They tethered Logbearer to the door. In its shadow they moved the silver suit and helmet inside.
Secrets. What has been seen? Logbearer flies to Serjent House. The crew stays for some hours while Booce inspects his new home and shows it off to visitors. Presently Booce will be spending money.
Navy: Booce has retrieved funds from some hiding place. He can outwait the Navy to sell his metal.
Belmy House: Booce came as misdirection.
The Market: Any hiding place in Booce’s house must be empty now.
“Where do we put it?” Rather held the helmet like a severed head.
“Look around,” Booce said. “Something will occur to you.”
The citizens smiled at each other. They began to tour the house.
Doorways led from one section to another through the star-shaped concrete core. There were only two ways to move. Rather had to squeeze past Clave circling the other way.
The house was roomy: as big as a Citizens Tree hut, though much harder to build. The public room was lined with handholds and with hooks for outer garments and weapons, and a rack for a teapot.
The outer wall of the kitchen had long slots in it for ventilation, a concrete fireplace with a bellows attached, and racks for wood and cookware. Rather found Carlot making tea. He asked, “You already know?”
She nodded brightly.
The sleeproom: tethers and some wiry foliage padding four of the walls.
What was this next room? Curtains fixed across both interior doors, handholds and tethers mounted next to small windows with hatches over them…
Ah. This was the treemouth. And the fifth was a storage room, with another oversized door and moorings for tethers, but nothing stored yet.
Rather returned to the public room.
Debby was moving slowly around the perimeter. She seemed more cheerful than she had been lately. “Hi, Rather. Grag brought me back. I gather we’re looking for some secret hiding place. Any luck?”
“Not yet. Booce, how do you get rid of the treefodder after you feed the tree?”
Booce stared. “What? — Oh. The wind floats it away and fisher jungles gather it in. Now you know why everyone doesn’t just tether his house to the Market. Find anything?”
“I didn’t see any hiding places. I’ve never seen a house before.”
“You were all somewhere else, so I searched here,” Debby said. “Nothing. Booce, are there holes in the concrete?”
Booce laughed. “I could have done that. Access through the walls? Well, any burglar could tear the core apart and all he’d find is concrete and two chunks of sporing fringe buried along the hub. Meanwhile, what do you think of my door?”
“Thick. Like you’re afraid someone might kick his way through.”
“We tend to make them massive. Not just for burglars. It has to stand up to rough treatment when you’re moving heavy stuff.”
Clave shook his head in disgust. “We’d know who our thief is. We’d kick him into the sky. Booce, your trouble is, you’ve got too many people in the Clump.”
Booce was taken aback. “I never thought of it that way. Anyway, let me show you what I did—”
When the door was fully open, one could slide aside a panel in the edge that faced the hinges. The half-meter thickness of the wood had been hollowed out. The silver suit went in easily. The helmet was barely small enough.
“Now we need a hole,” Booce said.
“Kendy for the State. Jeffer, would you rather sleep?”
“Mpf? No. Hello, Kendy.” Jeffer stretched. “If I didn’t want you waking me up I’d sleep outside.” He looked at the view in the bow window. “Oho!”
It was dark, but Jeffer could make out Clave’s anxious face. His voice sounded faint, distant. “Jeffer? Talk to me, Jeffer.”
“Prikazyvat Relay to pressure suit. Scientist here.”
“What do you see?”
“You. And a ragged border. What did you do?”
“You’re looking through a hole in a door. Booce ripped a hook out. From here it looks like he just put too much tension on it.”
“Good enough. I take it we can talk. Rather, you there?”
Rather floated into view, smiled, and waved. Others joined, until five citizens floated in a star with their heads inward.
Booce said, “I’ve made a deal with the Belmys. Jeffer, would you like to learn something about the Dark?”
“You mean the Clump interior? Sure.”
“That’s good, because I’ve agreed to bring back some mud for Belmy’s burl tree.”
“You’re going? All of you? Logbearer?”
“Ah…no. I think I’d better stay here. I’ve been weaving financial threads into one very complicated net. Carlot, you can handle Logbearer alone, stet? And I gather Raym Wilby is at liberty. He can guide you.” Carlot was nodding eagerly. “Oh, and Hilar hadn’t thought of spinning the burl log, but he’s going to try it.”
“Sounds good. Carlot, will you take the helmet so I can see these marvels?”
Carlot looked to her father, who said, “Why not?”
“Good. Rather, tell me about the Navy. Take your time.”
Rather talked. Kendy guessed that the boy wasn’t hiding anything, but he kept jumping back and forth. Kendy printed questions across the bow window; Jeffer solicited descriptions of Petty Wheeler, Bosun Murphy, Navy armor, the Navy ship, Murphy’s description of Navy life, Wheeler’s offer…
“Is this standard, Booce? Anyone can join the Navy?”
“Not just anyone. They wouldn’t have Carlot because of her legs. Otherwise…well, any savage could join, but he might not get beyond Spacer First until they’ve watched him for years. The Navy wants loyalty. They take more men than women, and they won’t take you if you’re too old to be trained.”
“If you’re loyal to your tribe, you’re not loyal to the Navy. Navy above all, even family.”
“The question is, if Rather goes in, can he get out? Booce?”
Booce mulled it. “Up to a point. It would be…convenient if Rather let Petty Wheeler make his pitch. Rather, the Navy could put certain kinds of pressure on me until I talk $ou into doing that. They want the Wart, but they can slow things down for me, and we don’t want the Navy taking a hard look at us.”
“No,” Clave said.
“But when Wheeler interviews you, he might leam that you’re simply not suited to Navy life. I can help you to help him reach that conclusion.”
Carlot said, “He could get out later than that. Rather, my cousin Grag says they treat you like a copsik in Basic, but after that you’re supposed to think you’re better than the citizens. They do think they’re better than us, and they don’t take just anyone. When you’re ready to leave, just do something wrong. Or get sick and stay sick. Tree dwellers do get sick in the Clump. They’ll bounce you out.”
“You think I should do this?”
She shrugged unhappily. “Whatever you want.”
Jeffer said, “’I’d really like to get him into the Library.”
Booce shook his head. “No dwarf gets beyond Guardian unless he was born an officer, and even then…well, Wayne Mickl is officer and dwarf. They need him as a Guardian, so he’ll never use his higher rank. Guardian is the lowest rank that can reach the Library, but they can’t use it because they aren’t taught to read. And you wouldn’t be a Guardian for years, Rather.”
Jeffer jumped on it. “But he could reach the Library. And Rather can read, and I can teach him how to use a CARM keyboard!”
Rather was feeling trapped. He knew how to talk to Jeffer the Scientist, but how could you argue with a door?
“I hate to pass up the chance,” Clave said. “Rather, you’re reluctant. How do the rest of you feel? Debby?”