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As soon as they were away, carrion birds began circling the bodies of the two dead men. Alemar looked back at one point. Lonal noticed the hesitation.

"Those who die in battle need no ceremony," he said. "God will care for them."


THE FOREST OFCILENDRODELstretched entirely across the northern edge of the Dragon Sea. The village of Eruth hid within the silent giants that made up the wood, buildings interspersed between the boles of the largest trees, the underbrush and smaller trunks removed to make way for the community. Even then the forest attempted to reclaim its own; many of the house yards were swamped in berry bushes and decorated with vines that sometimes concealed all but the windows and doors. The late hour had doused the lights of most of the houses, but lantern glow paraded out of the larger of the town's two taverns, full of belly laughs and the scent of rich woodland ale.

The main room contained heavy beams of wood set high and many rough-hewn tables and chairs. Approximately half were occupied by villagers wearing brightly colored clothing made of the durable quarn silk for which this part of Cilendrodel was famous. They took little notice of Keron as he entered, dressed as he was in an identical manner. Eruth was on the trade road and accustomed to newcomers. He strode to the bar, and the barkeeper recognized him.

"Hello, Ampet," Keron said.

If the man was surprised, he hid it. He gestured toward a door just to the side of the bar. "Wait in there. Have you eaten?"

"Not recently."

"I'll see that something is sent in. He'll be with you when we close – it shouldn't be very long."

Keron did as he was told. The room behind the bar was small, containing a table, four chairs, and a narrow bed. A rear door led to the compost pile, outhouse, and forest. A stairway from the inn on the second story ended just to the left. Even next to the building, the overhead foliage was thick, and stole the starlight.

Keron stood in the rear portal and whistled – a single, quick note. Soon the same note, sounded twice, came from somewhere in the nearby underbrush. Satisfied, Keron reentered and secured the door with a heavy bar.

The decor was wooden – extremely so. Except for a small carpet near the bed and the straw tick mattress, everything was hard and uninviting. A large cask of ale stood in one corner, and every wall contained shelves or racks of steins, bowls, and other utensils. Keron lifted the carpet and inspected the planks of the floor to be certain they were immobile.

A boy brought a slab of cold meat, vegetables, and a loaf of bread. The bread was stale, and the vegetables had simmered to the point of formlessness, but it hardly mattered. As soon as he was sure that the boy would not return, Keron disposed of the entire meal on the compost pile, leaving only enough scraps to make it seem as if he had eaten it. Then he drew a stein of ale and sipped tiny amounts to pass the time.

Presently the noise of the drinking room stilled. Not long after, an obese man wearing an evening suit embroidered with silver walked in, alone, and closed the door behind him. Their gazes met, the straightforward glances of men who have learned to lie.

"Good evening, Master Luo," Keron said.

"I've been expecting you, Captain."

"I'll wager you have."

"It was a fine trick, capturing the Dragon's frigate like that." He drew himself an ale and sat down across from his guest.

"One gets inspired when one's own ship is sinking out from beneath one's feet."


Keron leaned forward. "I don't like losing my ship, Luo."

"Is that an accusation?"

"Let's just say I'm suspicious that it happened so soon after we had last done business."

Luo cleared his throat. "I am the biggest silk producer in this province, and you Elandri royalists are my best customers. What motive would I have to betray you to the Dragon?"

"I haven't solved that one yet. Yet there was a betrayal."

"If you think I'm the one responsible, why are you here?"

"My people need silk. The last shipment is blanketing crabs and octopi off the reef." Keron stroked his close-cropped beard. "That's a problem. I can't let the smuggling be hamstrung, but I can't proceed blindly, either. We both know it was unlikely that the Worm's ship was there by coincidence. Either you or your men gave me away, or one of my own men has turned traitor."

Luo folded his hands firmly around his stein. "Agreed," he said presently. "But may I point out that I didn't know the drop point until that very night?"

"I've taken that into account."

"And what have you decided?"

Keron shrugged. "I've decided to buy some silk."

Luo sipped his ale, feigning disinterest. He cleared his throat. "I'm not sure I dare, Captain. If your security has been breached, my own is endangered."

Keron frowned. "How much to soothe your fears?"

Luo shrugged. "Sixty-six droels per bolt."

"That's expensive insurance."

"The Dragon's blockade is becoming tighter all the time. I would have had to ask for an increase soon anyway."

"Sixty-four droels."


Keron drew out a small pouch and poured several large pearls out on the table. Luo picked one up and examined it, a hungry look in his stare.

"Currency is a problem. These will have to do. I'm sure you'll be satisfied with the quality."

"These are amath, aren't they?" Luo said reverently.


"Sixty-four, then." With the blockade in force, amath pearls were hard to come by in Cilendrodel. The exchange rate improved almost weekly against oyster pearls and gold. Odds were Luo could realize a substantial gain simply by holding them for a short time. "But two more for the violet."


"You know we make violet dyes from wendruil root. We import that from the Syril Mountains. Either we pay the Dragon his new tariff or pay more for overland shipment."

"Very well. Can you have it ready by the fourth of Three Moons?"

Luo calculated absently with his fingertips. "Yes. The green and blue are still being dyed, but the timing should be no problem. I'll have the wagons ready."


Luo rose, as if well aware of the intimidation value of the movement of so much weight, and set his stein back on its perch. He clutched the pouch of jewels tightly in his palm. "I am sad that it came to this, Captain. Perhaps, if the Dragon allows it, we won't have such…strained times…in the future." He glanced toward the rear of the room. "You'll be leaving immediately, I trust."

"Yes. It's best."

"True. Good night, sir. Pleasant journey." Luo reached for the door back into the tavern.

"A moment," Keron called.


"The password isfaernak. "

Luo grunted. "Ah. Of course. May the rythni keep you well."

"Good night," Keron said.

As Keron listened to Luo's footsteps recede, the uneasiness that had possessed him ever since arriving at the tavern intensified. Luo was not a forgetful person. But the conversation had revealed nothing untoward. Keron stepped over to the outer door and whistled as he had before.

Two long heartbeats later, a double whistle came from just on the other side of the wall.

The signal was correct. Keron lifted the bar off its cradles and began to open the door. Only then did he remember that his men were supposed to remain in the forest, not next to the building.

Too late.

The door slammed inward, knocking him to the floor before he could let go of the bar. Three men surged inside. A heavy blue glint reflected off the steel in their hands.

Keron kicked, catching the first man in the groin, sending him crashing into the ceiling. A rafter cracked open the man's skull. The body, however, landed on Keron, thwarting his attempt to rise. The other two assassins closed in.