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‘She took her force of yeomen back to Greeba, but then paid them off and dismissed the majority within a few days, retaining only about fifty for guard duty.’

‘Well, Lizzie’s made a big mistake there,’ the Spook said. ‘Those men had permanent jobs under the Ruling Council. They’ll be disgruntled now and could become a force that can be used against her.’

‘It’s no mistake,’ said Alice, shaking her head. ‘I know Lizzie better than anyone, and that’s the scariest thing I’ve heard so far. She had lots of money; and even if she’d emptied that chest, she could have raised taxes if she needed some more. Ain’t bothered then, is she? Don’t need ’em. That’s how powerful she is now.’

The Spook didn’t reply but his expression showed that Alice’s words had disturbed him.

‘Since then some of those guards have deserted, terrified by the things that were happening in the keep,’ Adriana continued. ‘They heard voices when there was nobody there, and footsteps following them that stopped when they stopped, and strange shadows that could only be seen out of the corners of their eyes. Nowhere inside the keep was free of them. It was worse after dark, but these things could be heard and felt even in daylight. There were spots of intense cold too…’

I knew that was bad. The Spook and I, being seventh sons of seventh sons, feel a strange coldness when something from the dark is near; other people are not usually aware of it. If those men were aware of intense cold, then very powerful dark magic was involved.

‘By now the witch has probably no more than a dozen men with her – ones more scared of leaving than staying,’ Adriana went on. ‘She made threats – said that anyone else who left without her permission would die in their sleep, and sure enough, two were found dead… So what are we going to do now?’ she asked. ‘Lizzie’s got to be stopped.’

‘I’ve been racking my brains to come up with a plan,’ said the Spook. ‘With the reduced guard it’ll be easier to get near her, but what can we do in the face of such power? The first time I couldn’t even cast my chain true, and at St John’s she brought me to my knees. I was helpless.’ I’d never heard my master sound so hopeless, so defeated.

‘But it’s my duty to put an end to her’ – the Spook sighed – ‘and I’ll do that even at the cost of my own life.’

‘We need to distract her,’ said Alice. ‘Get the shaman’s thumb-bones away from her and she’ll be a lot easier to deal with.’

‘Horn said they were a conduit for her to tap that stored power. But that was then. By now, she may have direct access to it,’ the Spook pointed out. ‘She may not need them any longer.’

‘We have to do something,’ I said. ‘Distraction is a good idea. We should split up and come at her from different directions. It’s worth a try.’

‘Different directions?’ asked the Spook, draining his cup of mead. ‘We’ve only two. There’s the main gate or the buggane’s tunnels. The first will still be guarded. As for the second, the buggane will surely be Lizzie’s creature by now. I for one don’t relish the idea of confronting it down there. It doesn’t even need to attack directly. It could just collapse a tunnel and suffocate us.’ We were all tired and went to bed very early without having come up with a proper plan. I’d only just dropped off to sleep when I jerked awake, aware that someone was standing beside me. I sat up and someone whispered, ‘Shhhh! It’s all right, Tom. It’s just me, Alice…’

‘Something wrong?’ I asked.

Her hand found mine in the darkness. ‘Just wanted to talk, that’s all. Old Gregory ain’t going to do anything. Losing his house and books, and now failing twice to deal with Lizzie – it’s just about finished him off. He’s past it, Tom. He’s scared. I think you and me should sort her out. We’d be better off without him.’

I suddenly felt as cold as ice. ‘Don’t talk like that, Alice. He’s been through a bad patch, that’s all. He’ll recover and be back stronger than ever – just you wait and see!’

‘No, Tom. You got to face it: he’s finished. Still be able to teach you, he will, but it’ll be you doing the real work, the dangerous work, from now on.’

‘What are we supposed to do? None of us can think of a way to deal with Lizzie – it’s not just Mr Gregory.’

‘I can, Tom. I know a way. But Old Gregory wouldn’t approve. He’d never go along with it.’

‘Does it involve using dark magic?’ I asked.

Alice squeezed my hand again. ‘Not actually using it, Tom – just knowing how to counter it. Old Gregory wouldn’t understand. That’s why Adriana put something in his drink. He’ll sleep until long after dawn. We could be back by then – with it all done and dusted.’

‘You’ve put something in his drink? That’s crazy! What will he say when he finds out? I can’t do it, Alice. He would never forgive me.’

‘You’ve got to come and help – otherwise Adriana will try to deal with Lizzie by herself. She told me so. Without us she’ll be dead or fed to the buggane in no time. She’s already set off for the keep with Simon – she’ll attack Lizzie whether we join her or not. Ain’t going to risk the buggane’s tunnels. Going in through the front gate, we are. Adriana can get us in!’

‘How can we get past the guards? There’ll still be several men inside that keep and the portcullis will be down.’

‘There’ll only be about half a dozen, that’s alclass="underline" they change over at eleven. None of ’em want to stay in there at night, so they take turns. Lizzie’s agreed to that. We’ll strike as the guard changes.’

‘How will Adriana help?’ I asked.

‘Remember she said she was a bird witch? Thought it was nonsense then. Well, I still don’t think she’s a witch. Nobody would think so in Pendle. But you wouldn’t believe what she can do with birds. She’s going to use them to distract the guards. Just you wait and see.’

‘There’s one big problem though. We know that Lizzie won’t be able to long-sniff me or you. She won’t know we’re on our way. But she’ll sniff out Adriana and Simon for sure. She’ll sense the danger before they get anywhere near the portcullis.’

‘Talked to her about that too. If we go in and tackle Lizzie, she and Simon will stay outside. If we don’t, they’re both going in together – Adriana is set on taking revenge on Lizzie.’ Alice shook her head and sighed. ‘But she’s no good against her, Tom, so we have to go. It’s our one chance.’

‘But when we get inside, what exactly will we do?’ I asked.

‘I’ve been thinking about that. We’ll need to make for that room where the shaman kept his books. I’ve spent a long time trying to make head or tail of his notebook – can’t understand a lot of what’s in it, but it refers to pages in the grimoires. If you know where to look, there’ll be stuff on controlling the buggane. Even mentions that cache of animas. Tells you how to use its power.’

‘Will you be able to read those grimoires? They’ll probably be in the Old Tongue. You know I’ve been studying it for months now and I’m making slow progress.’

‘I practised it for nearly two years. Lizzie had a small library – most of her stuff was in English, some in Latin, but the most powerful spells of all were in the Old Tongue. I’m still slow, but I can work it out given time. It’s worth a try, Tom. What do you say?’

So, very reluctantly, I agreed to accompany Alice. I said goodbye to the dogs and managed to keep them quiet. The Spook was still snoring loudly. I dreaded to think what he’d say when he found out. But under the circumstances, what choice did I have?

It was a cloudless night; the moon wasn’t up yet but the stars were very bright. We were walking through the trees, approaching the keep, when I heard an owl hoot three times somewhere ahead.