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Carmichael, Copley: Copley Carmichael, Amelia’s father, has his dirty fingers in many financial and political pies. A builder by trade, he owns large lumberyards and is eager to establish a business relationship with the Nevada vampires after the takeover to continue his rebuilding efforts in New Orleans. To that end, he meets with Sandy Sechrest, Felipe de Castro’s area rep for Louisiana. (FDTW; mentioned ATD, DAG, DITF)

Carpenter, Porter: Officer Carpenter, of Wright, Texas, is uneasy about the shifter revelation but promises police assistance for the wedding of Craig Merlotte and Deidra Lisle. He and another deputy are at the church for the service but are struggling to keep protesters out, so they cannot help the Merlottes as they are trying to get there.

Porter responds to the 911 call made by Luna at Jim Collins’s house and arrests Sarah Newlin before taking her for medical treatment. (STW)

Carson: No other name given. Ex-army man Carson works for a short time as a cook at Merlotte’s. (FDTW)

Carson, Brother: No first name given. Brother Carson is the new Calgary Baptist preacher. (DR)

Casey: No last name given. Casey already had a history of abusing women when Kennedy Keyes killed him in self-defense. (Deceased; mentioned DR, IIHAH)

Cassidy, Mrs.: No first name given. Mrs. Cassidy is laid out for visitation back at Spencer and Sons Funeral Home as Mike Spencer stops by Merlotte’s to invite Sookie to an orgy. (Deceased; mentioned LDID)

Cataliades, Desmond (mostly demon): A demon with a law degree is a lethal combination. Well-known as a specialist in vampire law, Mr. Cataliades serves as Sophie-Anne’s attorney and, as such, notifies Sookie of her cousin Hadley’s final death while delivering Waldo to her doorstep so that she can avenge her cousin. When his niece Gladiola is later murdered while trying to deliver a letter to Sookie regarding Hadley’s estate, Mr. Cataliades seeks out a bit of vengeance of his own when Sookie gives him the identity of Glad’s assailant. He has no visible weapons as he confronts Jade Flower, so exactly how she loses her leg remains a mystery. Mr. Cataliades personally rescues Sophie-Anne Leclerq from the Pyramid of Gizeh in Rhodes and continues to manage her affairs as she recovers. After her death during the takeover of Louisiana by the Nevada vamps, the esteemed lawyer is hired to represent Felipe de Castro’s interests in Louisiana. Even though he must appear to remain neutral in his dealings in the supe world, he is grateful for Sookie’s aid during the Rhodes bombing and its aftermath, so he sends his niece Diantha to warn her about the fairies moving about in the human world. He also ensures that she receives payment for her services at the summit from the late queen’s estate, and sends Sookie her inheritance after handling Claudine Crane’s will.

A letter from Adele reveals just how much influence Mr. Cataliades has had in Sookie’s life and why he feels a responsibility toward her. As a friend of her grandfather, Fintan, Mr. Cataliades bestowed the gift of telepathy on all of Fintan and Adele’s descendants who possessed the essential spark. After Fintan’s death, he gave Adele the cluviel dor on Fintan’s behalf. (OWA, DD, ATD, DR; mentioned FDTW, DAG, DITF)

Cater, Jennifer (vampire): Peter Threadgill’s lieutenant-in-training, Jennifer presses the case against Sophie-Anne after his death. She and two of her retinue are murdered in their suite at the Pyramid of Gizeh by Sigebert. (Dies ATD)

Cecile: No last name given. The King of Texas’s executive assistant, Cecile attends the summit at Rhodes, sharing a room with Barry. When the impending bombing is uncovered, she smartly pulls the fire alarm to alert the human guests, only to become a victim herself and perish in the explosion. (Dies ATD)

Charity (vampire): No last name given. After Waldo reports that he and Hadley had been attacked by Fellowship of the Sun members at St. Louis Cemetery #1 while trying to raise Marie Laveau, Charity and Valentine are sent by Sophie-Anne to investigate the incident. They find no sign or scent of humans at the site. (Mentioned OWA)

