches dragged in here too. Ignoring them, David ran into a stone flagged hall, its high windows wide so that the sun made slants of burning molten light across the floor.

“There,” he gasped.

At first Jake didn’t see it. Only sculptures. Gods and angels. Great painted chests. A table laden with an unfinished meal.

Then, in a shadowy corner against the marble wall, it leaned like a dark doorway.

The obsidian mirror.

The bird was a speck. It grew slowly, circling toward her, and when it came out with a rush of speed, she drew back with a gasp.

In its beak it held the broken coin.

Sarah held out her hand. The coin was in her palm.

“Now,” the bird said, “don’t make the mistake of running off with that. All I have to do is screech and the whole host of the Shee will come crashing in down the chimney and through the walls. I wouldn’t like to think what will happen to you afterward.”

She swallowed. “So you threaten as well.”

“If I need to.” It preened a small yellow feather back into place.

Sarah looked at the broken coin. The halved face of the Greek god stared out past her, and she felt a stab of guilt, because she was forgetting them, forgetting the whole horror of that distant bleak future, all that the group had planned, all their sworn friendship, forgetting Cara and Max.

“You’re not crying, are you?” the bird said. Its head tipped, sidelong.

“No,” she lied. “Look . . . I have to take this. It belonged to me—I gave it to Summer . . .”

“Oh, don’t say her name.” The bird seemed to shrink; at once it was tiny, a shiny miniature. “She’ll hear!”

“Now I’m taking it back. It’s vital. I can’t explain why. But . . .”

“Are you one of the Venns?”

She didn’t know what was best to say, so she nodded.

The bird whirled on its axis with an agitated rattle. Then it grew, just a little, and said, “I’ve seen him, you know, Oisin Venn. A handsome man. She torments him wonderfully.”

“It’s not Oisin anymore. Now it’s Oberon.”

The bird made a shrug in its depths. “Oberon, Oliver, Oscar. All the same. To her, that is. She’s like the weather and the earth. Ageless and pitiless. Come closer.”

Sarah approached, pulling the chain around her neck. “Look, I’ve got to . . .”

“She did this to me.” The bird fixed her with its bead of an eye, and she thought that deep down inside it, there was a spark, like a flame. “Imprisoned me in here. Turned me into this contraption of twigs and feathers.”


“Disobeyed her once. There was a place in the Wood—a trap. It looked just like any other piece of grass. But if a mortal stepped on it, they’d be stuck there while time went by without them. A step that would last a hundred years. Her idea of a joke. So everyone waited for one to come along.”

Despite her fear, Sarah was interested.

“Everyone except you.”

“I . . . well.” The bird preened. “Sort of felt . . . mischievous. I wanted to annoy her. The mortal was a real yokel—spade over his shoulder, right off the fields. The Shee were all clustered round like flies. So I warned him off. Whispered in his ear. You should have seen him run!”

It gave a soft, sad whistle. “Then she found out.”

Sarah said, “I’m sorry for you. But I have to go.”

“With that?” the bird gave a cheep of scorn. “You’d never get out of the room. Unless . . .”

“What?” But she already knew what.

“Take me with you. Put the box in your pocket. I’ll guide you all the way out of the Summerland. Refuse, and I SCREECH NOW.”

Sarah almost laughed. The pompous pride of the tiny thing was almost funny.

Then, outside, there was a crash. She whirled. “What’s that?”

“Nothing good, be sure.”

She decided. The mirror’s destruction depended on it. Without a moment’s hesitation she grabbed the box and slid it into her pocket, and even as she turned, the door opened.

There was no door out. Even the one they had come through was gone. There was nothing except the repeated surfaces of the obsidian mirrors, all identical and all, Wharton thought, illusions. He said, “She’s trapped us here. If we step through any of these, without a bracelet . . .”