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Cleary, Holly (witch): Holly works with Sookie at Merlotte’s bar along with her good friend Danielle Gray. Divorced with one son, six-year-old Cody, Holly practices the Wiccan faith. She is pulled into Hallow’s attempt to ensnare Eric Northman through threats to her son. Blackmailed into acting as a lookout for Hallow, Holly accosts Sookie as the vampires and Weres are beginning their attack but winds up giving Sookie information instead, hoping that Hallow’s coven will be destroyed. When Holly’s son later goes missing at his school, Sookie is able to locate him in time to save him from an accident gone terribly wrong. Holly is one of the few humans who knows about the existence of the shifters, and she speaks out on behalf of Sam and Tray during their reveal at Merlotte’s. She has grown into a confident woman who stands up for her friends and is engaged to Hoyt Fortenberry, Jason’s best friend. That change is reflected in Holly’s appearance, as she has gone from a bleached blonde to a black-haired Goth and is now back to her natural brown hair. When she and Hoyt set the date for their wedding, she asks Sookie to serve the punch, an honor reserved for good friends. (LDID, DTTW, DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW, DAG, DITF, DR)

Clete (wolf): No last name given. Clete and several other Weres are hired by the Pelts to grab Sookie in New Orleans and bring her to an isolated house in the swamp for interrogation about Debbie’s death. During the drive there, Sookie stabs Clete in the face with a screwdriver to force the driver, George, to panic and pull over so that she and Quinn can make their escape into the swamp. Quinn is outraged at Clete’s handling of Sookie and makes certain Clete pays when, in tiger form, he tracks the Weres to the isolated house where the Pelts are waiting and surprises the abductors sitting outside having a smoke. (DD)

Clovache (Britlingen): No other name given. A member of the Britlingen Collective, she is a slightly smaller version of her partner, Batanya, with feathery brown hair that needs styling and big green eyes below high, arched brows. The Britlingens are hired by Isaiah, the King of Kentucky, to guard him during the vampire summit in Rhodes. It is Clovache who fills Sookie in on Isaiah’s discovery of a spy in his organization. She and Batanya fulfill their duties by carrying their sleeping client to safety before the Pyramid of Gizeh explodes, then return to their own dimension. (ATD)

Clovis: No last name given. Clovis and Sophie-Anne are the sole survivors when a sickness wipes out their village. He rapes Sophie-Anne and forces her into prostitution, traveling from town to town until they are caught by Alain in the woods and he is drained. (Deceased; mentioned DD)

Cluviel dor: A fairy love token. The cluviel dor grants just one wish to the one to whom it is given, but its potential is enormous as long as the wish is based in love. (DR)

Coburn, Parker (vampire): Parker, Palomino, and Rubio wind up staying in Eric’s Area Five after Katrina, nesting together in Minden. The trio is called upon to help with Victor’s assassination. Though not much of a brawler, Parker does his best to help Palomino as she takes down Unknown Enemy Vamp #2. (DR)

Collins, Reverend: No first name given. Reverend Collins preaches at Sookie’s Methodist church. (FDTW)

Collins, Callie: Heavyset Callie is just one of many cooks who briefly works at Merlotte’s. (DD)

Collins, Jim: Jim’s wife, Della, dies around the time of the vampires’ Great Revelation, and the Texan’s loneliness morphs into hatred toward first the vampires and then the shifters; he blogs about them on his website, set up to espouse his views. He is a good friend of Don, Bernie Merlotte’s second husband. Jim considers Don’s shooting of Bernie justified. His extremism eliminates his compassion toward all animals, and he shoots all of the dogs at the local animal shelter to drive his point home after posting a sign on Bernie’s lawn about dogs belonging at the pound.

