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Harley-Davidson dealership: No name given. A motorcycle dealership owned by Patrick Furnan. It not only sells Harley-Davidsons but also does repairs and sells parts and accessories that bike riders need, such as saddlebags, riding leathers, helmets, and goggles, along with a stock of T-shirts and other authorized items with the H-D insignia. (Mentioned DAAD, FDTW)

Harrow, Matthew: Newscaster Matthew watches nervously as Patricia Crimmins announces the existence of shifters and changes into her werewolf form on camera. (DAG)

Hart, Ginjer (panther): Mel Hart’s ex-wife, Ginjer, occasionally stops by Merlotte’s for a margarita. According to Mel, their marriage didn’t work out because they both had unconventional sexual interests. (DAG)

Hart, Mel (panther): One of the rare local panthers who chooses to live outside Hotshot, Mel Hart rents a duplex from Sam and works at Bon Temps Auto Parts. When Jason’s best friend, Hoyt, becomes engaged to Holly Cleary, Mel takes his place in Jason’s life. They go to bars, work on their cars—all the things guys do when they’re hanging out. But Mel has a secret. He left Hotshot when he was unable to fulfill his duty to the pack by producing a full panther child with his now ex-wife, Ginjer. Mel is gay, and he has fallen in love with Jason. He stops by to see Jason one day, but he’s not home. Crystal arrives and taunts him sexually. He slaps her in a fit of anger. Thinking she’s dead, he tosses her into his truck and goes into Jason’s house for a drink to calm his nerves. When he returns, Crystal is gone. He is as surprised as everyone else when her body is found on the cross in Merlotte’s parking lot. Dermot knows what really happened and goes to Jason’s house later to confront Mel, but he is unable to clearly communicate what went on and throws Mel across the room, calling him a killer. Sookie realizes the implication of Dermot’s visit to Jason and his attack on Mel and confronts Mel at Jason’s house after notifying Calvin. Mel admits his guilt and accepts his fate at the hands of his packmaster, Jason, Crystal’s sister Dawn, and their first cousin Jacky. (Dies DAG)

Harvey (unknown): No last name given. Harvey searches Bill’s house for the database but comes up empty-handed. (Mentioned CD)

Hawk shifter: No name given. A hawk narrowly misses the ceiling fan at Josephine’s while flying away after shifting when Sookie is staked. (CD)

Hebert, Arthur (wolf): Arthur was the packleader of the St. Catherine Parish Weres. After his death, his wife, Priscilla, looks for a new place for her pack. (Deceased; mentioned FDTW)

Hebert, Priscilla (wolf): Widow of the St. Catherine Parish Were packmaster, Priscilla seeks a new home for her remaining pack after the destruction of Hurricane Katrina. Her attempt to instigate a war between Patrick Furnan and Alcide by killing females of the Long Tooth pack almost succeeds but is derailed when Sookie arranges a meeting between the two Weres. Even though Cal Myers, supposedly loyal to Furnan, is identified as Maria-Star Cooper’s killer, both men accept that neither ordered the deaths of Maria-Star, Libby Furnan, and Christine Larrabee. Cal is revealed as Priscilla’s half brother. As the Weres battle it out in wolf form, Priscilla kills Amanda and then is killed by Sam, who has wisely changed into a lion instead of a collie. (Dies FDTW)

Heffernan, Mr.: No first name given. Mr. Heffernan is the principal at Betty Ford Elementary School during Sookie’s term there. (Mentioned DD)

Heidi (vampire): No last name given. Heidi, a superior tracker, is sent to Shreveport by Victor to spy on Eric. When fairies and a body are scented by the Weres in Sookie’s woods, Heidi arrives to try to sort it all out. She informs Sookie that two fairies, many werewolves, and one vampire have been traipsing around, and that two bodies, one killed very recently, are buried on the land.

