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Genuine Magic Shop, the: Run by members of Amelia Broadway’s coven, the Genuine Magic Shop is in the French Quarter. Amelia works at the shop when she goes back to New Orleans. (Mentioned DR)

George (wolf): No last name given. A member of the gang that kidnaps Sookie and Quinn from Hadley’s apartment, George drives the van taking them to the Pelts. He and Clete continue to the cabin the Pelts are using after the prisoners escape. As they smoke outside, Quinn (in his tiger form) pounces. (DD)

Gerald (vampire): No last name given. Gerald, one of Pam’s nest mates, fights in and survives the Witch War. Gerald generally keeps to himself, though he puts in his time at Fangtasia. (DTTW)

German shepherd shifter: No name given. A German shepherd stares at Sookie with luminous yellow eyes as she lies staked on the floor of Josephine’s. (CD)

Gervaise (vampire): No other name given. After the devastation of New Orleans and Area One by Hurricane Katrina, Sheriff Gervaise hosts Sophie-Anne in his nearby Area Four. He attends the summit along with his human lover, Carla, and both perish in the hotel bombing. (Dies ATD; mentioned FDTW)

Ginger: No last name given. Fangtasia fangbanger Ginger is accidentally killed when Hallow, in her search for Eric, casts a spell on the human Fangtasia employees that causes their leg muscles to cramp up. Ginger falls, hitting her head on a bathroom sink. (DUD; dies DTTW)

Gladiola (half demon): No last name given. Gladiola is Diantha’s sister and Mr. Cataliades’s niece. Mr. Cataliades dispatches Gladiola with a message to Sookie, but she is intercepted and is killed by Jade Flower. Glad’s body is burned by Diantha and Mr. Cataliades on Sookie’s driveway. (Dies DD; mentioned ATD, DAG)

Glassport, Johan: Attorney Johan is hired by Sophie-Anne to defend her against the charges brought by the Arkansas vampires for Peter Threadgill’s death. Although he preps for the case, his services prove unnecessary when the Ancient Pythoness rules in Sophie-Anne’s favor. Nonetheless, Johan manages to collect his fee from Sophie-Anne’s estate and return to Mexico, where he had previously served time for striking a prostitute. He is guilty of many worse things. (ATD; mentioned DAG)

Godric/Godfrey (vampire): No last name given. Just a teenager when he was turned centuries ago, tattooed Godric—or Godfrey, as he has been known for the past century—has decided that vampires are an abomination. He himself is far too fond of children, in a very unhealthy way. Believing that only his death will stop him from continuing to sin, he has allied himself with the Fellowship of the Sun. He plans to meet the sun in a ritual. He lures Farrell into the hands of the Fellowship so Farrell will die with him. Godfrey reluctantly saves Sookie from Gabe and helps her escape. Although the Fellowship of the Sun is thrown into a panic and cancels their morning ceremony, Godfrey carries through with his own plans. He meets the dawn while Sookie bears witness, believing that in his repentance he will see the face of God. (Dies LDID)

Golden, Phoebe (vampire): The Queen of Iowa, Phoebe is married to the King of Ohio, and both attend the summit at Rhodes. (ATD)

Graham, Parfit: Shreveport police chief Graham investigates the missing people after the Were war, unaware that there are motives and actions that he will never understand and bodies that he will never find. (FDTW)

Gray, Ashley: Ashley is the daughter of Merlotte’s waitress Danielle. (Mentioned LDID, DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW, DAG)

Gray, Danielle: Danielle has been Holly Cleary’s best friend all through high school. She and Holly support each other through their respective divorces and raising their children. The two begin to part ways as Holly delves deeper into the Wiccan religion and each gains a steady boyfriend. (LDID, DAAD, DD, FDTW, DR; mentioned DTTW, ATD, DAG)

Gray, Mark Robert: Mark Robert is the son of Merlotte’s waitress Danielle. (Mentioned LDID, DD, ATD, FDTW, DAG)

