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Central Committee and 249

post-war reform (1946–8) and 132–4, 139

Stalin and 85–8, 89, 95–6

Popov, G. 139

popular discontent (early 60s) 184–90, 208–9

popular front 49–50

popular song 268

population 53, 62–5, 213, 313–6, 335–9 – see also census

Portes, A. 365n

Poskrebyshev, A. 88

Pospelov, P. N. 104–5, 238

postwar reconstruction 153–4

postwar reform (1946–8) 127–42, 350

prisons 161–72

prisoners’ rights 162

psychiatric 193–4, 254

private plots 184, 266, 320, 339, 362, 366, 367, 386

private sector 298 – see also shadow economy

privatization 369–70

privileges 228–232, 353–5, 368, 374

‘prophylaxis’ 191–4, 258, 260, 401–2

public health 214

purges 147, 323

1937–8 99–107, 245

see also Zhdanovism

Radek, Karl 49, 303

Rakovsky, Christian 24, 44–5, 77–8

Rashin, A. G. 62

Rathenau, Walter 298

Reagan, Ronald 237

Red Army 289–90, 293–4

religion 190

Revsky 139

Riazanov, David (Goldendakh) 306

riots 322

Rittersporn, Gabor 123n

Riutin, Ivan 77

Rodod, Boris 239–40

Rogovsky, N. 352–3

Romm, Mikhail 241–2

Rosenberg, H. 383

Rudenko, R. 185, 186

on ‘prophylaxis’ 192–4

rukovoditeli (office-holders) 59–60

ruling class 346

Russian Federation 20, 23–4

Russian Revolution

1905 292, 388

1917 278–309, 388–9

Ryfkina, R. 365

Saburov, M. 238

Sakharov, Andrei D. 195, 250, 256

Samuelson, Lennart 91

second economy – see shadow economy

Second International 276, 297

Second World War 314–5, 372, 376–7, 384, 389

secret police – see KGB

Secretariat 89, 133, 138, 139, 234, 249, 346

Selunskaya, V. M. 57n, 63n

Semichastny 182, 185–90, 256, 258, 322

Serbskii, V. P. 194n

Serov, General 155, 179, 180, 238

shadow economy 361–70

Sharansky, A. 195

Shchelokov, N. A. 265

Shcherbitsky, V. V. 259

Shelepm, A. N. 179, 182, 185, 259, 347

Shelley, Louise 362, 363

Shingarev, A. I. 281

Shkredov, V. P. 250

Sholokhov, Mikhail 93–5

show-trials 247

Siberia 205, 207, 210, 256, 337, 340, 366

Simonov, Konstantin 93

Sinyavsky, Andrei 197

Skliansky, Efraim 17

Slonim, M. 129

snaby-sbyty (supply and sale) 354–5, 359–60, 364, 368, 370


decreed by Stalin (1937) 61

democracy and 379

‘in one country’ 36–7

Russian Revolution and 295

socialist realism 49

Socialist Revolutionaries 278, 281, 282, 284, 286, 287

sociology 326–7

shadow economy and 366–8

soglasovyvanie (negotiation-coordination) 217–8

Sokolnikov, G. I. 21

Solomon, Peter 166, 170n

Solovev, A. 144, 376

Solzhenitsyn 195–8, 256

Khrushchev and 241

Soviet Writers’ Congress (1934) 49, 51

soviets 278–9, 283, 284, 284, 286, 288

sovnarkhozy (economic councils) 221–3

space race 385

stagnation 370–1, 374

Stalin, Joseph

Bolshevism and 14

concept of power 32–4

contradictory assessments of 12–3

culture and 90

death 154–6

destroys party democracy 37–8

executions 105

Lenin and 14–8, 145

methodology 92–7

transformation of Communist Party 75–7, 64–5

Stalinism 263, 319, 322–2

as cult 147–9

as despotism plus industrialization 146–7

as neo-Tsarism 145, 154

as systemic paranoia 82

contradictory assessments of 10–1

internal contradiction 143–4

Leninism and 300–1

Mikoyan and 245

misinterpreted 378–9, 384

naming of 10

need to reassess 4

origins of 290–1

see also Great Russian nationalism

Startseva, A. I. 176n

state capitalism 298–9, 306

Stavropol 340

steel 261, 296

stikhia (spontaneity) 203, 323

strikes 73–4, 321

Novocherkask (1962) 184–5

Strogovich, M. 252

Struchkov, N. A. 162n, 163n

students 257, 321, 327

suicide 78

Sverdlov, Jakov 249, 258, 259, 261–2, 302

‘swamp’ 262, 263

tekuchka – see labour, movement of

television 386

Terebilov, V. I. 174, 176n

Tereshchenko, M. I. 283

terror 77, 79, 81, 104–5, 131, 154, 239–40, 307, 321, 324

consequences 108, 109

numbers affected 124, 397–404 – see also NKVD

‘thaw’ 156

The Gulag Archipelago 196–7

Third International (1919) 297

Tikhonov, N. A. 232

Tikunov, V. S. 185

Timofeev, L. M. 361n, 369n

totalitarianism 273–4, 351, 376, 378–9

Trapeznikov, S. P. 265, 295

Trotsky, Leon 13, 16–7, 19, 26–7, 77, 131, 247, 294, 299, 308, 310, 343–4

as apostate 36

assessment of Russia in 1917 288

misjudges Stalin (1923) 27, 29

on market economy 359

on role of party 350

written out of history 34

Tsarism 274, 278, 280, 287, 294, 387

First World War and 292

see also neo-Tsarism

Tsvigun, Semen 257, 261–2

Tukhachevsky, Marshal 91–2

Turchin, V. F. 250

Tvardovsky, Alexander 195, 196–8, 241, 251

Ukraine 20, 24, 127, 141, 154, 180, 207, 221, 238, 336

Ulianova, Maria 28

Ulrikh, V. 112

upravlentsy (administrative cadres) 218

urbanization 60–5, 72, 202–3, 205, 211, 251, 311, 316, 317–9, 347, 373

bureaucracy and 343


coercion and 68–9

formation of 22–3, 27, 30

Ustinov, D. 233, 257

Vas’kina, L. I. 55n

velikoderzhavniki (chauvinism) 24–5, 26, 29, 36–7

Vernadsky, G. 376n

Victorov, V. A. 75–6

vodka 363

Voroshilov, Kalinin 13, 87, 91, 92–3, 156, 238

Bukharin and 98–9

Vorotnikov, V. I. 265–6

Voznesensky, N. A. 87, 96, 132

Vyshinsky, A. 110, 147

Warsaw 303

waste – see Anti-Waste Commission

West Germany – see Germany

White Sea Canal 115

Whites (monarchists) 278, 279–80, 285, 286, 287, 289, 294, 298

rehabilitated 387

Wiles, Peter 362

Wittfogel, Karl 146

Wolf, Markus 254–5

women 54, 64, 207, 212–3, 312, 314–6, 321, 337, 339, 341

working class 53–9, 321, 324–5

after 1917 304–5

World War I – see First World War

World War II – see Second World War

Woslenski, M. 228

Writers’ Congress (1934) 49, 51