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To: WCompton@vmail.com

From: Eric@Fangtasia.com

02:44 am


So why don’t you just type “by the way”?

To: Eric@Fangtasia.com

From: WCompton@vmail.com

02:47 am


It’s faster to abbreviate.

To: WCompton@vmail.com

From: Eric@Fangtasia.com

02:48 am


Obviously not, if one has to ask what the meanings are.

To: Eric@Fangtasia.com

From: WCompton@vmail.com

02:50 am


Get a list of them from Pam.

To: WCompton@vmail.com

From: Eric@Fangtasia.com

02:51 am


I hate computers.


To: WCompton@vmail.com

From: Eric@Fangtasia.com

06:01 pm




I assume by now you’ve heard that Merlotte’s mother was injured by her husband when she revealed her second self. He has gone to her, leaving Sookie to mind the bar, and now her brother’s wife, Christy, has been found nailed to a cross in the parking lot. I don’t know what to make of all this, but, needless to say, keep your eyes and ears open.



To: Eric@Fangtasia.com

From: WCompton@vmail.com

06:13 pm


Her name was Crystal. I will keep watch over Sookie.



Phone: Eric calling Bill.

ERIC: “Bill, get to Sookie’s immediately. Quinn has entered the area without permission, and you are to make certain he does not harass Sookie in any way. Keep him from her if you can.”

BILL: “I’m on my way to her house.”




Phone: Bill calling Eric.

BILL: “Eric, Sookie has been taken by fairies. I believe it was the ones called Lochlan and Neave. You must contact Niall, tell him to come to her house so we can track her. Now, Eric, NOW.”

ERIC: “I’ll call him and then come find you.”

Dead in the Family



THE FIRST WEEK OF MARCH 2006. Grieving the death of her lover, Tray Dawson, Amelia decides to return to New Orleans and pick up her life there. Sookie, too, is struggling with the emotional and physical aftermath of the torture she endured at the hands of the fairies. Amelia questions Sookie about her feelings for Eric as they pack up the car, and Amelia offers to help Sookie find a way to free herself of the blood bond. Sookie accepts, and she and Amelia say an emotional good-bye. As Sookie thinks over the events and losses of the past few months, she acknowledges that there are people she wants dead for the pain they caused and wonders if her own life is worth the cost.

THE END OF THAT WEEK. Sookie wakes one morning to find her cousin Claude sitting on her front porch. He asks how his sister died, and Sookie tells him that while she didn’t witness Claudine’s death, she believes Breandan was responsible. Claude sits silently, and Sookie waits for him to strike and kill her. He finally leaves, walking toward the road. Sookie enters her house and falls to her knees, trembling; she realizes that she wants to live, after all.

THE SECOND WEEK OF MARCH. Sookie works out with her friend JB du Rone at the health club in Clarice, where he is a personal trainer, and then she talks with his wife, her best friend Tara, about the upcoming birth of the couple’s child. When Tara tells Sookie the baby will call her Aunt Sookie, she begins to plan a future.

THAT SAME WEEK. Spending the night with Eric, Sookie wakes in a panic, an event that has been occurring far too often. Eric weeps with her, but as he explains why he did not come to her aid during her torture, she is at first skeptical. Eric says that Victor Madden chained him to a wall with silver so that he could not rescue her. Victor alleged that Eric’s actions would force the vampires into the Fae War. Although Pam was also held, she was not chained, and vampires loyal to King Felipe allowed her to call him to remind him of his personal pledge to protect Sookie. Felipe then demanded that Victor free both Eric and Pam. Hearing the pain and rage in Eric’s voice, Sookie accepts his explanation but tells a surprised Eric that Victor must die.

THE THIRD WEEK OF MARCH. Jason invites Sookie over to enjoy a barbecue with him and Michele, and she is happy to see that not only is he recovering from the losses he has suffered but he seems to be maturing as well. Jason admits that he hasn’t come out as a werepanther yet and still wants to keep his status private, but he has told Michele, who accepts him as he is, including his fairy heritage.

