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Velasquez, Joseph (vampire): Stan’s loyal second, Joseph survives the Pyramid explosion that badly injures his king. He continues to hold Texas while Stan recovers, although he will surely face challenges. For now, at least, Texas has been bypassed in Felipe’s bid for power. (LDID, ATD)

Velislava (vampire): No last name given. One of many vampires known by both Eric and Ocella who was killed by the Bolsheviks. (Deceased; mentioned DITF)

Verena Rose’s Bridal and Formal Shop: Founded by Verena Rose Yancy, Verena Rose’s Bridal and Formal Shop is now in the hands of her daughter, Adabelle. It is located in a two-story house with a large bay window in the front, on a block filled with similar older homes. It’s set a little back from the street, with parking behind the store. The renovated building has an elegant appearance: white-painted brick, dark green shutters, glossy black ironwork railings on the stairs, and brass details on the door. It is considered the place to come to get wedding gear if a family has aspirations of class. (DAAD)

Vick, Glen: Portia’s husband, Glen, is an accountant whose clientele includes vampires, several of whom were invited to his wedding, much to his new wife’s dismay. Less than a year after their wedding, he and Portia are pleased to learn that they are expecting their first child. (DAAD, FDTW; mentioned DD, ATD, DITF, DR)

Vick, Portia Bellefleur: Lawyer Portia Bellefleur is intelligent, educated, from a good family, and fiercely loyal to her brother. Although completely unnerved by vampires, she bravely pursues Bill while trying to prove her brother Andy’s innocence in the murder of Lafayette Reynold. She hopes that her association with a vampire will encourage the orgy participants Lafayette spoke of to invite her to a party so she can learn their identities. Bill, though no fan of the Bellefleurs, finds something noble in her and plays along, but it is Sookie who gets the invitation and clears Andy’s name. Portia’s bravery comes through again as she scrambles to help Sookie when she is shot in the library parking lot, crouching beside Sookie as she phones for help.

Portia happily plans a double wedding when her boyfriend, Glen Vick, proposes around the same time Andy proposes to Halleigh Robinson. The wedding plans change as her grandmother becomes ill, but Portia is determined to have her wedding while her grandmother is alive to attend. Her plans work out.

When Bill delivers the family Bible to a dying Caroline and his connection to the Bellefleurs is revealed, Portia, though nonplussed, strives to behave with the graciousness of her grandmother and, at his request, arranges to have Caroline’s funeral at night so that Bill can attend. Soon after that, she and Glen are excited to find out that Portia is pregnant. (DUD, LDID, DTTW, DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW, DITF; mentioned CD, DR)

Vic’s Redneck Roadhouse: Situated about ten miles from the interstate, Vic’s Redneck Roadhouse lives up to its name with wet T-shirt contests, beer pong tournaments, and promotions, such as free-drink cards and “Bring in a Bubba Night.” Owned by Victor Madden, the bar is pulling customers from Merlotte’s, severely affecting the smaller bar’s revenues. (Mentioned DR)

Vlad Tepes’s handler (vampire): No name given. Vlad’s handler and Eric have a personal discussion about whether Vlad will attend the Fangtasia birthday party held in his honor. (Mentioned DN)

Voss, Jasper: Jasper is a patron at Merlotte’s. (FDTW)



Wacker, General Scott (wolf): General Wacker comes out during the Great Reveal and speaks out against proposed shifter registration. His daughter is serving in Iraq. (Mentioned DITF)

Waldo (vampire): No last name given. One of Sophie-Anne’s former favorites, albino Waldo’s appearance is permanently damaged when he spends a few years in a tank of salt water as punishment for some unknown transgression. He kills Hadley out of jealousy, knowing she has taken his place in the queen’s affections, and attempts to blame the Fellowship of the Sun. The queen is not fooled and has him drive Mr. Cataliades to Sookie’s house to deliver the news of Hadley’s death, masking her own presence in the car. Offered the chance to kill Waldo to avenge her cousin, Sookie declines, but Waldo, heartbroken when he realizes that the queen knows of his duplicity, attacks her and is staked by Bill. (Dies OWA; mentioned DD)

Warren: No last name given. A friend of Mustapha Khan, Were and Eric’s new daytime guy, Warren spent fifteen years in the army, service that comes in handy when he is positioned as a sniper to take out any of Victor’s crew who make it out of Fangtasia when the battle begins. (DR)

Washington, Detective: No first name given. Detective Washington and his partner (Windbreaker Guy) arrive at Blonde to investigate the murders of owner Michael and his associate Rudy. They question everyone present, including Mohawk, Sookie, and Pam, and release them when all the stories point to a stranger with an appointment with the two men in Michael’s office. (TB)

Wechsler, Cathy: Now in her seventies and living near Clarice, Cathy is the widow of the last Wechsler. (Mentioned IIHAH)

Wechsler, Isaiah: In the 1930s, Isaiah is around fifteen years old when he gets into a fight with his next-door neighbor, Albert Summerlin, after Isaiah casts aspersions on Albert’s younger brother, Carter. The boys do not reveal the cause of their animosity, but suspicion naturally falls on Albert when Isaiah is found brutally beaten to death in his bed. His murder remains unsolved for more than seventy years, until the murder weapon, a hammer, is found hidden in the Summerlins’ home, now owned by the du Rones. Carter’s disturbed spirit reveals that he was the culprit. (Deceased; mentioned IIHAH)

Wechsler, Jacob and Sarah Jane: Jacob and his wife, Sarah Jane, accuse neighbor Albert Summerlin when their son, Isaiah, is murdered in his bed in the 1930s. Although no one is ever charged with the crime, the couple remains convinced of Albert’s guilt. They are determined to stay in their house as a constant reproach to the Summerlins. (Deceased; mentioned IIHAH)

Weiss, Sara: New Orleans FBI agent Weiss is sent to investigate Sookie’s involvement in the rescues from the Pyramid, accompanied by Agent Lattesta. She wants to believe in Sookie’s ability and is disappointed when Sookie denies being a psychic. When Crystal is found crucified at Merlotte’s, Weiss and Lattesta investigate the case as a potential hate crime. Weiss is badly wounded at the shoot-out at Arlene’s trailer.

Home recuperating with her husband, two teenagers, and three dogs, the agent questions her beliefs and begins exploring the paranormal, leading her boss to have doubts about putting her back in the field. (DAG; mentioned DITF)

Were cop: No name given. A Were cop of Chinese descent, he makes out with Luna Garza at Sam’s brother’s wedding in Wright. (STW)

Whatley, Amanda (wolf): A loyal member of the Long Tooth pack, Amanda participates in the Witch War and gains a grudging respect for Sookie, to whom she had previously referred as a “vamp humper.” She attends the packmaster contest where Alcide’s father is defeated and executed by Patrick Furnan, and finds her loyalty tested by Furnan’s unscrupulous behavior.

Owner of Hair of the Dog, a bar in Shreveport that caters to the shifter crowd, Amanda is first honored, then concerned, when Quinn brings Sookie in one Friday night to complain that they had been attacked by bitten Weres earlier in the evening. Amanda reminds those present that Sookie had been made a “friend of the pack ” by the late packmaster Colonel Flood, and she assures Quinn that there will be an investigation.

After Maria-Star Cooper and Christine Larrabee are murdered and Patrick Furnan is suspected, Amanda backs Alcide as they attempt to get to the truth. She attends the gathering of the pack and is consequently involved in the fight with the interloping female Were Priscilla Hebert and her pack. Amanda is killed by Hebert and mourned even as Alcide ascends to packmaster. (DTTW, DAAD, DD; dies FDTW; mentioned DITF)