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Baruch, Christian (vampire): As a human, Christian Baruch designed and managed hotels in western Europe. As a vampire, he does much the same thing, delivering success to a vampire hotelier in exchange for being turned and brought to America. He has his sights set higher, however, and plants the Dr Pepper bomb in the hallway outside Sophie-Anne’s room in a misguided attempt for her attention and affections. Christian survives the bombing of his hotel. (ATD)

Batanya (Britlingen): No other name given. A member of the Britlingen Collective. Batanya is five foot eight and very intimidating, with inky black curls and a lithe, muscular body. With her partner, Clovache, Batanya is hired by Isaiah, the King of Kentucky, to guard him during the vampire summit in Rhodes. Batanya kills Kyle Perkins, a vampire assassin who gets too close to Isaiah, decapitating him with a throwing star. Batanya and Clovache are able to carry Isaiah out of the Pyramid of Gizeh before it collapses. (ATD)

Bat’s Wing, the: A Dallas vampire club owned by the area vampires, the Bat’s Wing is operated as much as a tourist draw, complete with gift shop, as for the vampires themselves. The bar employs both humans and vampires, though a vampire club is not considered the safest place for a human to work. The vampire Farrell is kidnapped by the Fellowship of the Sun at the Bat’s Wing. (Mentioned LDID)

Bear shifter: No name given. A young male shifter photographed in midchange, presumably for the first time; his photo appears in Alfred Cumberland’s eyes-only supernatural photo album. (Mentioned DD)

Beaumont, Isabel (vampire): One of Stan’s Dallas vamps, Isabel has a human lover, a lawyer who successfully defended Stan in court. When it is revealed that her lover, Hugo, has betrayed the Dallas vamps to the Fellowship of the Sun, Isabel is punished by being chained in a room with Hugo for a few months without being allowed to feed. At the end of their sentence, Hugo is given a head start of twenty-four hours before Isabel is unchained to go after him. (LDID)

Beck, Alcee: The only African American detective on the Renard Parish force, Alcee often takes the opportunity to line his own pockets at the expense of his fellow African Americans. However, he’s a good detective and fiercely loyal to his wife and family. (LDID, DTTW, DAAD, DD, FDTW, DAG, DITF)

Beck, Dove: Alcee’s married cousin Dove has an affair with Crystal and is caught in the act by Sookie and Calvin. (FDTW; mentioned DAG)

Beech, Mrs.: No first name given. Mrs. Beech is Copley Carmichael’s housekeeper. (Mentioned FDTW)

Beecham, Chuck: Chuck attends the New Year’s Eve party at Merlotte’s and can’t resist taunting Sookie about Bill being out of the country. (DTTW)

Beeson, Ms.: No first name given. The accounts clerk at the Grainger hospital, Ms. Beeson tells a mystified Sookie that the hospital bill from her shooting has been paid in full by an anonymous donor. (DAAD)

Belinda: No last name given. Belinda works as a waitress at Fangtasia and is tortured by Hallow when she seeks the missing Eric. (DUD, DTTW)

Bellefleur, Andy: Bon Temps police detective Andy Bellefleur is competent and thorough, although slightly hardened by his exposure to crime and criminals. He investigates the murders of several young women associated with both vampires and Jason Stackhouse. Andy arrests Jason. Sookie is attacked by the real murderer, and though he is arrested and Jason released, Andy remains suspicious of the siblings on general principle. Saddened by a child abuse case, Andy becomes drunk in Merlotte’s and is taken home by Portia. When the body of Lafayette Reynold is found in his car in the Merlotte’s parking lot the next morning, Andy himself becomes a suspect. He eventually follows his leads to Jan Fowler’s cabin in the woods, where he encounters not only the orgy participants and Bill, Eric, and Sookie, but Callisto as well. Though the true murderers die, enough evidence is left to exonerate Andy.