THE FOURTH WEEK OF MARCH. Watching Sookie at work, Sam lets her know that he is pleased to see her smile again. They talk, and he asks if she has seen Bill. When she admits that she believes Bill has been avoiding her, Sam encourages her to visit her former lover.

THE END OF THAT WEEK. Sookie goes over to see Bill and is alarmed when she sees his condition. Although he has been taking blood from his fellow vampires, he still has not recovered from the silver poisoning he suffered during the Fae War, and he admits that he no longer has any interest in his computer or in anything else. When Sookie asks what will help him, he tells her that he would have completely healed already if he could have taken blood from his maker, Lorena. Sookie asks if Lorena had created other children, and Bill tells her that Lorena turned a woman but he cannot reach out to his only sibling for help. Sookie leaves, determined to find a way to help her friend.

Having seen Bill and decided to help him, Sookie finds a level of peace and is able to sleep through the following nights. She finally relaxes enough to fully enjoy making love with Eric again.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12. Alcide calls, asking if the Long Tooth pack can use Sookie’s land for their full-moon run the next night. She agrees, telling him to also contact Bill, whose land shares a property line with hers. She is curious about why Alcide can’t use his own land as usual. He tells her that fishermen who claim that his late father allowed them to camp on the land are staying there. Both Alcide and Sookie are a bit uneasy at the sudden arrival of strangers on the Herveaux land so close to the full moon. When she gets to work, Sookie tells Sam about Alcide’s call and suggests that he join the Weres for the evening. Sam casually mentions that he is dating someone from the pack and that while it might be fun, since he could shift into a wolf if he chose, he ultimately feels that it wouldn’t be right. He confirms that Sookie will still attend his brother’s wedding with him when it is rescheduled, admitting that he doesn’t think that he should take a shifter to the event.

THURSDAY, APRIL 13. The Weres arrive for their run, and Sookie meets Alcide’s new girlfriend, Annabelle Bannister, and his new second, Basim al Saud. She recognizes Alcide’s friend Hamilton Bond as well as the slender young woman she met at the Hair of the Dog and two women from Priscilla Hebert’s pack who surrendered to Alcide after the Were war. Sookie settles into her home for the evening with the doors locked and curtains drawn as the pack leaves for the hunt.

FRIDAY, APRIL 14. Basim comes to the door as the Weres are leaving to report to her that they have discovered signs of a vampire and at least one fairy on her land as well as a buried body. Sookie immediately realizes that the body must be that of Debbie Pelt and thanks him, considering the implications as the last of the Weres drive away.

Hearing a knock at the back door, Sookie is surprised to find Claude standing on her doorstep, a large tote bag in hand. He confesses that he is lonely in the house he once shared with his sisters and asks if he can stay with her for a while. He feels as if he is starving without the company of his own kind, and Sookie has enough fae blood to help him. Claude also delivers a letter from her great-grandfather, Niall Brigant, written on the skin of the water sprites that murdered her parents. The letter informs her that before leaving the human realm, Niall used profits from the sale of his pharmaceutical company to ensure that the FBI would no longer bother her. Niall’s letter also states that Claudine had left Sookie all the money in her personal bank accounts and that Mr. Cataliades, who is handling the estate, will be sending Sookie a check. She calls Amelia to see if she plans to return to Bon Temps, and when her friend tells her she must stay in New Orleans, Sookie tells Claude he can have the room upstairs. She asks Claude if he had been in her woods recently, and when he denies visiting, she tells him of the scent of fairy that the Weres reported. After asking him why the news doesn’t make him want to rush out to find whomever of his kind has remained on this side, Claude tells her that he fears it is her great-uncle Dermot and that Dermot would not be happy to see him. Sookie comes to the conclusion that Claude is realizing that he needs others, especially family, after the loss of both his sisters.