Jim and Sarah Newlin connect online, and she sneaks into the area to encourage like-minded people to disrupt Craig and Deidra’s wedding. Jim suggests and then demands that he and Sarah go next door and start shooting people in Bernie’s backyard at the after-party. When she refuses, he calls her a hypocrite and shoots her. Sarah is wounded but shoots back, and Jim collapses and dies. Jim’s body and the injured Sarah are found in his house by Sookie and Luna, whose sensitive shifter nose picks up the scent of something dead. (Dies STW)

Colman (fairy): No other name given. Colman is the father of Claudine’s child and seeks revenge on Sookie for their deaths. At first he cannot bring himself to kill her outright, so he considers and dismisses a plan to kidnap Hunter, then concocts a scheme involving Basim al Saud, a dead body on Sookie’s land, and an anonymous tip to the police to have her arrested and incarcerated. When that fails, he watches her, waiting for an opportunity to do harm. He stands with Claude when they are attacked by Alexei and attempts to stab Sookie after Alexei is staked, but skewers Ocella instead, killing him. Disabled by a knife thrown by Dermot, Colman cannot defend himself when Eric seizes him and drains him for killing his maker. (Dies DITF; mentioned DAG)

Colton: No last name given. At the urging of his girlfriend, Audrina, Colton moved from Reno, where he worked in a club for Felipe, and he’s now a server at Vampire’s Kiss. He is more aware of the goings-on of the supernatural world than most humans, courtesy of his half brother, Chico, a vampire. Having heard about Sookie, Colton is able to send her a mental message to keep Eric and Pam from using fairy blood–tainted glasses at the bar. Furious at Victor for punishing Chico’s insubordination by killing their mother, he and Audrina participate in the massacre at Fangtasia. Colton survives the night but loses Audrina in the battle. (DR)

Colton and Chico’s mother: No name given. Mother to both Colton and vampire Chico, she becomes a victim of Chico’s insolence to Victor. Victor has her kidnapped, cuts out her tongue, and force-feeds it to Chico. Violently ill from ingesting the bloodied flesh, Chico is unable to save his mother as she bleeds to death. (Deceased; mentioned DR)

Compton, Caroline: Bill’s wife, Caroline, celebrates his safe return home from the war only to find herself a widow after Bill is attacked and taken by Lorena, leaving her to raise their two children alone. (Deceased; mentioned DUD, LDID, DITF, DR)

Compton, Fuller: Fuller, one of Bill’s descendants, was the sole policeman in Bon Temps back in the 1930s and investigated the Isaiah Wechsler murder. (Deceased; mentioned IIHAH)

Compton, Jessie: Jessie is descended from Bill’s son Tom and is the last “living” Compton of that family. When he dies, the family home reverts back to Bill. (Deceased; mentioned DUD, LDID, DD)

Compton, Mr.: No first name given. Bill’s father died while he was away soldiering in the Civil War. (Deceased; mentioned DUD)

Compton, Mrs.: No first name given. Bill’s mother’s maiden name was Loudermilk. (Deceased; mentioned DUD)

Compton, Robert: Bill’s older brother Robert dies at age twelve of an infection. (Deceased; mentioned DUD, LDID)

Compton, Sarah: Bill’s sister Sarah’s young man dies in the Civil War, and she remains unmarried. (Deceased; mentioned DUD, LDID)

Compton, Sarah Isabelle: Bill’s daughter, named for her aunt, has a daughter named Caroline, who marries her cousin and has her own daughter Caroline, who marries a Bellefleur. (Deceased; mentioned DUD, LDID, DITF)

Compton, William “Bill” (vampire): Under the orders of his queen, Bill Compton, Confederate soldier, returns to claim his family home in Bon Temps upon the death of his last direct descendant. Told to seek out Sookie Stackhouse, he finds her at her job at Merlotte’s, but when he foolishly goes out to the parking lot with a couple who offer him blood and sex, he is bound with silver chains as they try to drain him to sell his blood, and he is rescued by the very woman he has been sent to evaluate. A few nights later he returns the favor when she is attacked by the couple who attempted to drain him; he kills them both and gives a gravely injured Sookie his blood to heal. Sookie soon becomes far more than an assignment.