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Kolinchek, Dusty: Dusty is continuing the family yard-work business, and his customers include Victor Madden. (Mentioned DR)

Krause, Lindsey: Lindsey works at Merlotte’s but quits to move to Little Rock. (Mentioned DUD)



Labeff, Jeff: Jeff gets into a shouting match in Merlotte’s with Louisiana Tech student Mark Duffy that soon gets out of hand. He returns the next night to apologize and is warned by Sam to behave in his bar. (DAAD)

Lancaster, Elva Deene: Sid Matt’s wife, Elva Deene, passes away before the shifters’ Great Reveal. Her husband believes she would have enjoyed finding out about even more supes among them. (Mentioned DUD, LDID; dies; mentioned DAG)

Lancaster, Sid Matt: When Jason is suspected of the murders of several local women, he and Sookie hire Sid Matt, who is said to be the most aggressive trial lawyer in Renard Parish. His experience isn’t necessary once Rene confesses to the crimes. Sid Matt takes the Great Reveal of the shifters in stride, even taking on werewolves as clients, and wishes that his wife, Elva Deene, had lived to see it. Suffering from cancer, he knows he’ll be joining her soon. (DUD, LDID, DTTW, DD, DAG; mentioned FDTW)

Landry: No first name given. Pyramid security officer Landry overreacts when Sookie questions procedure during the investigation into the deaths of the Arkansas vampires, roughing up Sookie and handcuffing her. Landry’s boss, Todd Donati, instructs her to release Sookie and apologize in writing. (ATD)

Larrabee, Christine (wolf): The widow of the packmaster preceding Colonel Flood, Christine would prefer to stay neutral in the contest for Flood’s successor, but Jackson Herveaux calls on their friendship for her support. When it comes time for the actual contest, Christine agrees with Alcide that Sookie should be invited to serve as a witness and subtly encourages Sookie to use her talents to ensure an honest competition. Christine is among the females of the pack killed by Priscilla’s wolves in their attempt to take over Shreveport. (DAAD; mentioned, dies FDTW)

La Salle, Truman: The fire chief of the city of Bon Temps, Truman and his crew respond to the firebombing at Merlotte’s even though the bar is outside the city limits. (DR)

Lattesta, Tom: FBI Special Agent Lattesta travels from Rhodes to question Sookie about her involvement in the rescues at the Pyramid of Gizeh hotel. He and Agent Weiss are at her house when she gets the call about Crystal. They consider investigating the murder as a possible hate crime.

Lattesta doesn’t trust Sookie but does believe that there is something different about her. He also knows about shifters even before the Great Reveal and has sent Antoine Lebrun in as an unwilling informant. When his interest in Sookie is stymied by powerful higher-ups (influenced by Niall and his money), Lattesta is resentful and vows to renew his pursuit if he is able to tie her to any new investigations. (DAG, DITF)

Laveau, Marie (voodoo queen): Among the vampires of New Orleans, legend has it that Marie Laveau can be called on for favors by marking her tomb in St. Louis Cemetery #1 with three Xs, the blood of the dead, and words of magic. Hadley is attempting this ritual when she is killed by Waldo. (Deceased; mentioned OWA, DD)

Lebrun, Antoine: Left homeless by Katrina, Antoine is arrested after stealing a car and unwillingly makes a deal with FBI Agent Lattesta to avoid jail. Agent Lattesta, aware of the existence of shifters and certain that they will come out, orders Antoine to spy on Sam—and Sookie. He takes a job as a short-order cook at Merlotte’s but determines to rid himself of Lattesta’s presence in his life and is relieved when Sookie accidentally reads his dilemma from his own mind. He confesses all to Sam and Sookie, promising not to give Lattesta any more information, happy to keep his job and new life in Bon Temps. Antoine is working the night of the firebombing and reacts quickly to shut down the appliances and protect the kitchen. (DAG, DITF, DR)

Leclerq, Sophie-Anne (vampire): Sophie-Anne begins her life as Judith in a small village in northwest Europe approximately eleven hundred years ago. When she is around twelve years old, an illness decimates her village and she is forced into prostitution by the only other survivor, a slightly older boy named Clovis. They are camped in the woods when they are found by Alain, a vampire, who immediately drains Clovis but decides to spare Judith to use as a companion, continuing to prostitute her to pay for her upkeep, all the while promising to turn her. Alain is taken captive in a village that he had visited before, where he is recognized for what he is. Judith is left unbound as she is clearly human and a victim of Alain’s abuse, so she sneaks into the hut he is being held in and bargains with him to be turned in exchange for setting him free when she rises. Alain begins the process, but the village priest returns from a trip while she remains buried in the earth. Alain is killed before she awakens. She wanders alone for a few years until she finds a young boy being abused and turns him for companionship. Andre becomes her devoted servant and lover for centuries. By the time she works her way through the vampire hierarchy to be named the Queen of Louisiana, she has become Sophie-Anne Leclerq and keeps her background private. She meets Hadley Delahoussaye Savoy and begins an affair with her, eventually turning her. Hadley tells Sophie-Anne of her past, including tales of the unusual abilities of her cousin Sookie, setting in motion the chain of events that sends Bill to Bon Temps in the service of his queen.

Sophie-Anne arranges a political marriage with Peter Threadgill, the King of Arkansas, but Peter has plans to take over her holdings by proving that she has given another lover one of his wedding gifts—a diamond bracelet actually stolen by Hadley in a fit of jealousy. When Sookie finds the bracelet and returns it to Sophie-Anne in time for her spring party, Peter starts a war anyway, leading to the defeat of the Arkansas vampires and his own death at Andre’s hands. Sophie-Anne faces a trial for the death of her husband at the summit in Rhodes. She is found innocent and granted the kingdom of Arkansas. Her relief is short-lived, as she is badly injured in the bombing, losing both her legs. She is still trying to recover when Felipe de Castro wages his campaign to take over Louisiana and Arkansas, killing her and her remaining sheriffs save for Eric. (OWA, DD, ATD; mentioned CD, DAG, DITF, DR; mentioned, dies FDTW)

Lee (fairy): No other name given. One of Breandan’s followers. He and a few brownies try to ambush Claudine, who ably defends herself and leaves them all dead. (Dies DAG)

Lee, Maxwell (vampire): One of the vampires owing loyalty to Eric, Maxwell, an investment banker, dutifully puts in his time at Fangtasia. In his free time, he enjoys a close shave from Barry Barber at Hooligans. He helps Pam evacuate Sookie and Bill after the battle with Breandan and his followers at the hospital, and Maxwell does his part in the assassination of Victor by staking Victor’s bodyguard Antonio. (DAAD, ATD, DAG, DITF, DR; mentioned FD)

Leeds, Jack: Private investigator Jack Leeds and his wife, Lily, are hired by the Pelts to find out what happened to their daughter Debbie. After interviewing many people, including Sookie, they inform the family that, as there are no leads, they cannot continue with the case. They are later hired by Mr. Cataliades, who is handling Gordon and Barbara Pelt’s estate after their deaths, and are told to be in Merlotte’s at an exact time to inform Sookie that Sandra Pelt is gunning for her. While they are there, four toughs, hired by Sandra, come into the bar and start trouble. When one of the thugs pulls a knife and another charges, Jack draws his gun but is shot in the arm by a third. After the assailants are subdued and the authorities arrive, Jack and Lily leave for the hospital so that Jack can be treated. (DAAD, DR; mentioned DD)