Heidi talks of her son, now grown and drug addicted, living in Reno, and is surprisingly gentle and careful with Hunter, kneeling to speak to him on his level and spelling out words she doesn’t want him to understand. When Eric offers to allow her to move her son to Shreveport, she readily accepts and gives her loyalty to her new sheriff, taking his side against Victor in the assassination. (DITF, DR)

Hennessy, Shirley “Catfish”: Jason’s boss, Catfish, is never called Shirley by his men. A loyal friend, Catfish protests Andy Bellefleur’s and Alcee Beck’s treatment of Sookie when Jason goes missing. He also organizes the search party for the woods around Jason’s house. Catfish occasionally takes his wife to Merlotte’s. (DTTW, DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW, DAG, DITF)

Hermosa, Rubio (vampire): Rubio finds a new home in Area Five after fleeing Katrina, living together in a nest in Minden with Parker and Palomino. The threesome are summoned to participate in the assassination of Victor, and Rubio does his part by staking Luis. (DR)

Herve: No last name given. Cleo Babbitt’s human squeeze attends the summit with her. (ATD)

Herveaux, Alcide (wolf): A partner with his father in Herveaux and Son, AAA Accurate Surveys, Alcide, like most shifters, doesn’t want to become involved in vampire affairs; but when the Shreveport vamps call in a marker on his father’s gambling debts that would destroy their company, he must agree to escort Sookie to Jackson in her search for a missing Bill. He is attracted to Sookie and she to him, but just as she is sorting through her feelings of betrayal with Bill, he is sorting through his own feelings about his ex-girlfriend, Debbie Pelt. Although Alcide claims he is determined to rid himself of Debbie, he is willfully blind when it comes to her faults, even Debbie’s vicious act of pushing Sookie into the trunk of a car with a starving Bill. And when Debbie lies and tells him later that Sookie and Bill have reconciled, he believes her and resumes their relationship.

He is finally forced to face reality when Bill confirms that not only did Debbie lock Sookie and him together in the trunk, but she also participated in his torture at Russell’s mansion. Alcide abjures Debbie in an irrevocable ritual.

Alcide contacts Sookie again after the death of packmaster Colonel Flood, asking her to attend the funeral as a friend of the pack. He uses her presence to imply her unspoken support for his father as Colonel Flood’s successor. He also wants her to read the other candidate’s mind. He rationalizes that Sookie might think she owes him, as he has realized that she killed Debbie. Although he claims he doesn’t care, Sookie is hurt and angered by his actions and asks him to stay away.

Alcide rushes to Sookie when her kitchen burns. He asks her to move in with him to explore their relationship, but Sookie questions whether he is fully recovered from Debbie and whether he can forgive her for Debbie’s death. Alcide turns from Sookie into the arms of Were Maria-Star Cooper after his father dies during the packmaster contest with Patrick Furnan. The Were pack remains splintered by the cheating during the contest and the outcome, with Alcide heading the anti-Furnan faction.

When Maria-Star is murdered, Alcide first suspects Furnan but soon discovers that Patrick’s wife is missing as well. At an arranged parley, the two are attacked by a band of Weres led by Priscilla Hebert, who wants the Long Tooth pack’s territory. The Long Tooth pack unites to take down the interlopers, and when Patrick is killed, Alcide ascends to packmaster. As such, he continues viewing Sookie as a friend of the pack, and they tentatively establish a friendship. He sends Tray Dawson to guard her when she is threatened by the fae.

Alcide contacts Sookie and Bill to ask if the Long Tooth pack can run on their land at the full moon, as there is a party of human campers on the Herveaux land. Unbeknownst to him, his childhood friend, Hamilton Bond, has conspired to kill his newly appointed second, Basim al Saud, out of jealousy for not being named to the position, foolishly becoming involved with fairy Colman’s plan to get Sookie in trouble with the law. Ham buries Basim’s body on Sookie’s land, but the body is scented by a vampire tracker sent by Eric to check the woods for intruders. Alcide; his new girlfriend, Annabelle; and pack member Jannalynn Hopper arrive to investigate. Along with Ocella, Alexei, Eric, Sookie, and Jason, they dig up the body, and Annabelle is forced to admit that she was having an affair with Basim, but she denies any involvement in his death.