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Luis and Antonio enter Fangtasia first on the night of Bubba’s performance, carefully checking out the club. As drinks are served, Luis samples a random glass before any of the others drink and then takes up position at the front door. He and Antonio are captivated by Bubba’s show, but he reacts quickly when Eric attempts to stake Victor, rushing to his master’s defense. He does try to leave Fangtasia but is driven back in by Warren, who shoots him in the shoulder. Although wounded, he puts up a fight and is finally dispatched by Rubio. (Dies DR)

Lundy, Sally: Vigilant Sally is John Robert Briscoe’s loyal clerk and is the only person who figures out that Greg Aubert is hogging the luck of the insurance agents in Bon Temps. Amelia is able to cast a spell to make both Sally and John Robert forget Sally’s assertions. (L)

Lyle (vampire): No last name given. Lyle attends the Fangtasia birthday party for Dracula while visiting from Alexandria to learn about running a vampire club. (DN)

Lynley-Chivers, Dahlia (vampire): Dahlia is a good choice to be a judge at the vampire trials at the Rhodes summit, listening to the testimony of Jodi and Michael and asking the questions that enable her to come to a unanimous decision with her fellow judges, including Bill. She survives the explosion at the hotel. The petite vampire stars in her own set of short stories. (ATD)

Lynx shifter: No name given. Sookie is eyed by a lynx after she is staked at Josephine’s. (CD)

Lynx shifter: No name given. When a grandfather comes out during the Great Reveal, his granddaughter feels betrayed. She’s also not pleased that her beautician is a coyote. (DAG)

Lyudmila, Ana (vampire): Although not one of the vamps who attack Pam at Vampire’s Kiss, Ana Lyudmila openly ignores both Eric’s second-in-command and Sookie as they enter with Eric until Sookie reminds her of her manners. She attends Bubba’s performance as part of Victor’s retinue but sits off alone, bored, and is the first to fall during the assassination, courtesy of a drink delivered by Thalia. (Dies DR)



Madden, Victor (vampire): Victor Madden cheerfully announces himself when he arrives at Sookie’s house the night of the takeover by Nevada king Felipe de Castro, secure in the knowledge that his side has prevailed thus far. He is willing to burn down both Fangtasia and Sookie’s house if Eric and Bill don’t capitulate. For a time, Victor remains in New Orleans to oversee Area One personally, but eventually he sends Felipe de Castro’s representative back to Nevada and attempts to watch over the entire state himself as he begins to consolidate his power.

Victor witnesses Sookie’s presentation of the knife to Eric, as Eric planned. Victor knows that she is Eric’s wife and that Felipe has extended his protection to Sookie. But when Sookie asks for help while she is being hunted by Breandan’s people, Victor ignores Eric’s petition for her protection. When Bill calls Eric with the news that Sookie has been kidnapped, Victor chains Eric and restrains Pam to keep them from going to her aid, unwilling to let the vampires get involved in the Fae War. At first he pretends to disbelieve that Felipe has made any promises to Sookie. And when Pam is finally able to contact the king, Victor tells Felipe he had forgotten that Eric and Sookie are married. Felipe forces Victor to let Eric go to her aid.

The ambitious vampire continues to amass more power and begins plotting to discredit Eric, the only sheriff left from Sophie-Anne’s regime. Unwilling to allow Eric to have use of Sookie’s telepathic ability and worried about her powerful grandfather, he secretly sends his second, Bruno Brazell, and a female vampire named Corinna to waylay Sookie and Pam. Sookie and Pam prevail and cover their tracks. When his two vampires don’t show up for work, Victor can make no accusations against the Area Five vamps or Sookie, as Bruno and Corinna were never officially there. Although Victor is named regent of the state, he soon moves his power base to Area Five, opening Vampire’s Kiss and Vic’s Redneck Roadhouse while living in a mansion between Musgrave and Toniton. He continues to bait Eric, summoning him for a meeting at Vampire’s Kiss and then preventing Pam from checking security, bringing Pam’s sickly human lover to the bar in an effort to goad her to react, rubbing fairy blood on glasses in the hope that Eric and Pam will drink from them and cause problems. Victor’s actions cement the decision that he must die, and he is lured to Fangtasia by the promise of a performance by Bubba. An ardent fan, Victor does indeed get to hear his idol sing. But the performance is cut short when Eric and his supporters make their move. In the ensuing fight, Victor meets his final death at Pam’s hands. (FDTW, DAG; dies DR; mentioned TB, DITF)

