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As Horn and I walked down the carpet towards her, I readied my chain, wondering if I’d have the strength to bind her this time. But before I could attack, Lizzie sprang to her feet and glared at Horn. She looked wild, close to insanity, and a mixture of blood and saliva dribbled from her mouth to ooze into the slime on her chin.

‘You’ve crossed my path once too often. You were meant to die a slow and painful death, but now you’ll die fast!’ she cried, raising her left hand, palm towards Horn, fingers spread wide. Then she closed her hand into a fist as if crushing something within it, while muttering an enchantment in the Old Tongue.

The abhuman screamed and buried his face in his hands. To my horror, I watched his head begin to crumple and collapse in on itself, rupturing and sending out gouts of blood. Horn dropped to the ground at my side like a sack of stones, his shrill, agonized scream giving way to a final gasp and then silence. His head was reduced to a bloody pulp.

I struggled to hold down the contents of my stomach and my knees began to tremble.

‘Now, where’s that daughter of mine?’ Lizzie demanded, a scowl furrowing her brow.

I found it hard to believe that she hadn’t found Alice. Where could she be? I took a deep breath to calm myself and shrugged. ‘I don’t know. I’m here to look for her,’ I said.

Lizzie pulled a sharp knife from the folds of her gown. ‘The buggane will have to manage without this time,’ she said. ‘I’ve had enough trouble from you so I’ll take your bones now. Come here!’

Against my will, I found myself moving towards her. I tried to draw the silver chain from the pocket of my cloak, but my arm was paralysed! I began to sweat and shake with fear. I took a deep breath to calm myself, but my legs were no longer under my control. I took another step, and then another, until I was so close to the witch I could feel her foul breath warm upon my face and I almost retched again.

Lizzie seized my left hand with her right and lifted it before me. ‘Take a last look at that thumb, boy. It’ll be boiling and bubbling in my cauldron soon!’

Was this it? Was I to die here after all I’d been through?

With her left hand the witch brought the knife down towards my thumb. I tried to break free of her grip but was powerless. I flinched, expecting to feel an agonizing pain. But the blade failed to make contact with my skin. Instead the torches flickered and died down, and a shimmer of light appeared. Suddenly, to my utter astonishment, Alice was standing there, in front of me, holding one of the shaman’s grimoires.

All at once I noticed that tell-tale shimmer of an apparition – it wasn’t Alice in the flesh; it was her spirit. She’d projected it here from somewhere else. I was filled with sudden hope. Was this a result of her study of the shaman’s books?

‘If you hurt Tom, you’ll never get your hands on this!’ Alice warned, her image flickering. ‘I took Barrule’s notebook and studied it. I learned that the really useful stuff is in this grimoire here!’

‘Might have known you were up to something, girl,’ Lizzie snarled.

‘Tells you in here how to tap the power of the cache directly, but he wrote it down in code. You’ve got to take bits from lots of different pages and link the spells together,’ Alice said. ‘Without this book and my knowledge you’ll never know what to do. You’d study for years and get nowhere. Ain’t that so?’

Lizzie’s face twisted with anger but she didn’t reply.

‘If you want this book and what I know, come and get it. I’m down in the long room where Lord Barrule and his gambling cronies used to have their fun and games. Bring Tom with you, but don’t you dare hurt a hair on his head or you’ll never get your mucky hands on this.’ Alice raised the book towards her mother.

She vanished and the torches flared up again.

Lizzie turned to me. ‘Looks like you’ll live a little longer, boy! At least until I get my hands on that book…’ Keeping a tight grip on my arm and holding her knife at the ready, Lizzie dragged me down the steps of the keep, through the guardroom and along the underground passages. As we passed the cells, I noticed that all the doors were now shut, as if they contained prisoners.

The long room was almost in darkness – just a couple of torches were flickering in their rusty wall brackets. Lord Barrule still lay there on the stone floor, and the place reeked more strongly of death than ever.

Alice appeared, walking out of the shadows to face Lizzie. She was carrying the grimoire in her left hand and my staff in her right.

‘Let Tom go and then I’ll tell you what I know and give you the book,’ she said calmly, the corners of her mouth twitching up into a grin.

Lizzie pushed me roughly towards Alice. ‘Give me the book and start talking! Make it fast. My patience is stretched to breaking point!’ she snapped.

‘You’re welcome to the book,’ Alice said, and she tossed it towards her.

Lizzie reached out to catch it, but before her fingers closed on it, with a loud whoosh, it burst into flames. The witch flinched away and it fell at her feet, the pages curling and blackening.

Her expression was now black as thunder but Alice was smiling, a look of triumph on her face. The witch arched her back, pointed her finger straight at her daughter and muttered some words in the Old Tongue. For a moment I was horribly afraid for Alice, but nothing happened and her smile grew even wider.

‘Used the cache to protect myself,’ she said to Lizzie. ‘You can’t hurt me, and now Tom’s at my side you can’t hurt him either! But I can hurt you. Push me and I can hurt you really badly. If you weren’t my mother, I’d kill you now! But you’re going to do as you’re told and do it right away. Give me the shaman’s thumb-bones! Hand’em over now!’

Lizzie began to shake, and beads of sweat broke out on her forehead. Her face was twisted with the effort of trying to resist Alice’s command but she wasn’t strong enough. I remembered how she had controlled us, but now things were reversed. Now she was forced to do Alice’s bidding, reaching into the pocket of her dress and pulling out the bones that she’d cut from the dead body of Lord Barrule. They were white now, clean bones, the flesh boiled off as part of the ritual to tap into their full power.

Alice held out her hand to receive them, and once more Lizzie tried to resist, her whole body shaking with the effort, but then, with a gasp, she finally let them fall into Alice’s palm.

That done, with a shriek, the witch ran towards the underground tunnel and scrambled inside.

‘We must go after her, Alice,’ I said, heading for the mouth of the tunnel. ‘We can’t let her escape. It’s my duty to bind her.’

Alice shook her head. ‘Sorry I let her go, Tom. Could have killed her then but despite what I said, I wasn’t hard enough to do it. She’s my mother after all. What kind of girl would kill her own mother…?

‘It ain’t safe to follow her through the tunnels now. Even though I was stronger just then, Lizzie still controls the buggane. She’ll be able to find a way to the surface but she can’t return to the keep. Locked all the cell doors, I have, just to make sure she don’t try to double back. I’ll lock the door to this room too,’ she said, holding up a key.

‘Then we should head to where we left Adriana and Simon and try to cut her off!’

Alice nodded but her eyes were fearful.

‘What’s wrong?’ I asked her.

‘The further we get from Greeba Keep, the less I’ll be able to draw on the power of the cache. After a few miles it’d just be me against Lizzie, and she’s bound to be stronger.’

‘All the more reason to deal with her before she gets too far away,’ I said.

We hurried out of the keep; it was deserted and we headed directly for Adriana and Simon. They were still waiting at the edge of the trees, so we quickly explained what had happened and made our way towards the chapel, watching closely to see if Lizzie emerged.