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The pack holds a meeting at Alcide’s house, with Sookie and Jason sitting in. When they arrive, Alcide asks Sookie to act as a shaman, giving her a potion that will help her see the truth among the Weres. She identifies Ham as the culprit and new pack member Patricia Crimmins, one of the few survivors of Hebert’s pack, as his partner-in-crime. Alcide spares Annabelle, but Sookie leaves the meeting knowing that Jannalynn, his newly appointed second, will successfully campaign for the deaths of Ham and Patricia.

When Alcide hears from Amelia that Sookie has broken the blood bond with Eric, he goes to Sookie’s house to wait for her in her bed. He winds up falling asleep because Sookie spends the night with Eric, but Alcide expresses his desire to have a chance with her when she wakes him in the morning. He reassures her of his genuine interest when she implies that he wants her because the pack needs a shaman, but he becomes upset and leaves when she tells him she doesn’t like the way he has changed since becoming packmaster. (CD, DTTW, DAAD, FDTW, DITF, DR; mentioned DD, ATD)

Herveaux, Jackson (wolf): Alcide’s father, a self-made man who owns a successful surveying business, begins to gamble too much after his wife’s death, paving the way for the vampires who hold his markers to exact a favor from Alcide. When Colonel Flood is killed in an accident, Jackson decides to run for packmaster, but his opponent, Patrick Furnan, uses Jackson’s gambling problems to suggest that he would be unsuitable as a leader. Jackson is having an affair with Connie Babcock, his secretary. When he escorts Christine Larrabee to Colonel Flood’s funeral instead of her, Furnan persuades a scorned Connie to steal personal papers from Jackson’s office in an attempt to get more dirt. Connie is caught and arrested, but the damage is done. Furnan continues to spread the word that Jackson cannot handle his own life, let alone the pack. During the packmaster contest, Jackson is declared the winner of the first two tests when Furnan is caught cheating, but the pack, torn by concerns over Jackson’s personal life, votes to allow the third challenge, calling for a decisive win in battle. Furnan defeats Jackson, killing him. Jackson’s body is taken to the Herveaux farm, and an accident is staged to account for his death. (Dies DAAD; mentioned CD, DD, ATD, FDTW, DITF)

Herveaux and Son, AAA Accurate Surveys: A bi-state survey company owned and operated by Jackson and Alcide Herveaux, the business has offices in Jackson, Mississippi, and in Monroe, Shreveport, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Their main office is in Shreveport, where they own the building housing the company headquarters, and they also keep an apartment in Jackson. After his father’s death in the packmaster contest, Alcide assumes control of the company. (DTTW; mentioned CD, DAAD)

Hesterman, Brenda: Brenda and her business partner, Donald Callaway, own Splendide in Shreveport. They buy, sell, and appraise antiques. She and Donald travel to Sookie’s house to appraise the items brought down from the attic, purchasing several pieces for resale in their shop. (DR)

Hob, Mr. (goblin): No first name given. The doorman and bouncer at Josephine’s, short and cranky Mr. Hob guards the entry to the club and maintains strict order inside. Although his full ability is not known, he easily lifts a biker who violates the rules off the floor and causes the man’s flesh to start burning as he carries him out. (CD)

Hondo (unspecified shifter): No last name given. One of the paramedics working the summit in Rhodes to care for any injuries to the attending supes. He takes care of Quinn after the weretiger is hit by the arrow thrown by Kyle Perkins. (ATD)

Hooligans: Hooligans is a strip club co-owned by fairy twins Claude and Claudine. The twins took possession of the club as partial payment when their triplet, Claudette, also a stripper, was murdered by the previous owner. A small club with a fair-sized parking lot, it boasts electric-blue siding and a shocking-pink neon sign. Claude manages the club and also strips on ladies’ night. After Niall closes the door to Faery, Hooligans becomes a meeting place for exiled fae. (DR; mentioned FD, DAAD, DD, FDTW, DAG, DITF)

Hopper, Ellie: Like many teenagers, Ellie and seventeen-year-old Quinn make out in the backseat of his father’s car. (Mentioned DD)

Hopper, Jannalynn (wolf): Young Jannalynn is loyal, ruthless, and a flashy dresser. Given the task of executing the fallen enemies after the Were war, she does so with a savage efficiency. Upon the death of Amanda Whatley in that war, ownership of her bar passes to Alcide, who appoints Jannalynn manager despite her youth. He further demonstrates his faith in her by naming her his second after the death of Basim al Saud. Alcide’s faith in her is repaid by her absolute devotion to him. When Hamilton Bond and Patricia Crimmins admit to the murder of Basim, Jannalynn convinces Alcide that the punishment for their betrayal should be death. Even though she is a full Were, Jannalynn is “into lions” and calls Sam for a date after the battle. Although Sam seems to be enjoying their blossoming relationship, he feels that Jannalynn is not exactly a girl one takes home to meet Mom, so having already asked Sookie to accompany him to his brother’s wedding, he takes her as his date instead of his new girlfriend. Jannalynn is hurt and resentful, and shows up anyway. They plan a date to discuss their relationship and decide to keep seeing each other. Jannalynn is at Merlotte’s to see Sam when the four thugs hired by Sandra Pelt attack, and she throws herself into the fight, easily breaking bones to disable her target. Still brooding over Sookie’s presence in Sam’s life, Jannalynn encourages Alcide Herveaux, her packmaster, to steal into Sookie’s bed and perhaps steal her heart after Sookie breaks the blood bond with Eric.

When Jannalynn and Sam are forced at gunpoint to take Sandra Pelt to Sookie’s house, an infuriated Jannalynn sees her chance to attack Sandra when Sookie fires at her from the woods. Jannalynn finally manages to break Sandra’s neck, then crushes her skull to finish the job. She is impressed that Sookie has a fairy portal in her woods, and watches curiously as Sam and Sookie force Sandra’s body through the portal. (DD, FDTW, DITF, STW, DR)

Horowitz, Barry (telepath): Barry is an undisciplined telepath working as a bellboy at the Silent Shore vampire hotel in Dallas when he meets a fellow telepath for the first time. Sookie is able to send Barry a message when she is captured by the Fellowship of the Sun, giving him her location so he can notify Bill and Eric. His actions bring him to the attention of Stan Davis, who shortly becomes the King of Texas and hires Barry as a permanent part of his entourage. He is much more in control of his abilities when he sees Sookie again at the summit in Rhodes, and after the explosion, they work together to locate survivors in the wreckage. (LDID, ATD; mentioned DAG)

Hot Rain (vampire): Long Shadow’s sire and grand-sire to Charles Twining, he is unhappy with the penalty levied at Eric for Long Shadow’s death and seeks revenge by having Charles kill Sookie. (Mentioned DAAD)

Hotshot: Located on a crossroads about ten miles southeast of Bon Temps, Hotshot is an isolated little community, the home of a werepanther pack consisting mainly of the multigenerational Norris and Hart families. Therefore, its residents tend to have one of two basic heritages: stocky and fair with green-gold eyes, or small and dark with dark eyes. They keep to themselves and do for themselves, taking care of one another and seeing to their own justice. The roads leading into the community are not well maintained, there are no streetlights, and the people are secretive. Outsiders rarely venture into Hotshot.