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Corinna (vampire): No last name given. Victor’s vamp Corinna joins Bruno in an attempt to kill Sookie and Pam, waiting on the side of the road and flagging them down as they drive back to Bon Temps late one night. Pam easily defeats her with her bare hands, leaving Sookie with a knife to tackle Bruno. (FDTW; dies DITF; mentioned DR)

Corinne: No last name given. Corinne, the manicurist and pedicurist at Janice Herveaux Phillips’s salon, cheerfully pampers Sookie during her stay in Jackson. (CD)

Coughlin, Mike: Shreveport detective Coughlin investigates the killings at Verena Rose’s Bridal and Formal Shop, unaware that the bodies he is looking at are supernatural in nature. He inadvertently remains connected to the supe world when he is partnered with Were Cal Myers but does suspect something odd about his new co-worker. (DTTW, DD; mentioned FDTW)

Coyote shifter: No name given. A beautician who comes out around the Great Reveal, much to the dismay of one of her longtime clients, who also discovers that she is the granddaughter of a werelynx. (Mentioned DAG)

Crane, Claude (fairy): Claudine’s brother, Claude, is six feet tall, with brown eyes, long dark hair, and ears surgically altered to appear more human. He is an exotic dancer who prefers men to women but who has “visited the other side of the fence.” Narcissistic in the extreme, Claude generally does what is best for Claude. After losing both of his sisters, however, Claude moves in with Sookie, ostensibly for companionship but in reality to protect her from Colman, the father of his late sister Claudine’s child, both lost in the Fae War. Claude proves to be a surprisingly pleasant roommate for Sookie and actually seems to enjoy playing with Hunter Savoy when Sookie babysits him for the night. Together, Claude and Sookie are able to break the spell on Sookie’s great-uncle (and Claude’s half-uncle) Dermot. As fairies draw comfort from other fae, Claude and Dermot remain living with Sookie until Claude is told to move out after allowing Alcide Herveaux into Sookie’s bed to wait for her, despite the fact that she is involved with Eric. (FD, DAAD, DD, FDTW, DAG, DITF, DR)

Crane, Claudette (fairy): Triplet to Claudine and Claude, Claudette apparently does not share the caring nature of Claudine and often doesn’t even bother to put on the charm Claude can assume when he pleases. When Claudette is murdered with pure lemon juice, Claudine asks Sookie for her help identifying the murderer by reading three potential human suspects. When the culprit turns out to be the owner of the strip club where both Claude and Claudette worked as exotic dancers, instead of human justice, the payment for the murder is the deed to the club—and the hunt. As Claudine says, “Fair is only part of fairy as letters of the alphabet.” (Deceased; mentioned FD, DAG, DITF, DR)

Crane, Claudine (fairy): Tall, dark-haired, dark-eyed, well-endowed Claudine first strolls into Merlotte’s on New Year’s Eve. She eventually reveals that she is Sookie’s fairy godmother, and her mission is to try to prevent disasters in Sookie’s life and help her recover from those she can’t prevent. Sometimes it is with advice—ranging from fashion tips to telling Sookie not to attend the summit in Rhodes and warning her about Dermot and Breandan. Other times Claudine’s help is more action-packed. She pops into Sookie’s car when Sookie almost falls asleep and also pops into the middle of the Were war to stand over Sookie and guard her from the battling Weres. Her last act is protecting Sookie when Breandan attacks Dr. Ludwig’s clinic. A pregnant Claudine attempts to stop Breandan from killing Sookie, but she dies in the process. Claudine once told Sookie that she was working on becoming an angel, but she appears to her father, Dillon, as part of her death ritual, so she currently resides in the Summerland. (DTTW, FD, DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW; dies DAG; mentioned DITF, DR)

Crawdad Diner: Perdita and Crawdad Jones opened their diner in the 1940s. After Perdita’s retirement, she gave her recipes to subsequent owner Ralph Tooten with the caveat that the business remain named for her late husband. Ralph’s arthritis didn’t allow him to keep the diner for long, but he maintained Crawdad’s name by selling to Pinkie Arnett with the same condition. Located in the oldest part of Bon Temps and once somewhat of a dive, the restaurant is well-known by locals who go there to enjoy traditional Southern foods, including fried green tomatoes, country-fried steak, and Perdita’s bread pudding. (DUD, DITF; mentioned DR)

