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Pardloe, Preston (fairy): To repay a debt to Niall, fairy Preston pretends to be a Were and lies naked in Sookie’s woods on Christmas Eve, waiting for her to find him and counting on her innate kindness to get him into her home. Once safely inside, he uses just a touch of magic to spark the attraction between them, and they spend a satisfying night together. As the fairy magic fades, so do Sookie’s detailed memories of the encounter, but she retains the feelings of guilt-free pleasure and happiness. Preston retains all his memories but knows he must follow Niall’s instructions and have no further contact with Sookie, no matter how much he would like to. (GW)

Parnell (wolf): No last name given. Amanda’s partner at the meeting of the Weres and the vampires at Merlotte’s, Parnell almost overreacts when Eric leaps to Sookie’s defense after Amanda calls her a “vamp humper.” (DTTW)

Patty: No last name given. Michelle Stackhouse’s best friend, Patty does her best to be an honorary aunt to Sookie after Michelle’s death. (Mentioned LDID)

Paul, Andre (vampire): Andre is Queen Sophie-Anne Leclerq’s faithful second-in-command. Orphaned as a teenager, he was found in the woods and turned by Sophie-Anne a few years after her own turning and has been her most loyal bodyguard, companion, and lover ever since. During the ectoplasmic reconstruction of Jake Purifoy’s turning at Hadley’s apartment, Andre is able to read lips and let the other watchers know what is being said. Afterward it is Andre who tells Sookie that she has fairy blood when they pretend to have sex as an excuse for time alone with Sophie-Anne to tell their story. Andre’s only concern is the well-being of Sophie-Anne; he kills her husband, Peter Threadgill, after Peter’s vampires attack at the reception for the couple at Sophie-Anne’s monastery and escorts his queen safely away. After the disaster of Hurricane Katrina, Andre arranges a meeting with Sookie, Eric, and his vampires to make plans for the upcoming vampire summit, where Sophie-Anne will face charges for the death of Peter. Once at the summit, Andre demonstrates his willingness to do anything he feels necessary to benefit his queen by trying to force Sookie into a blood bond to strengthen her connection to him. He is interrupted by Eric, who bonds with Sookie instead. Quinn comes upon the scene and is furious that the vampires are attempting to control Sookie. After the hotel explodes, an injured Andre is found by Sookie at the same time she finds Quinn, and she walks away knowing that Quinn is moving toward Andre to eliminate the threat to Sookie’s free will. Andre meets his final death in the ruins of the Pyramid of Gizeh. (DD; dies ATD; mentioned FDTW, DAG)

Pearl (vampire): No last name given. Victor’s vamp Pearl and two of her cohorts forcibly stop Pam as she tries to enter Vampire’s Kiss to check out the club before Eric and Sookie arrive. Pearl suffers an injured arm for her trouble, and all three require blood to heal. (Mentioned DR)

Pelt, Barbara (wolf): The adoptive mother of Debbie and Sandra Pelt. Barbara and her husband, Gordon, indulge their Were daughter Sandra’s determination to find the truth of her werefox sister’s disappearance, hiring first private detectives to search for clues and then a private hit man to clean up when Sandra, breaking the rules of their Mississippi pack, bites and turns two young men, sending them after Sookie. They also send Debbie’s birth cousin, werefox Tanya Grissom, to spy on Sookie by getting hired as a waitress at Merlotte’s. When their plan to kidnap Sookie in New Orleans to force her to tell the truth fails and they are taken captive by Sookie, Quinn, Eric, and Rasul instead, they listen and accept Sookie’s recounting of the night Debbie was killed and give their word that there will be no further attempts on Sookie. Barbara and Gordon are killed in a traffic accident, leaving Sandra free to seek vengeance against Sookie. (DD; dies; mentioned DAAD, FDTW, DR)

