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I wasn’t sure of what to say. Many of these brave people would not live to see another day. They deserved something, if only to hear that whatever the outcome, they had made the right choice. I reached for the cube. My hand was shaking. Aron placed it in my palm. I looked to him and nodded. He activated the link. The amber material glowed.

“Does this work?” I said. “Can you hear me?”

A cheer went up from the crowd. They heard me. It was such a surprise that I nearly dropped the cube.

“Easy there, cowboy,” Courtney said. “You want me to hold it for you?”

I shook my head, gathered my thoughts, and spoke. “You don’t know me. My name is Bobby Pendragon.”

The crowd erupted in cheers again. Maybe some of them did know me. I waited for them to quiet down and continued.

“For many years now, my friends and I have been battling a force I think you are all familiar with. Ravinia.”

The crowd booed. They knew. All too well. I looked up at the group of Travelers who surrounded me. They all gave me nods of encouragement.

“You know of Halla and the worlds that exist around us. What happened on Eelong has happened on each of those other worlds. Look around you. This is the home of the Yanks. It’s not the world they knew. Ravinia has destroyed a once-mighty city. A once-mighty world. We here, today, are the last hope. Not only for this world called Earth. But for Denduron. Zadaa. Quillan. Veelox. Cloral. And for Eelong.”

I kind of expected a cheer after I said Eelong, but the crowed remained silent. Eerily so. There were tens of thousands of people, yet it sounded like the streets were empty. It was a reminder that they all knew exactly what we were up against. This was not a game. It was deadly serious business.

“The future of all those worlds will be determined by our actions here today. A few miles from here is the Conclave of Ravinia. It is the center of Ravinia on this world, and for all of Halla. Our goal is to seize it and make it our own.”

This time the cheers came. I glanced around at the Travelers. They too applauded. It made my confidence grow and my words come easier.

“Our battle today is not about taking back a piece of land. Or hurting those who have chosen to side with Ravinia. Or even revenge. It is about fighting for what is right. Those of you who were sent through the flume in Yankee Stadium were there because you saw the truth. You knew the dangers of Ravinia and dared to speak out against it. For that you were punished. Exiled. It is your spirit that has kept the hope alive. You being here today, along with the gars, proves that there are those who want sanity restored. I have to believe that we cannot lose. Just by fighting back, we will lay the foundation for generations to come. Our battle today, no matter what the outcome, will begin the process of making Halla right again. The way it was. This is the beginning of a new history… the way it was meant to be. Good luck to us all.”

The ovation was instant and thunderous. I was overwhelmed by the show of enthusiasm. Courtney leaned on Mark. I saw tears in her eyes. The Travelers stood together as one. They too were ready. I handed the cube back to Aron, who patted me warmly on the shoulder.

Uncle Press leaned down to whisper in my ear so he could be heard through the cheering. “I told you a long time ago that some people needed your help. This is what I meant. You’ve carried the burden of every last soul in Halla and could not have done a finer job. I’m proud of you, Bobby.”

He put his hand on my shoulder and added, “One other thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Saint Dane thinks he’s won.” “I know,” I said with a smile.

I looked to Mark. He stood up straight and said with total confidence, “Give me the word, Bibs.”

He used my sister’s pet name for me, which he hadn’t done since we were little. It was perfect. It made me think of my family, and my past life. We all had families. We all had better lives. Every last person there. It was time to fight for them. It was time to get dangerous. I took a breath. It was the last moment before the final battle. I wanted it to last, because I knew that once I pulled the trigger, nothing would be the same. Anywhere. Ever again. Time would tell if that was a good thing. I took one last look around at all the Travelers, drawing strength from their looks of confidence.

“Okay,” I announced. “Bring ‘em in.”

Mark instantly lifted his walkie-talkie and barked, “Let’s go.”

The wheels were set in motion. There would be no turning back. I looked at the Travelers and said, “Elli. Aja. Gunny. Patrick. I want you to stay back.”

They all made grumbles of protest, but they knew it was futile. They weren’t prepared for a fight. Their roles were critical just the same.

“Help evacuate this area. We don’t want anybody near this flume once the dados discover the other end on Eelong.”

Mark stepped up to say, “There’s sanctuary all over

Manhattan for those who are staying back. We need all the help we can get to divide them up and get them moving.”

The Travelers nodded in understanding, and acceptance.

“We’ll do everything we can,” Gunny assured me. It wasn’t necessary. I knew they would.

“Do me a favor?” Aja asked.


“Think of us when you take him down.” I nodded.

Uncle Press said, “The rest of us will make the journey on foot with the exiles and gars.”

“Boon!” I called. “You up for this?”

“Do you have to ask?” the klee replied.

“Good. Stay with the Travelers,” I commanded.

“Understood,” he answered enthusiastically.

I was glad he was there. We needed all the help we could get.

“What about me?” Courtney asked.

“Courtney and Mark are with me. Kasha, I need you with us too.”

Kasha bristled. I actually saw the fur go up on her back. “What? No. That is not the plan. I am to be with the others.”

“Sorry,” I said. “No arguments.”

Kasha fumed but didn’t fight it. The train was on the tracks, and she knew enough not to get in the way.

I turned to Uncle Press. Beside him stood Siry, Alder, Spader, and Loor. Unlike the other Travelers, this group was prepared to fight.

“This day has been a long time coming,” Alder said.

“You are ready, Pendragon,” Loor said. “We all are.”

“You know something?” I said. “We are ready.”

“Then let’s go!” Siry called out impatiently.

“We’ll be right behind you,” Uncle Press said to me.

I gave them one last look, wondering for a fleeting instant if I’d see any of them ever again. Anywhere. “See you inside the conclave,” I said.

With that, we separated.

I led Kasha, Mark, and Courtney back through the park. As we moved, four black helicopters appeared over the tops of the buildings to the south. They had been lying back, waiting for Mark’s call. Just as planned.

“We need to clear a landing space,” Mark said.

“No, we don’t,” I replied without stopping. “Keep ‘em all in the air.”

Mark scowled. This wasn’t part of the plan. But he didn’t question. He had no idea why I was changing things up… until I led them to the gig that Boon and I had flown in from Eelong.

Mark laughed and raised his walkie to contact the incoming helicopters. “Hold formation. We’ve got another ride.” He then looked to me and added, “Nice.”

Kasha gave me a sly look. “I didn’t think you’d keep me out of the fight,” she said, relieved.

“Zero chance of that,” I answered. “You’re leading the assault.”

She pounced into the pilot seat.

“Take shotgun,” I said to Mark.

He climbed in next to Kasha as Courtney and I hopped in back. The crowd cleared as the rotors began to spin. “You will direct me?” Kasha asked Mark. “Right to the target” was his reply.

As soon as the rotors hit speed, we lifted off the ground and climbed straight up. I looked down to see those who would soon assault the conclave making their way up Fifth Avenue. It reminded me of the start of a world-class marathon. This journey would only last ten miles… the distance to the Conclave of Ravinia. “Look,” I said.