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Lerina returned, a soothing, nude presence.

"Have you stayed with me the entire time?" he asked.

"I had to. It seems that some barbarian murdered people in Eruth, and my uncle forbade me to leave the house. I had to slip out in the night, and had I returned, I would have been closely watched. I managed to bring enough supplies for the time being."

"Your pardon. I've made trouble for you."

"It's nothing. Drink some water," she said, and handed him a flask.

He sipped. Some of his dizziness went away.

Lerina pointed to the wound on his side. "I almost gave up on you. But once the infection was defeated, you began healing so quickly I could see the changes over the course of hours."

He sensed the unspoken query. Poor Obo. The old man was probably half-dead. He was a greater mage than the king suspected.

"Come on," she said. "If you can walk, it's time to give you a bath. You stink."

Again he tried to rise but barely sat up. Lerina had to wrestle him to his feet. Securing herself under his uninjured shoulder, she walked him toward the cave mouth. The sand floor gave way to water-sculpted, convoluted folds of rock. Keron navigated the irregular surface cautiously, his feet relearning their function. Although Lerina grunted under the burden of his weight, Keron thought he would float away. The fever had purged him of all tension. He had never felt so insubstantial.

Under the blinding light of day, they labored to a tidepool. Clouds splattered the sky, decorations without promise of rain. They couldn't see the mainland from their location, but could feel its bulk. Keron stopped, calf-deep in the ocean, and stared to the south. He remained there for some time.

"What is it?" Lerina asked eventually. He had forgotten she was there.

"The sea."

Perhaps she understood. In any case, she asked nothing more until he returned to the here and now.

She had to help him to squat. He bellowed as the salt water struck his thigh, but she shoved him down and proceeded to wet and scrub vigorously at his undamaged areas. The stinging gave way to the luxury of being cleaned. His thick scabs softened and tugged less vindictively.

He lived.

He knew Obo was only part of the reason. He let Lerina work for a few moments, gathering his thoughts.

"I owe you my life."

The cake of soap was a coarse concoction common to the region, and she handled it enthusiastically. She paused only a moment. "That's not true," she said.

"I'm serious. The spell could only…"

"I know what I did. But it wasn't a job, so you don't owe me anything."

She lifted one of his legs as he balanced on a submerged rock, and began meticulously washing his toes. "As a matter of fact, I would have been less likely to help you if I'd felt I had to. I don't like having to do what people tell me to."

Keron had to smile. "Still, if you hadn't helped me, I would have ended up like my companions in Eruth. I won't forget."

The memory troubled him, but she didn't allow him to dwell on it. Her hands worked with the skill of a masseuse, seducing his body to relax. It hardly startled him when she became intimate with the soap, or that she did it with the platonic disregard of a nurse.

"I take it that your sympathies lie with the royalists," he added, "or I'd be in a cell manacled to my sickbed, if not dead."

"My sympathies are with Cilendrodel. I don't care to be on either side of your war."

He coughed up a small amount of phlegm. "Still, if it becomes known that you aided me, that will serve as a declaration in itself."

"Then best it not become known," she said demurely.

She gingerly rubbed at the edges of the stitches on his thigh, more of an examination than a cleansing. "It's amazing. This was obviously infected yesterday." As she rinsed the soap off his waist, she added, "Do you always wear a belt under your pants?"

He clutched his hips suddenly, then reddened as he recalled seeing the belt in the cave. "I'm sorry. It feels odd to be without it."

"It seemed valuable."

"It is. A family heirloom. I try to keep it out of common sight. When did you take it off?"

"Yesterday. It seemed so cold, and you were shivering."

"Thank you."

She hurried through the rest of the cleaning, and helped him back to the beach. Then she soaped herself down in the shallows and waded out to dunk. She vanished, leaving swirls of foam, which she obliterated as she burst back up through them, spouting like a dolphin. She joined a swell as it gathered and died against the beach and walked the last short distance to him with rivulets dripping from her breasts, chin, elbows, and fingers.

It made him hungry to watch her.

"Let's eat," she said, as if reading his mind, and headed for the cave. She brought out the entire food basket.

Food, Keron thought. Yes, he remembered what that was.

She cut up a mosh, a staple of the Cilendri forest. Full of fluid and soft enough to chew with gums alone, it struck Keron's strained system lightly, a satisfactory choice for the transition between water and solid food. Lerina sliced each piece only the width of her small finger, almost so thin that the flesh folded over itself, and fed them to him one by one. It took a considerable amount of time to consume the single fruit.

"Enjoy it. It's the last of the fresh stuff," she warned.

"Am I complaining?" He smiled.

Twice she left her finger near his lips even after he had taken the slices.

Cold porridge followed the mosh, which they ate silently, enjoying the sun. As it grew warmer, they moved into the cave again, Keron preferring to crawl on his own power for the exercise. Walking made his head resent being up so high.

The cave still smelled of human perspiration, tempered by salt drafts. He noted bits of mica in the walls. Though humble, it seemed to him more secure than any number of luxurious accommodations in which he had found himself.

"Rest," Lerina commanded as he refused to lay back on his blanket.

"I have rested," he said. But to humor her, he put his head down and closed his eyes.

A moment later, he opened them, and felt the fog-breath of late afternoon.

He heard soft snores beside him. Lerina was curled in a little-girl bundle, oblivious to the world.

"My company's that boring, eh?" he murmured. She didn't respond.

Before long, he noticed his belt just beyond the end of their feet. He dragged himself stiffly in its direction, took it, and caressed it in his grip. It was an impressive piece – a strap of dragon hide embroidered in gold, the symbol of a dragon in flight set in rubies on the buckle. It still showed no wear, though he had worn it for years now, to say nothing of the others who must have owned it.

Without attempting to rouse Lerina, he crawled toward the opening, clutching the belt. In places, he could almost walk, bracing against a cave wall with his free hand to compensate for his thigh. The act provided a small bit of self-sufficiency he needed at that moment.

The sea rumbled a few steps away, beckoning, but he deliberately ignored it. Finally, he secured the belt around his waist.

The power came on him like fire, a fierce jolt unlike the sensation he had always known. He sweat and shook as if his fever had returned. But the strength was there. He stood up straight, the wound in his thigh only a nagging itch. He took a few firm steps, stooped, and tore a section of stone from the outcropping at his feet. He threw it as forcefully as he could, watching it arc and land at sea many hundred yards away, so distant the splash was hidden in the swells.

Satisfied, he removed the belt. The moment the buckle parted, Keron fell onto his good knee – the other leg had given way. It took him several moments to control the shuddering of his muscles and the agitated state of his lungs.

So she'd saved his life again. Ah, what a fool he was. Of course Obo wouldn't have been able to work his spell when the talisman sapped the energy for its own use. Keron stuck the belt between his teeth and crawled, somewhat meekly, back toward his sickbed.