Crimmins, Patricia (wolf): Patricia is one of the three St. Catherine Parish wolves who surrender to Alcide after Priscilla Hebert’s failed attempt to take over the Shreveport pack. Alcide chooses her to reveal herself on camera when the shifters come out because she is pretty, shapely, and, quite frankly, the new girl. When Alcide begins seeing Annabelle, Patricia is jealous, even though she is seeing Hamilton Bond, and she aids and abets Ham when he kills Basim and buries him on Sookie’s property. When Sookie “sees” her guilt, Patricia throws herself on the mercy of the pack, but Jannalynn convinces Alcide that Patricia is a traitor and should die with Hamilton. Assumed deceased. (FDTW, DAG, DITF)

Crimmons, Booth (vampire): Gervaise’s second-in-command. Booth and his vamps, along with Sigebert, are guarding Sophie-Anne during her recovery. He is out during the actual takeover, having left his child Audrey in charge. His status remains unknown. (Mentioned FDTW)

Cromwell, Willie: Detective Cromwell is part of the investigation into the people missing after Priscilla Hebert’s attack on the Shreveport Weres. He’ll never find out what really happened. (Mentioned FDTW)

Crowe, Bartlett (vampire): The King of Indiana, Bart marries Russell Edgington at the summit in Rhodes. He and his husband both survive the explosion with minimal injury. (ATD; mentioned DAG)

Culpepper (wolf): No first name given. When Hallow and her coven target the Shreveport Weres and vampires, Culpepper pairs with fellow Were Portugal to ensure that the local Wiccans either help or stay clear of the upcoming Witch War. When Portugal is among those killed in the war, Culpepper sits beside his body, mourning his death. (DTTW)

Cumberland, Alfred (wolf): From the nuptials of a vampire king and queen to the double wedding of small-town royalty, Al, photographer of the supernatural and the mundane, is privy to the rituals of both worlds as he records them for posterity. (DD, FDTW)

Cummins, Jesse Wayne: Jesse Wayne frequents Merlotte’s. (DITF)

Cunningham, Riki: Riki has a prom dress for her daughter on layaway at Tara’s Togs. (DAG)

Curlew: No first name given. Officer Curlew interviews Sookie along with his partner, Jay Stans, when she brings Maria-Star to the hospital, claiming she found her on the side of the road after she was hit by a car. (DTTW)

Curt (wolf): No last name given. Curt, who works for Niall as a courier and does community theater, plays the part of Other Brute, the unseen Were at Sookie’s door on Christmas Eve. (GW)

Cyndee (vampire): No last name given. One of Fangtasia’s human barmaids, Cyndee brings the Bureau of Vampire Affairs down on the bar when she promises to bribe a vampire to bite a female customer. Eric is certain they will be exonerated, as he doesn’t allow such things in his bar and has no history of doing so, but is annoyed that he must deal with an investigation. Cyndee is fired, of course, which is Eric’s only legal recourse. (Mentioned STW)



Dallas Midnight Massacre, the: The name various newsmagazines give to the attack on Stan Davis’s house by members of the Fellowship of the Sun, citing it as the perfect example of a hate crime. (LDID)

Dan: No last name given. Dan is one of the gate guards for Eric’s community. (DITF)

Dana: No last name given. Bridesmaid Dana coaches Sookie on the procedures when she takes Tiffany’s place in Halleigh’s wedding. Her husband and baby attend the wedding as well. (FDTW)

Danvers, Carla: Gervaise’s girlfriend is a mix of wholesome prom queen and pierced free spirit, blithely parading naked around the hotel room she shares with Sookie at the summit. Carla enjoys being with “Gerry,” the sheriff of Area Four—and all the perks that come with it. She is one of the victims of the bombing of the hotel. (Dies ATD)