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Arrowsmith, Mrs.: No first name given. Mrs. Arrowsmith forces her humiliated and ashamed son to attend the Lisle-Merlotte wedding in a show of solidarity with her husband. (STW)

Arrowsmith, Nathan: The only child of Pastor and Mrs. Arrowsmith, Nathan attempts to throw a stink bomb into Bernie Merlotte’s house through the back door while other protesters distract the family at the front of the house. The police are called after his arm is broken by a baseball bat–wielding Sookie, and Nathan admits his guilt. (STW)

Art: No last name given. A waiter at the Pyramid in Rhodes, Art dies in the ruins of the hotel even as the rescuers are digging him out. (Dies ATD)

Arturo: No last name given. A room-service waiter at the Silent Shore Hotel, Arturo is well trained to deal with the vampire clientele. (LDID)

Auberjunois, Bilclass="underline" Arlene wonders if Sookie is dating Bill Auberjunois when Sookie says she has been with Bill, but then Sam announces it is Bill Compton, pulling down Sookie’s collar to show the bite marks. (Mentioned DUD)

Aubert, Christy: Christy works part-time for her husband, Greg. (L)

Aubert, Greg (witch): Greg, the local Pelican State Insurance agent, has a thriving client list with very few claims. People say he’s a lucky man and that it rubs off on his clients. Actually, Greg is a witch, a talent he inherited from his mother, who educated him in spellcasting. He uses these spells to keep his clients and their properties safer. Unfortunately, by doing so he uses up the luck of the other agents in town, who all suffer more than their fair share of losses—literally. When he realizes his mistake, Greg takes on his share of bad luck, freeing up some of the good fortune for the other agents and their clients. (DAAD, L, DITF)

Aubert, Greg Jr.: Greg Jr. considers his father’s job boring and definitely doesn’t want to follow in his footsteps. (L)

Aubert, Lindsay: Greg’s teenage daughter, Lindsay, never realizes that her “Forbidden Boyfriend” is actually a vampire using her for a light snack. (L)

Aude: No last name given. First the wife of Eric’s older brother, Aude married Eric when her husband fell in battle, and they had six children together before she died. (Deceased; mentioned DAG)

Audrey: No last name given. EMT Audrey responds with her partner to the shoot-out at Arlene’s trailer. (DAG)

Audrey (vampire): No last name given. The child of Booth Crimmons, Gervaise’s lieutenant, Audrey is left in charge of the recovering Sophie-Anne the night of the takeover. It is presumed she perished. (Mentioned FDTW)

Ayres, Hugo: Lawyer Hugo Ayres represents Texas vampire Stan Davis in a court case. Hugo becomes enamored with Isabel Beaumont, one of Stan’s nest mates. He is addicted to Isabel and vampire sex but hates himself for it and spies on the Dallas vampires for the Fellowship of the Sun. He delivers Sookie into their clutches as she searches for Farrell. Hugo soon realizes that he is also considered expendable when the Fellowship stashes him in a cell with a hungry Farrell. He is rescued, but his punishment is to remain naked in a room with a naked Isabel for several months, each chained to a wall. Hugo is fed and taken care of but unable to reach the object of his addiction; Isabel is not fed and unable to reach the answer to her thirst. Hugo is unchained first and given a day’s head start. (LDID)



Babbitt, Cleo (vampire): The sheriff of Area Three, Cleo survives the bombing at Rhodes only to be killed along with her vampires during the takeover by Nevada when they refuse an offer of surrender. (ATD; mentioned, dies FDTW)

Babcock, Connie: The receptionist at Herveaux and Son, Connie is sleeping with Jackson Herveaux. She resents Jackson’s escorting Christine Larrabee to Colonel Flood’s funeral. She’s unaware that her boss/lover is a werewolf and thus doesn’t know that Jackson needs Christine’s political support. She retaliates by accepting a bribe to steal personal papers from Jackson, most likely for Patrick Furnan. (DTTW; mentioned DAAD)

Baldwin, Liz: Liz worries about her family, especially her oldest granddaughter, while trying to relax at Merlotte’s. (DAAD)

Ball, Lorena (vampire): Lorena Ball is working as a prostitute in New Orleans when she meets Solomon Brunswick in 1788. Fascinated when Solomon drains a customer whose throat she slit for not paying, she has Solomon turn her and travels with him for a time. She eventually betrays her sire, pretending to be human when she is caught with a dead child she is draining and blaming the death on Solomon, and they go their separate ways.

Lorena sees Bill after he returns home from the Civil War and falls in love as she spies on him and his family. She takes him by surprise one night and fakes his death so that she can have him as a companion and lover. She compels him to stay with her, even going so far as to create a companion for him by turning a woman who resembles his lost wife. Though she finally allows her children to leave her, she calls Bill back again after eighty-odd years when she learns of his profitable vampire database. When she cannot seduce its location from him, she resorts to torture to get not only the database but also the name of the woman Bill is involved with. Lorena attacks Sookie while she is rescuing Bill and meets her final death at Sookie’s hands. (Dies CD; mentioned DTTW, DAAD, ATD, DITF, DR)

Ballinger, Bonnie: The daughter of Doke and Mindy, three-year-old Bonnie doesn’t understand the protesters’ screaming and violence on the day of her uncle’s wedding. (STW; mentioned FDTW, DAG, DITF)

Ballinger, Doke: Doke and Mindy Merlotte attended high school together in Wright and married young. They soon moved to nearby Mooney, where Doke has a job with a wind turbine manufacturing plant. Doke’s children are his main worry on the day of Craig and Deidra’s wedding, but he decides the whole family should stick together and attend the ceremony. (STW; mentioned FDTW)

Ballinger, Mason: Doke and Mindy’s five-year-old son, Mason, can’t comprehend the animosity directed toward his beloved grandmother Merlotte. (STW; mentioned FDTW, DAG, DITF)

Ballinger, Mindy Merlotte: Sam’s sister, Mindy, and her family live in Mooney, about thirty miles from Wright. She adjusts surprisingly well to the revelation that her mother and brother are shifters. Friendly, plump, and chatty, Mindy is a stay-at-home mom of two young children. The safety of her children concerns her most during the protests at Craig and Deidra’s wedding. (STW; mentioned FDTW, DAG, DITF)

Bannister, Annabelle (wolf): As a member of the Air Force, Annabelle is reassigned from South Dakota to the Barksdale Air Force Base near Shreveport. As a werewolf, Annabelle transfers from the Elk Killer pack to the Long Tooth pack. She starts dating Alcide Herveaux. When Basim al Saud’s body is found on Sookie’s property, she confesses that she was also secretly seeing Basim. She had nothing to do with Basim’s death and so ultimately is not convicted of betraying the pack, though she is punished for her unfaithfulness. (DITF)

Barker, Marge: Marge works full-time as Greg Aubert’s clerk and is known as much for her unpleasant demeanor as for her efficiency. (L)

Barlowe, Mr.: No first name given. Fellowship of the Sun member Mr. Barlowe demonstrates against shifters in front of Merlotte’s. Though he insists that they are all willing to be arrested for their beliefs, his fellow protesters are not so certain, and they all eventually back down and disperse. (DITF)

Barrett, Liz: Liz becomes Jason’s regular date and even hopes he will ask her to marry him, especially when she has a pregnancy scare. She’s not pregnant, and the relationship just doesn’t last. (DUD, LDID; mentioned CD)