Andy and Alcee Beck put in hours on the case when Jason goes missing. After Sookie brings Jason home, Andy doesn’t quite buy their story. He also responds to the arson at Sookie’s house and encounters Sookie yet again when she is confronted by Sweetie Des Arts. Andy shoots Sweetie when she is distracted by Dawson. Andy believes in Sookie’s ability and is even willing to use her when a child goes missing at the local elementary school. He briefly dreams of using her talent to solve every case but is brought back to reality by police officer Kevin Pryor, who reminds him that knowledge of the crime and criminal is not enough and that good old police work will always be necessary. Enlisting Sookie’s help when he proposes to Halleigh Robinson in Merlotte’s, an anxious Andy asks Sookie if Halleigh really loves him.

The detective works with Agents Lattesta and Weiss when Crystal is found on the cross at Merlotte’s. Sookie calls him when she realizes that Arlene’s buddies have planned the same crucifixion for her, and he comes to Arlene’s trailer along with the two agents and is involved in the shoot-out, wounding Whit Spradlin.

Andy reacts badly at first to the news that Bill is his great-great-great-grandfather, but Bill puts him in his place by reminding him of his manners, and Andy begins to accept the connection, ultimately deciding with Halleigh to name their daughter Caroline Compton Bellefleur when they find out they are having a girl. Andy is off duty in Merlotte’s playing darts with Danny Prideaux when the four toughs hired by Sandra Pelt come in, and he helps subdue the assailants. (DUD, LDID, DTTW, DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW, DAG, DITF, DR; mentioned CD, IIHAH)

Bellefleur, Caroline Holliday: After the death of her son and his wife, Caroline Holliday Bellefleur raises her two grandchildren, Andrew and Portia. Beset by shrinking finances, the Bellefleur family home, Belle Rive, has fallen into disrepair, and Caroline is extremely pleased by a legacy from an unknown relative that allows her to restore Belle Rive to its former glory. When she finally discovers, on her deathbed, that Bill Compton is her great-grandfather and arranged the bequest, she reacts with humor, grace, and gratitude.

Her last bequest is to leave the recipe of her famous chocolate cake to the town so the legacy of Caroline Holliday Bellefleur, once one of Renard Parish’s finest cooks, lives on in the kitchens and dining rooms of Bon Temps. (FDTW; dies DITF; mentioned LDID, CD, DTTW, DD, ATD, DR)

Bellefleur, Halleigh Robinson: When Andy asks Halleigh, a teacher at Betty Ford Elementary, to marry him, her one condition is that they not live at Belle Rive but instead find their own home. They do buy a small house, the old Wechsler place, but a pregnant Halleigh still helps care for her grandmother-in-law at Belle Rive in Caroline’s final days. Halleigh and Andy find that they are expecting a daughter and decide to name her Caroline Compton Bellefleur. (DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW, DAG, DITF; mentioned DR, IIHAH)

Bellefleur, Terry: Terry Bellefleur, cousin of Andy and Portia, is a Vietnam veteran who paid dearly for doing his duty for his country. Held as a POW for two years, he is scarred both mentally and physically. Terry functions best in simple situations but doesn’t mind hard work, doing odd jobs around town such as tearing down Sookie’s kitchen when it burns, as well as standing in for Sam as bartender at Merlotte’s and cleaning the bar after hours to supplement his government pension.

Terry loves training and breeding his Catahoula hunting dogs, and when Sam turns into a collie during the Great Reveal, he takes it all in stride, certain that it is one of the reasons he has always gotten along so well with his bartending boss.

Terry is playing darts in Merlotte’s when Sandra Pelt enters to kill Sookie. Sam passes Terry the baseball bat from behind the bar. Terry knocks Sandra out but reacts horribly to the sight of blood. As Sookie comforts him, he tells her that “the shining one” and “that big blond one” told him to watch over her in exchange for ridding him of his nightmares and protecting his beloved dog. (DUD, LDID, DTTW, DAAD, L, FDTW, DAG, DITF, DR; mentioned CD, ATD, IIHAH)