Maimonides, Simon (demon): Brother-in-law to Mr. Cataliades, Simon, also a lawyer, represents the state of Arkansas in the murder trial of Sophie-Anne, accused of killing her signed-and-sealed spouse, Peter Threadgill, King of Arkansas. (ATD)

Malcolm (vampire): No last name given. Vampire Malcolm brings his human Jerry with him to Bill’s when he, Liam, and Diane visit, offering Bill a taste of the real thing. When it is revealed that Jerry knows that he has Sino-AIDS, one of the few diseases that can infect vampires, Malcolm takes his human lover away to deal with him privately. Jerry has been disposed of by the time Malcolm, Diane, and Liam are incinerated along with Harlen Ives—a vampire visiting on his way to New Orleans—and an unidentified human female when their house is set on fire. (Dies DUD)

Marianne: No last name given. Sookie’s high school friend deserts her on a senior trip to Six Flags in Dallas to pair up with fellow classmate Dennis Engelbright. (Mentioned LDID)

Marley, Tyrese: Tyrese is Copley Carmichael’s bodyguard and chauffeur. (FDTW)

Marriot, Jay: Jeff’s twin brother, Jay, and their mother, Justine, search desperately for answers about Jeff’s death but accept his guilt when his car is found on a side road across from Sookie’s driveway. (DAAD)

Marriot, Jeff: Jeff Marriot is killed by Charles Twining and set up to take the blame for the fire at Sookie’s house. (Dies DAAD)

Marriot, Justine: Jeff Marriot’s mother, Justine, is devastated by his death and the report of his arson of Sookie’s house. (DAAD)

Martinez, Julio (wolf): An airman from Barksdale Air Force Base, Shreveport pack member Julio is one of the local victims of the Were war. (Dies FDTW)

Mary: No last name given. Mary and Denissa are planning on singing at the Lisle-Merlotte wedding. Although Mary attends the rehearsal in the morning, she doesn’t show up for the service, either unwilling or unable to make her way through the protesters. (STW)

Mason, Everlee: Gran’s friend Everlee likes to call with all the local gossip. (Mentioned DUD)

Maude (vampire): No last name given. The Queen of Minnesota, Maude and her husband, the King of Wisconsin, attend the summit at Rhodes. (ATD)

Mayfield, Hod: Hod and Kelvin are hired to kidnap Sookie but fail in their assignment when she hides at Bill’s house. They injure Dermot while looking for her, so he and Bellenos hunt them down and take their heads. Hod leaves behind his wife, Marge. (Dies DR)

Mayfield, Kelvin: Having been hired to kidnap Sookie, Kelvin and Hod knock Dermot out while searching for her, but she successfully hides at Bill’s house. The two men are hunted down and beheaded by Dermot and Bellenos. Kelvin leaves three children. (Dies DR)

Mayhew, Darryclass="underline" Prior to the murders by Rene Lenier, the most recent murder in Bon Temps was the shooting of Sue Mayhew by her husband, Darryl. (Mentioned DUD)

Mayhew, Dixie (panther): Dixie Mayhew, Dixon’s fraternal twin sister, has the dark, almost black, eyes of many of the Hotshot panthers. She and Dixon stand guard in the Grainger hospital lobby as Calvin recovers, and they continue watching over him after he is released. When Victor Madden moves to a mansion located between Musgrave and Toniton, he hires the twins as his daytime guards. (DAAD; mentioned DR)