Green, Dawn: Dawn works as a barmaid at Merlotte’s and is fairly easy with all males, both human and vampire. She does not object to being filmed during sex, and she enjoys it rough. Her body is found when Sam asks Sookie to stop by Dawn’s apartment to check on her. (Dies DUD)

Gregory (vampire): No last name given. Gregory, known by Eric and Ocella, had to be staked after being infected by maenad Phryne’s madness at the Halloween Massacre of 1876 in St. Petersburg. (Deceased; mentioned LDID, DITF)

Griesniki, Milos (vampire): A recent immigrant from the old country, Milos Griesniki gets a job bartending at Fangtasia and immediately begins to pry into the financial matters of Eric and the bar. When Eric calls for the Lord of Darkness to reveal himself at Fangtasia’s Dracula Night party, Milos claims to be Vlad Tepes III, aka Dracula, and announces that he plans to stay on at Fangtasia for a year, expecting not only tribute, tithe, and vampire servants but also fresh blood from the source, with Sookie being his first meal. He attempts to glamour Sookie to obey him but is tricked by her into revealing his lack of knowledge of the burial place of the real Dracula. Staked by Sookie, Milos flakes away even as Eric and Pam defend her actions to the other attending vampires, stating that, as Milos was not really Dracula, it was he who committed a crime by pretending to be their founder, not Sookie. (Dies DN)

Gristede, Mrs.: No first name given. Mrs. Gristede’s class meets in the Pony Room at the Red Ditch kindergarten. (DR)

Guglielmi, Antonio “Dago”: Dago works on the road crew with Catfish and Jason and frequents Merlotte’s with his friends. (DTTW, DAAD, DD)



Hair of the Dog: Owned by Were Amanda Whatley and catering to shifters of all kinds, the Hair of the Dog is located in an old brick storefront near Centenary College, just off Kings Highway in Shreveport. The door is warded by a top-of-the-line go-away spell that causes any humans who approach to have an uncontrollable urge to turn around and leave, and only the aura of a shifter can negate the spell for a human until he or she is inside. After Quinn and Sookie are attacked by bitten Weres on their first date, Quinn takes her to the Hair of the Dog to inform the Shreveport pack. One of the employees at the club that night is Jannalynn Hopper, whom Sam eventually starts dating. When Amanda is killed in the Were war, the bar passes to Alcide, who retains Jannalynn as manager. (DD; mentioned FDTW, DITF, DR)

Hale, Bartlett: Adele’s brother, Bartlett, takes advantage of his family connections to molest Adele’s daughter, Linda; Linda’s daughter, Hadley; and Sookie. He is forbidden to come to the house after Sookie manages to tell Adele what has happened. Bartlett is killed by persons unknown shortly after Sookie tells Bill of her abuse at her great-uncle’s hands. He leaves Sookie money. (Dies DUD; mentioned DD, FDTW, DITF)

Hallow’s coven members (shifters): Hallow’s coven is made up of shifters, all of whom also drink vampire blood. They follow her lead as she makes her play for the assets of both Eric and Area Five, and seeks to destroy the Long Tooth pack. (DTTW)

Hanson, Mrs.: No first name given. Mrs. Hanson has had two car accidents since signing with John Robert Briscoe’s insurance agency. (L)

Happy Cutter, the: Three blocks from the Genuine Magic Shop in the French Quarter is the Happy Cutter, a unisex hair salon where Bob Jessup gets a job when he returns to New Orleans. (Mentioned DR)

Hardaway, Cleo: Cleo runs the high school cafeteria during the day and attends orgies with her husband at night. They are infected with maenad Callisto’s madness and die together at the lake house with Jan Fowler and Mike Spencer. (Dies LDID)

Hardaway, Tom: Tom and his wife, Cleo, attend the orgy at the lake house, where Sookie is able to read in Tom’s mind their involvement in the death of Lafayette Reynold. Both Tom and Cleo fall victim to maenad Callisto’s madness, dying on the porch with Jan Fowler and Mike Spencer. (Dies LDID)