Charlie: No last name given. Vampire Heidi’s son, Charlie languishes as a drug addict in Reno. Heidi has accepted Eric’s offer to allow her to relocate her son to Shreveport. (Mentioned DITF, DR)

Chenier, Willie: Along with Jane Bodehouse, Willie is a regular heavy drinker at Merlotte’s until his death. (Deceased; mentioned DAG)

Chester (vampire): No last name given. One of Sophie-Anne’s guards, Chester was once a backwoods kid with sandy hair and a pleasant demeanor. He and fellow guard Melanie are among the vampires who perish during the Katrina disaster. (DD; dies; mentioned ATD)

Chico (vampire): No last name given. Heidi tells Eric the story of Chico, a new vampire who was disrespectful to Victor. To punish him, Victor had his mother kidnapped, cut out her tongue, and fed it to her son. Chico was unable to save his mother as she bled to death. Chico’s half brother, Colton, refers to the same incident when asked why he wants to kill Victor. (Mentioned DR)

Child, Rita: While owner of the strip club Hooligans, Rita makes the potentially deadly mistake of killing a fairy with two vengeful siblings. Claudette Crane and her brother, Claude, both work for her as strippers. Claudette makes plans to leave for another club and take Claude with her, so Rita (who lusts after Claude as well as values him as a moneymaker) rubs the inside of the money pouch Claudette is using with lemon juice. After Sookie uncovers her guilt, Claude and his remaining sister, Claudine, have Rita sign over Hooligans to them for a dollar. They then release her, informing her that she also owes them the hunt for murdering their sister and that if she can dodge them for a year, she can live. The year is up. Her status is unknown. (FD)

Chow (vampire): No last name given. With his tattoo-covered body, Chow, bartender and part owner of Fangtasia, is quite a draw for the tourists who frequent the bar. When given Hallow’s terms by the young witch acting as messenger, he angrily attacks, causing the spell attached to the witch to activate and poofing Eric from the office. Chow pays the ultimate price during the Witch War, succumbing to his final death at the hands of a witch with a wooden knife. (LDID, CD; dies DTTW; mentioned DAAD)

Chuck: No last name given. Chuck is hired as the bartender at the welcome-home party for Farrell at Stan’s house. He is wounded when the Fellowship of the Sun opens fire on the mixed crowd of vampires and humans. (LDID)

Clancy (vampire): No other name given. One of Pam’s nest mates, Fangtasia bar manager Clancy is kidnapped and drained almost to the point of second death by Hallow and her coven. He survives but is embittered by the experience. Though he obeys Eric’s summons to defend Sookie against the fae in the supe hospital, he requests to be released from his vow to Eric if he survives. He is taken down by a mace swung by one of Breandan’s followers, and Breandan decapitates him as he leaps over his body to get to Bill. (DN, ATD, FDTW; dies DAG; mentioned CD, DTTW, DAAD, DITF)

Clausen, Charles (owl): Charles gets engaged to Debbie Pelt during one of her breakups with Alcide, but Debbie can’t get over her former boyfriend so the engagement is called off. (CD; mentioned DAAD, DD)

Clayton, Erroclass="underline" Errol manages the Bon Temps Bugle, the local newspaper, on a tight budget, writing about half of the stories himself. (DITF)

Clearwater, Hank: When the water heater stops working, Sookie suggests that Claude call Hank to see about repairing it, but Terry offers to take a look and easily replaces the element. (Mentioned DITF)

Cleary, Allie: Allie is the new wife of Holly’s ex-husband, David. She has two children from a previous marriage. (Mentioned DTTW)

Cleary, Cody: Holly’s son, Cody, almost dies when he is involved in an altercation at school with the school custodian and ends up stuffed into a large garbage can. He is rescued by Kenya Jones, who is told by Sookie where to look. (DD; mentioned LDID, DTTW, FDTW, DAG, DITF, DR)

Cleary, David: Holly’s ex-husband, David, lives in Springfield with his new wife, Allie, and her two children. (Mentioned DTTW, DD)