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“Nothing,” said Jim. “We’ve done nothing wrong, Professor, we’ve stuck to our side of the deal, as you are no doubt well aware.”

“I can find no fault in your behaviour, Jim.”

“So what was it?” Omally demanded. “And don’t give us ‘performing monkey’.”

Professor Slocombe placed his thumbs and forefingers together and pressed the former to his brow. “It would appear to be witchcraft as you surmised. Those that choose to practise the dread art forever risk the consequences.”

“But I understood that this particular bunch were ‘white’.”

“The dividing line has a tendency to waver. Do you recall any of the words of their incantation?”

John scratched his curly head. “Adonai,” said he, “and tetra-something, gramaphone, I think.”

“Grammaton,” said Professor Slocombe. “Tetragrammaton. The four syllables that represent the unknowable and unpronounceable name of the Judaic god. The most powerful of all names of power. These children were, as you say, ‘white’.”

“So what attacked them?” Omally’s voice was scarcely to be heard. “And killed them?”

“They were attempting to raise a cone of power, of protection, if you like. But to do so one must be well versed and well protected psychically. Such is the product of years of training. These youths had not the wherewithal to protect themselves. The man that dares consult the dead expects in return to hear the truth. He that would conjure with the gods dares amply enough by any reckoning, he needs must seek protection.”

“From what?”

“From primal forces, elementals, old evil that can be conjured but rarely contained. That which is sought is not, by experience, always that which is found.”

“It was the griffin,” said Jim, “the Brentford Griffin, they found.”

“In as many words, yes, it was. Whether the griffin exists in flesh and blood reality is debatable, but in occult terms, in folk memory, in the subjective, the common consciousness, the imagination which is at the heart of all magic, then yes. It was called into objective existence. It is primal, uncontrollable.” The Professor rose suddenly to his feet. “And in all probability it is still out there.”

“O misery,” said Jim burying his head.

“We must get over to the island at once,” said Professor Slocombe.

“You speak for yourself.” Pooley sought invisibility behind his glass.


The island was ablaze with lights. Several River Police launches were moored along the Brentford side, beacons flashing. Teams of constables and officers moved to and fro with torches and flares.

The Professor, accompanied by two most dissenting dissenters, arrived in the scholar’s skiff. Here they were greeted by Inspectre Hovis, who helped the old gentleman from the boat and wrung his hand. “Professor,” he said, “I alerted the force at once. I fear this is a bad business.”

Professor Slocombe greeted the policeman as an old friend, which didn’t surprise Pooley or Omally in the least, as John secured the Professor’s slim craft to the branch of a tree. “I am a little miffed that you did not contact me upon your arrival to the borough, Sherringford.”

Sherringford? thought Pooley.

“Professional pride,” the detective explained. “I had of course the wish to renew our acquaintanceship, but under happier circumstances than those I find myself in at the present.”

“You are here upon a case then?”

“The most important of my career. Such vexations as this I frankly have no need of.”

“So what have you found?” Professor Slocombe strolled off up the beach, arm in arm with the detective, and their conversation went beyond Pooley and Omally.

“I might say that there was safety in numbers,” John patted his pockets in search of tobacco. “But to be surrounded by such a force of the English Garda frankly affords me anything but security.”

There was at least an ounce of optimism left in Jim, so he said, “Look on the bright side, the Professor spoke the truth, we are guilty of no crime.”

John shook his head doubtfully. “I do not share your blind faith, Jim, give us a roll-up, will you?” Jim passed Omally his tin, John rolled a fat fag. “I suppose we’d better follow,” said he, pocketing Jim’s tin. Without any great enthusiasm the two men followed in the Professor’s wake, Omally humping a heavy calfskin case that the elder had packed specially for the occasion.

Near the grove they halted. The place was now floodlit and thick with the fuzz. Characters in white coats took measurements and photographs. Constables stared blankly, shared illicit cigarettes and spoke in Neanderthal tones.

Inspectre Hovis led the Professor to the centre of the grove. “I can surmise to a reasonable degree of exactitude what events occurred, though there are of course certain grey areas.”

“Then what do you have?”

“I have a dance of some sort and by the evidence of the discarded clothing, a naked dance.”

“How many?”

“Five, two men and three women, young and energetic. There has been an attack of some kind, there is blood, but no bodies.”

“I see. Have any of your officers observed anything strange in the vicinity?”

“Such as?”

“Then no matter. What do you suppose attacked these people?”

“That is one of the grey areas, Professor, whatever it was came down from above, there are …” Hovis hesitated.

“There are …” prompted the Professor.

“There are other footprints, very large, not human. I am having casts made.”

“I would appreciate a set, if possible. I am currently following a line of research which might lead to interesting conclusions.”

Hovis stroked his chin. “If you are prepared to confide your findings then, certainly, this is all a bit out of my line.”

“You have my word on it. Now I would ask you a very great favour. Request that your men make haste with their operations and vacate the island as quickly as possible.”

“You ask the impossible, Professor.”

“Sherringford, I would most strongly recommend you to do as I say.”

Hovis stared long and hard at the ancient scholar, sufficiently long in fact for Professor Slocombe to implant the concept of “immediate withdrawal for the sake of safety” firmly in his mind.

“We will withdraw immediately,” said Sherringford Hovis. “I will speak to you later this morning, an answer or two in return would be greatly appreciated.”

“Then so be it.” Hovis pressed his hand into that of Professor Slocombe’s, the handshake was unconventional but significant.

John and Jim were sharing the remains of the hip flask and a single fag. They watched in no small wonder as at the Professor’s request the lads of the force withdrew from the island, mounted up their launches and motored away into the darkness.

“Such power,” said John respectfully, “and he wastes it upon honest dealings.”

“I heard that,” said Professor Slocombe. “The case, John, if you please.”

Pooley peered around at the now all but deserted island. “Professor,” said he, “I was thinking to have a go at your rose-bed first thing, an immediate sojourn to my own might prove favourable.”

“The tide is up, Jim, you’d best stay.”

“But my work! Late nights do not agree with me.”

“You are excused duties for tomorrow. John, the case.”

Omally hefted the case. “Where do you want it ?” he asked.

“Here, where the fire has been.”

“All aboard,” said John Omally.

“Kindly lay out the contents.”

Omally applied himself to the locks but they would not budge.

“My apologies.” The Professor made a profound movement with his fingers above the case. The catches sprang.