Pelt, Debbie (fox): Debbie Pelt won’t let go of Alcide Herveaux. Even during her engagement celebration to another man, werefox Debbie can’t resist a few pointed comments to Alcide and Sookie, his date. After being bested verbally by Sookie, Debbie retaliates by burning a hole in Sookie’s shawl. That altercation is indicative of Debbie: She always retaliates. After breaking off her engagement and convincing Alcide that Sookie has reunited with Bill, Debbie renews her relationship with Alcide, who is dismayed when he realizes that she lied about Sookie and Bill being together. When Debbie joins the Weres for the Witch War, everyone is appalled when Bill identifies Debbie as one of the shifters who tortured him at Russell’s compound, and Alcide finally abjures her, essentially banishing her existence from his life. Debbie is not allowed to leave after being abjured for fear she will betray them all to Hallow, and she enters the building when the skirmish begins, trying to take advantage of the chaos to kill Sookie. She is stopped by Eric but gets away, only to break into Sookie’s house and lie in wait with a gun. Eric takes the bullet meant for Sookie, and Debbie is cut down by a blast fired by Sookie from Jason’s Benelli shotgun. Eric disposes of Debbie’s body and her car and promptly forgets how and where as the amnesia spelled on him by Hallow is lifted and he regains his full memory but loses his recent memory of events during the time he was cursed. Debbie’s sister and parents search for clues to her disappearance, hiring private detectives to trace her, but the only person who truly knows what happened is Sookie, who lives in fear that Eric will remember and realize the hold he has over her. The Pelt family finally learns what happened to Debbie after attempting to kidnap Sookie, and almost a year after that night, Eric finally remembers where he hid her body and her car. (CD; dies DTTW; mentioned DAAD, DD, FDTW, DITF, DR)

Pelt, Gordon (wolf): Debbie and Sandra Pelt’s adoptive father, Gordon, and his wife, Barbara, use private detectives to search for clues into Debbie’s disappearance, at daughter Sandra’s insistence, and arrange for Tanya Grissom, Debbie’s cousin by birth, to spy on Sookie in Bon Temps. The Pelts also hire a Were to take care of the problem when Sandra violates the rules of the Mississippi pack, biting and turning two young men to send after Sookie. The Pelts all work together to have Sookie kidnapped in New Orleans, but the plan backfires when Sookie and Quinn escape, and the family is captured by Sookie, Quinn, Rasul, and Eric instead. Sookie tells them the truth about what happened to Debbie and, knowing their daughter, they accept Sookie’s story and promise that they will no longer interfere in her life. Gordon informs Sandra that they have given their word and that he will take her down himself if she breaks it. She abides by the vow until Gordon and Barbara are killed in a traffic accident and then begins to plot revenge against Sookie once more. (DD; dies; mentioned DAAD, FDTW, DR)

Pelt, Sandra (wolf): Sandra adores her adopted older sister, Debbie, and is determined to investigate her disappearance. Unsatisfied by the report from the private detectives hired by her parents, Sandra decides to take matters into her own hands to find the truth. Violating the rules of her Mississippi pack, she turns two young men, and sends them to attack Sookie. When Sookie is defended by Quinn and the young men are arrested, Sandra’s parents arrange for their elimination to protect their daughter. Sandra then makes arrangements with her parents to kidnap Sookie, take her to an isolated house, and force her to talk. That plan fails when Quinn is captured as well, and he and Sookie are able to escape, tracking their captors to the house and taking the Pelts prisoner with the help of Eric and Rasul. Sandra is forced by her parents to accept the fact that Debbie attacked Sookie and was killed in self-defense, and reluctantly promises that no further harm will come to Sookie, a promise she keeps until her parents are killed in a car accident. Sandra then reestablishes contact with Debbie’s birth cousin, werefox Tanya Grissom, who had originally been sent to spy on Sookie but stayed in Bon Temps of her own accord. She bespells Tanya, persuading her to cause problems in Jason and Crystal’s marriage, but Amelia and Octavia are able to remove Sandra’s influence.