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Brenda Sue (unspecified shifter): No last name given. Brenda Sue, a trauma nurse and member of the Biker Babes, arrives with two of her fellow shifter Babes to watch over at the Lisle-Merlotte rehearsal and wedding. (STW)

Brewer, Dan: Dan Brewer is the head of the Michigan state terrorist task force, investigating the bombing of the hotel in Rhodes. (ATD)

Brigant, Binne (fairy): Binne is the wife of Dillon and the mother of Claudine, Claude, and Claudette. (Mentioned DAG)

Brigant, Branna (fairy): Branna is Niall’s first wife and the mother of Dillon. (Mentioned DAG)

Brigant, Breandan (fairy): Breandan is Niall’s nephew, the son of his departed older brother, Rogan. Since his father’s death, Breandan has been on a mission to eradicate those of mixed fae blood, believing that they dilute the magic of the fae, weakening the race. He is pleased to be able to target Niall’s own descendents. Breandan sends Lochlan and Neave to scout out Bon Temps, where they discover an injured Crystal at Jason’s, take her to Merlotte’s, and crucify her. He has them kidnap Sookie to use as a bargaining chip with Niall, counting on Niall’s love for his great-granddaughter to force him to accede to Breandan’s determination to close off Faery from the human world. Breandan joins the attack on the hospital where Sookie, Bill, and Tray are recuperating after Sookie’s rescue. He evades Eric and beheads Clancy as he goes for Bill. Gathering his strength, Tray grabs at Breandan and is killed by the fairy, who in turn meets his own death from Bill by means of Sookie’s iron gardening trowel. One of Claudine’s knitting needles protrudes from Breandan’s shoulder, a sign that he claimed Claudine and her unborn child as victims on his way into the hospital. (Dies DAG; mentioned DITF, DR)

Brigant, Dermot (fairy): Niall Brigant’s younger twin son by the human Einin, Dermot defies his father and allies himself with his cousin Breandan, believing Breandan’s philosophy that humans and fairies shouldn’t mingle. He is also implicated in the death of Sookie’s parents. Dermot and his great-nephew, Jason, look very much alike. Dermot is left on the human side when Niall closes Faery. When he finally approaches Sookie, she realizes he is bespelled. He is unable to tell her who put the spell on him as he slips in and out of the confusion caused by the magic. He does tell her he watches over her when he can and that there is another fae on this side who means her harm. He also denies helping to kill her parents and tells her he has come to terms with his half-blood status. Dermot is watching from Sookie’s woods when Alexei attacks Claude and the other fae, Colman. After Alexei is killed, Colman attacks Sookie, only to accidentally kill Ocella instead. Dermot throws a dagger that lodges in Colman’s back, allowing Eric to catch and drain him. Dermot struggles to speak to Claude and Sookie, and they discover that Niall is the one who bespelled his own son. Together they break the spell the old-fashioned way, with a kiss from each, and Dermot’s mind clears. He remains with Sookie and Claude at Sookie’s house, trying to adjust to life on this side. When Claude offends Sookie and is told to move out, Dermot admits that he feels he has no purpose in life and tells her he wishes only to stay with her and finish fixing up her attic, a project he has been tackling with great enthusiasm. He is injured by kidnappers searching for Sookie but recovers after Sookie finds him and sends for the elf Bellenos, who breathes into Dermot to heal him. The two fae then go on the hunt, returning with the heads of Dermot’s assailants. (DAG, DITF, DR; mentioned FDTW)

Brigant, Dillon (fairy): Niall’s full-fairy son, Dillon is the product of Niall’s unhappy marriage to his first wife. Dillon is married to Binne and is the father of Claudine, Claude, and Claudette. He has eyes and hair the color of butterscotch. (DAG; mentioned DITF)

Brigant, Fintan (fairy): The elder of Niall Brigant’s twin sons by the human Einin, half-fairy Fintan meets Adele Stackhouse while she is out in her yard one day and becomes smitten. Adele desperately wants children, but her husband is infertile. Fintan promises her he can and will give her children, and both Corbett and Linda are the results of Adele’s liaisons with the fairy. Fintan visits Adele more than she knows, often appearing as her husband, Mitchell, in order to spend time with her. As a token of his love, he arranges for Mr. Cataliades to deliver a cluviel dor to her after his death.

Fintan stops seeing his human family soon after the birth of Linda and forbids Niall to visit, fearing they will come to harm. He is killed by Lochlan and Neave, setting in motion Niall’s contact with Sookie. (Deceased; mentioned FDTW, DAG, DITF, DR)

Brigant, Niall (fairy): Niall is a fairy prince and great-grandfather to Sookie and Jason. His glamour is that of an elegant, handsome older man with green eyes and long, pale gold hair. Like other supernaturals, fairies have interests in a variety of human businesses, including a drug company whose products have uses for the fairies. Niall’s son Fintan tries to keep his human descendants hidden from the fae by ceasing all contact with them, but Niall disregards his son’s decree to stay away and visits Jason as a child, losing interest when he realizes Jason’s complete humanity. When Niall discovers that Sookie has the essential spark, he begins to surreptitiously keep an eye on her, using both Terry Bellefleur and Eric as sources of information. Niall has dinner with her following Fintan’s death.

Niall expresses distaste for Jason, associating him with another son, Dermot, to whom Jason bears a remarkable resemblance. Although he wants only to know and love his great-granddaughter, Niall brings tragedy and pain to Sookie’s life when her existence becomes known to a faction of fairies led by Breandan, Niall’s nephew, who oppose Niall and the idea of mingling in any way with humans. Niall joins Bill in rescuing Sookie when she is kidnapped and tortured as a means to bring about his surrender. Niall ultimately defeats Breandan. Niall is left as the only remaining fairy prince, but the experience causes him to question the wisdom of associating with humans, since they end up the worse for the encounter. He decides to close the portals to Faery, more to save humanity from the fae than to save the fae from humanity. Niall was also behind the events at Sookie’s house one Christmas Eve, arranging for a visitor so Sookie wouldn’t be alone. (FDTW, DAG, GW; mentioned DITF, DR)

Brigant, Rogan (fairy): Niall’s oldest brother. Rogan’s followers claim kinship to the sea, with an affinity to and influence over water. After he goes to the Summerland, his son Breandan tries to kill Sookie because of her fairy blood. (Deceased; mentioned DAG)

Briscoe, John Robert: Bon Temps insurance agent John Robert’s streak of bad luck with claims has affected him mentally and physically. (L)

Britlingen Collective, the:

What is the law?

The client’s word.



Bodyguards from another dimension, Britlingens are reputed to be the best. They must be summoned by a witch, who negotiates a contract with their guild and returns them to their dimension when the contract is fulfilled—and Britlingens always fulfill their contracts.

Batanya and Clovache are hired by Isaiah, the King of Kentucky, to guard him during the vampire summit in Rhodes. The two Britlingens also have their own novella. (ATD)

Broadway, Amelia (witch): With her short brown hair and bright blue eyes, Amelia looks like a suburban mom but is actually a practicing witch who owns the apartment building in New Orleans where Hadley lived. When Hadley is killed, Amelia dutifully seals up the apartment with a stasis spell until Hadley’s heir can come to claim her possessions; unfortunately, she inadvertently seals in an unrisen vampire. When he rises and attacks Amelia and Sookie, they manage to escape, although both are injured. Amelia offers to perform an ectoplasmic reconstruction of Hadley’s last moments to find out how and why the new vampire, a Were, was turned. It’s more successful than anyone had anticipated.